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Hi all,
I've been DM'ing a homegrown Greyhawk campaign for several years w/ a consistent group. We are wrapping up and will likely be starting the STAP soon, only this time I will join as a player and one of our current players is going to DM.
Okay, big adjustment for me, so I need help. Also, after @ 20 years of playing off and on, I have really never played a straight wizard - ever. However, since our party shapes up as follows, at least from early inclincations, I will likely have a Wizard to fill the gaps (I think we're gonna need an arcane spellcaster, at least at some point), here's the party:
-Swashbuckler - probably human
- Cleric - race unknown
- Rogue/Assassin type - race unknown
- My character.
My goal, and why I need help, I don't really want to go any variants from books other than the PHB, and I don't want a sorcerer, although I may multi-class as rogue or something at some point, mostly for survivability, and if she gets whacked at some point, I may move towards Blood Magus. Concept-wise, I'm thinking female Evoker, inspired by the cover of the Dungeon # 144, from Sasserine, sponsored by whichever family is listed as being generous to a fault in the Player's Guide to the Academy, with a serious dislike for highborn, elitist mages, especially Necromancers and Enchanters (her prohibited schools). Since I think we are starting at 1st level, I need HELP w/ build, advice etc.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
I'm seeking some feedback from anyone willing to chime in - as I'm plotting the next step in a long running and slow moving campaign I've been DMing for about 2.5 years, PC's just at 9th level (yep, real life has really interuppted our gaming).
I've been running a Greyhawk campaign, party met as Merc's in Perrenland, each w/ an agenda. I was using your basic, loosely conceived "Iuz is big and bad" plot line, now, inspired by the very good AP's I've been reading (AOW and ST so far), I need to pick up my game.
Quick synopsis:
Started w/ Iuz seeking to influence Perrenland elections by fomenting unrest in Sepia uplands. PC's uncovered this, thwarted the plans and reclaimed ancient Dwarven stronghold of one of my PC's ancestors (major adaptation of the Forge of Fury published module, maps worked good though).
They've since liberated Schwungelstadt, free border town, but heavily Perrendish, and are currently in the Vesve, hoping to survive a siege, Alamo (or Helm's Deep) style deep in the woods.
My problem: where to go from here. We started and I was just happy to have a gaming group. They are now becoming "significant" nearing that plateau (call me 1st edition old school if you will) of 10th level.
So here are my thoughts, again inspired by the AP's I've been reading.
Iggwilv, not Iuz, is their big nemesis, they just don't know it.
Iggy is seeking to ascend, similar, but stronger, than Iuz did. One of my PC's is a half-fiend, descended from Graz'zt. Iggy is advising and manipulating Iuz to mess w/ Perrenland. Her goal is to distract, rekindle, deep in a hidden chamber in the lost caverns, a ritual, using my PC, Grazz'zt (w/ PC and plot twists as bait) and Iuz, to get there, and she will complete a Soul Husks ritual similar to what Iuz did (where do you think he learned it? He was not as smart as momma, she was just imprisoned in the Abyss at the time). This is my proposed "endgame" for the campaign.
Backing it out from here, right now, they think Iuz is the target, w/ the one PC very interested in Graz'zt as well. Grazz'zt knows something is up, and will secretly, through a minion, contacting the PC to try to monitor and thwart Iggwilv, Iuz just wantst to hold/regain the Flaenaess and is mostly a smart, tough pawn of his parents in this game, although maybe not.....
A couple interim ideas before endgame
1 - Iuz's revenge - since they've thwarted him, they must pay.
2 - Iggy's distraction - reawaken an ancient, imprisoned minion of Zuggtomoy (Ruka-whatever) in Sepia to distract Perrenders away from Lost Caverns.
3 - Experimental Soul Husk - manipulated by Iggy, PC's must find and do something w/ one of Iuz's first attempts at Soul Husks (makes sense that he would practice first!) - thus getting Iuz's and Grazz'zt's attention to bait Iggy's trap
4 - which leads all of our players to the Lost Caverns for the end game. Will PC's ally w/ Grazz'zt (one PC's daddy), Iuz, both or neither? Will Iggwilve siphon off one or both and ascend......
Sorry for length, any thoughts are appreciated.....
Hi all,
Looking for some suggestions from this august group. Background (confusing, bear with me): I've got a PC with 2 levels of Half-fiend, 3 levels in sorceror and 3 levels in tainted spell caster. Basically, he was "created" to be sacrificed for a cult to gain power via spilling his demonic blood, but, he was rescued as an infant. Via a ritual, the "demon side" was harnessed for a time, but started to manifest as he got older (and leveled up). This is the short version. It's way more complicated, but basically it's time to set up "the confrontation" where the two sides of his personality must be resolved.
