About Bloody LauraSummary
Name: "Bloody" Laura
Ability Scores: Str 17 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 8 (-1) Init: +4 AC: 18, touch 12, flat 16 (armor +6, DEX +2)
Move: 20' (medium armor)
Special: +2 CMB to start or maintain a grapple (from familiar), +2 grapple (Improved Grapple) Racial (Human) Traits: Bonus Feat, Skilled; favored class bonus (fighter): +3 hp Traits: Accelerated Drinker (drink readied potions as move action), Adopted (Elf), Enduring Stoicism (+2 saves vs fear/emotion, +1 Intimidate), Warrior of Old* (+2 initiative) Feats: Aberrant Tumor (1st), Alertness* (familiar), Combat Stamina* (Fighter), Power Attack* (Human); Improved Unarmed Strike* (Brawler 1); Improved Grapple* (Brawler 2) Stamina: 5 (BAB+CON) Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (local), Perception, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device Skills: Acrobatics 1+5, Climb 1+6, Heal 3+2, Intimidate 1+2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1+3, Knowledge (religion) 1+0, Lore (food and drink) 3+3 (background skill), Lore (Ustalav cultists) 3+3 (background skill), Perception 3+5* (+2 familiar), Sense Motive 1+5* (+2 familiar), Stealth 1+2, Survival 1+5, Use Magic Device 1+2 ACP: -5 Languages: Common Brawler (Ulfen Beast-Wrestler) Abilities: brawler's cunning, martial flexibility (move action, half level + 3/day), martial training, unarmed strike (1d6); brawler's flurry (Two-Weapon Fighting); beast training (aberration +2) Fighter (Eldritch Guardian/Mutation Warrior) Abilities: familiar; share training, steel will (+1); mutagen Sorcerer (Eldritch Scrapper) VMC Abilities: bloodline (Aberrant); bloodline power (Martial Flexibility: move action, half level + 3/day) Equipment: acid flasks 1/2 (20 gp), armor spikes (50 gp), backpack (2 gp), belt pouch (1 gp), canteen (2 gp), chainmail (150 gp), crowbar (2 gp), greataxe (20 gp), greater talisman of beneficial winds, lesser talisman of healing power, lesser talisman of warrior's courage, peasant's outfit (free), potion of enlarge person (50 gp), rope (100', 2 gp), sling (free), sling bullets x10 (1 gp) Familiar:
Laura's familiar still lives inside her belly, as it grows stronger. It appears to be a creature with crab legs and the head of a human infant.
Mauler Tumor (king crab) 6
Size: Tiny (+2 attack/AC, -2 CMB/CMD)
AC: 21, touch 14, flat 19 (+7 natural armor, +2 Dex, +2 size)
Move: 30', 20' swim
Class/Race Abilities: Alertness, Bond Forged in Blood (cannot speak; when master drops enemy with HD >= half her level, +2 morale bonus on attack/damage 1 round for both), Constrict (1d2-1), Darkvision (60'), Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Mauler Skills (Intimidate is class skill), Share Spells, Water Dependency; battle form (+6 Str/-2 Dex, increase size x2: 3/day) Battle Form: 3/3 Feats: Toughness; Combat Stamina*, Improved Grapple*, Improved Unarmed Strike*, Power Attack*, Two-Weapon Fighting* (when it can see and hear master) Stamina: 4 (BAB+CON) Skills: Acrobatics 1+5, Climb 1+5, Heal 3+0, Intimidate 1-1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1-2, Knowledge (religion) 1-2, Lore (food and drink) 3-2, Lore (Ustalav cultists) 3-2, Perception 3+7, Sense Motive 1+0, Stealth 1+13, Survival 1+3, Swim +14, Use Magic Device 1-4 Familiar, Battle Form:
When Laura's familiar emerges from her, it grows horrifyingly to the size of a person. It appears as a foul-smelling aberration of a wide-eyed human baby's head, torso, and arms that end in enormous pincers instead of hands. It runs on eight large black skittering crab's legs.
Mauler Tumor (king crab) 6 (Battle Form)
Size: Medium
AC: 18, touch 11, flat 17 (+7 natural armor, +1 Dex) Saves: Fort +4 (3 + CON) / Ref +4* (3 + DEX; improved evasion) / Will +1 (1 + WIS) Move: 30', 20' swim
Skills: Acrobatics 1+4, Climb 1+5, Heal 3+0, Intimidate 1-1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1-2, Knowledge (religion) 1-2, Lore (food and drink) 3-2, Lore (Ustalav cultists) 3-2, Perception 3+7, Sense Motive 1+0, Stealth 1+4, Survival 1+3, Swim +13, Use Magic Device 1-4 Background:
Laura doesn't recall anything more than flashes of blood and pain from before she awoke in the asylum, but she has an enormous scar on her abdomen as if she had been cut open at some time in the past. Also, her belly is distended, as if she were pregnant, and she feels like something is living inside of her. This should be terrifying, but for some reason she feels tranquil. Her body is comfortably numb.
