Bluko Took's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Grand Lodge

Ascalaphus wrote:

You never get Favored Enemy. You just use the table for Favored Enemy types as the list of types from which to select a creature type. When using your Slayer Studied Target ability on a creature of that type, you double the damage bonus.

So yeah, +1 extra damage at level 1 if the feat applies, +2 at level 5 etcetera.

thank you

Grand Lodge

Prerequisite: Studied target class feature.

Benefit: Select a creature type from the Ranger Favored Enemies table (Core Rulebook 64). When you designate a creature of this type as your studied target and hit it with a melee or ranged weapon attack, your favored target bonus on damage rolls against it is doubled. ( this IS the erattaed words)

1. the favored target damage is this talking about the damage from the ranger favored enemy boost or is it talking about the studied target ability I/E if a level 1 slayer takes it he gets +2 damage from this feat (1X2 =2)

Grand Lodge

thank you I kinda hope an faq does show up for the prestiege classes that show up in advanced class origns

Grand Lodge

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In Advanced class origins it recommends the bloodrager for the dragon disciple prestige class. the question I ask and hope this maybe is added into an erratta do I swap the sorcerer phrases for bloodrager when determining my blood of dragons and bloodline feats for society play? given how the prestiege class was made before the hybrid class came to be?