The plan:
Via a ritual enacted by a high ranking cleric, he, and any members of his party will be transported to a "spiritual battleground/holding area/demi-plane" where he can confront essentially himself and resolve his future.
The trick:
Since the battle ground is basically within his soul, physical prowess on the material plane means nothing. I want to turn the mechanics upside down on this one. My thought: AC is based upon 10+Wis bonus. Attacks are d20 + Wis bonus to hit, 1-4 + Cha Bonus (force of personality) for damage. Htps will range from 1-4/HD for fighters and rogues (i.e. less "spiritual" characters) to 1d10 or 1d12 for Clerics/Paladins "more spiritual". Only magic items that will alter need to have some "soul power" to be relevant, for instance, my dwarven warrior will be in for a major shock, however, his Dwarven Waraxe is a family heirloom and was his Grandpappys (yep, weapon of legacy, but he doesn't know this yet) so it will do some damage still.
Trick part deux:
Since the battleground is essentially a demiplane created to hold part of his soul, he is basically fighting himself. The demonside will be allied with Hate, Greed, Envy, Jealousy, Rage, etc. on his side. I'm thinking as/if these start being defeated, he will get weaker, as these are still part of him. The trick will be to realize what is happening and either summon his better traits (Love, Generosity, Humility, etc) OR to subdue and assimilate, maybe via grapple or something the parts of his whole.
If he loses, he gains two levels of half-fiend and becomes evil NPC in all likelihood.
Okay, thoughts, critique, etc?
Who knows where I can find source material, PDF, written or whatever, whatever edition, on Iggwilv? I've picked up the latest Dragons on the subject and I downloaded the lost caverns, but is there a module RE: Tenser or the Circle of 8 that provides any details on the nasty old crone of Greyhawk?
I know, I'm being lazy and could search, but I am SURE that there is somebody on this board who knows, has it, and probably could give me the page number and stats from memory, so I prevail upon your generosity.
Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know an "official" resource (Dragon back issue, etc) that might reference customizing Clerics by diety?
The first re-birth of Greyhawk, 2nd ed, I think, tried this, with some unique spells by diety, less turnign for other options, etc. I continue this in my campaign, trading feats, such as heavy armor proficiency (which makes no sense to me for a cleric of say, Olidammara) for expanded skills lists and points. I'm looking for a resource to compare to so I don't imbalance in favor of an already good class.
Does anyone have a good source for looking up Prestige Classes online? I have access to all of the core Prestige classes, but I'm looking for a couple from the Supplements and Magazines, specifically Inquisitor (have a cleric of Trithereon in Greyhawk Campaign that I may want to modify), and Invisible Blade (two dagger wielding rogue).
I get irritated needing to buy an entire supplement for one prestige class, but can't find another source.
Thanks in advance.
I'm running a GH campaign right now and taking the group back into a town they've been to before (major modification of Brindinford from a Wizards mod, basically using the Map only). Having to many irritating adult responsibilities, I don't create all my own stuff, but modify it heavily and I'm looking for resources, from Dungeon, Dragon or anywhere, PDF's etc. folks have liked as small city/large town resources.
Any feedback appreciated.
The basic scenario is that the party has had to escape the town once already, they accomplished some other objectives and their main villain, a wily succubus, has fled back to the town.
They need to get in and deal w/ the villain w/o killing an entire town. So far, I've got a possessed and tough captain of the guard, the succubus, a possessed cleric and an assassin, as well as the watch and some underlings for them to deal with, but I'm looking for some options to expand and kick around.
Thanks in advance.
I've always liked the Greyhawk setting and, after a hiatus of about ten years from gaming where I basically fleshed out world history and made a billion NPC's, have been running a campaign for a couple of years.
Somewhere during that hiatus, before third addition, 2nd addition Greyhawk stuff modified clerics in Greyhawk (Greyhawk Adventures maybe?). Now in 3rd and 3.5 they seem to be platemail wearing medics again.
Has anyone taken a shot at modifying clerics based on their main diety?
I've been working on it for clerics of Ehlonna and Trithereon and seem to be coming up w/ some themes. For instance, Clerics of some dieties, like Ehlonna, Olidamarra and some others, should not be proficient w/ Heavy Armor, but should have an expanded skill list and slightly higher skill point accrual.
This just makes more sense to me. Thoughts?