She remembers fighting a lot for food on the streets of whatever town it was she grew up in, usually with other children that were bigger and stronger than her. It was cold there. She learned how to use her body as a weapon, to pinch and punch with fingers, elbows, and knees. When she got hold of something, she had to consume it quickly before the others ganged up on her and took it away. She remembers drinking a tiny bottle of alcohol that she had found once while surrounded by... not children, things. Things that looked very alien to her, with lots of legs. The liquid burned as it went down, but she passed out anyway. Her body isn't as agile as it used to be. That probably has something to do with her enormous stomach, it slows her down and makes it harder for her to maneuver. She had a dream once where something crawled out of her and then back in again, a many-limbed lump of flesh that she felt was a part of her, like a child or a pet. She should probably feel something about that. Description:
About 5'8", Laura has long red hair that hangs in front of her eyes and her large forehead. Her nose and teeth are pronounced, and her chin is snug. Her skin is light brown. Her stomach has an obvious bulge, like she is pregnant, and a distinctive scar that runs all the way up to her sternum. She wears shiny metal armor of interlocking chains, and she carries a huge axe in both hands. She seems very taciturn and distant, like she is in shock, or not all there, mentally. Questionnaire:
1. What emotion best describes your character? Laura is generally filled with dread, so much so that she has basically become numb to it. This translates to a sort of selfless bravery that is almost noble. However, she feels nothing recognizable, and that would be terrifying if she could experience the emotion. 2. What emotion does your character evoke in others? To those whom she opposes, Laura is especially intimidating. To her friends and allies, there is some admiration, but still tinged with fear. 3. What does your character need most? Laura has no idea how she got here, or indeed who she was before. She is not particularly upset to have lost her memories, but she also seems to have lost much more of herself in the process. If she can recover the missing parts of her mind, she thinks she may be able to feel again, and that seems to her a worthy goal. 4. What is your character's goal in life? Though she cannot recall it, for most of her life she has struggled simply to survive-- first herself, and then later her street gang. Now she desires to see that her companions survive. She is extremely loyal to her group, and will put their safety ahead of her own. 5. How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? Constant vigilance, regular exercise, meditation, and healthy living. She mothers her allies in their best interests. 6. Where did your character come from? Laura has few memories remaining to her, but she thinks she remembers a city in a Northern climate, where she lived among a group of street urchins. Because of this, she feels a strong sense of loyalty to her group, and strangely clings to her connection to the creature growing inside of her as the only true family she has. 7. When did you grow up? It must have been at a very young age, or she would have starved to death. She learned to fight for her needs and those of the rest of her group. 8. What values does your character hold? Pack mentality: the lone wolf dies but the pack survives. Take what you need and consume it quickly, or you may not get another chance. Strike first and do not give enemies the chance to confuse or divide you. 9. How does your character dress? Laura wears shabby clothes and rough-edged armor. It appears like it has seen many years, yet Laura has no memory of it. She does not have any adornments or even much color in her outfit. 10. What are your character's means? Laura lives hand-to-mouth. Her only thought for treasure is her own survival. 11. What are your character's personal tastes? For a rough-and-tumble adult woman, Laura surprisingly favors very childlike things. She likes sweets, and doesn't particularly like alcohol. Fresh water and good food are luxuries to her. She rarely hears music and finds it quite charming to listen to someone perform. It helps her sleep. 12. What are your character's opinions? One slightly controversial opinion Laura holds is that books are dangerous. She has never heard of anyone finding something in a dusty tome that didn't threaten their very existence. Likewise, she is very distrustful of gods and their followers. 13. What is your character's comfort zone? Laura will sometimes sing quietly to herself to calm her nerves, though whether this is actually to herself or her familiar is unclear. 14. Who has had the biggest impact on your character's life? The unofficial leader of her childhood gang was an elf who had a great influence on Laura as a child. Nails? Knives? She can't quite remember her nickname. She was brutal and direct, and looked after the group. If it weren't for her, Laura would never have made it. 15. What are some of your character's unexpected quirks? Laura is terrified of most animals, especially dogs. She has had nightmares of being eaten alive. She's not sure where she picked this up, but she knows how to make ales and beer, and to infuse water with fruits and spices to make it taste nicer. There must have been a brewery near where she lived, but she cannot remember anything about it. She also distrusts the color yellow, especially people who wear yellow cloaks-- for some reason, they make her think of a group of people who follow a cult leader. 16. What kind of story does your character belong in? Laura is kind of a Chuck Norris type character. Granted, most Lovecraftian stories are about cosmic forces overcoming heroic humans, but assuming the PCs are to ultimately triumph, Laura does so with pure brawn. She is the type to punch the portal between worlds closed, to punch the gibbering spellcaster in the teeth, and to punch Cthulhu right between his fat googly eyes. 17. What role does your character fill? In Pathfinder terms, Laura is a guardian. She tries to absorb damage from the others and keep enemies occupied so that her allies can debuff them. She is generally a damage-dealer rather than a buffer or debuffer, though she can hinder her opponents to some extent by grappling or intimidating them. 18. What should the other players know about your character? I plan on playing up Laura's relationship with her "baby" as a creepy blind spot she has, this alien creature that co-habits her body and does not seem particularly affectionate but that she thinks loves her and depends upon her. It could be a source of contention if the party decides that they must save her from it, but I hope that they come to accept their weird symbiotic relationship instead. 19. What is your play style? I prefer to write in third-person, and I don't usually put my characters' thoughts in text, though I believe I will do that with Laura because otherwise I think her posts would feel a bit wooden. I like roleplaying; I approach it as an actor and I enjoy the immersion. I also appreciate the tactics of the game, and try to feel like I'm useful in combat. 20. How do you want your character to die? Laura seems to me the type to go out in a blaze of glory, a heroic sacrifice to save the world or at least her companions.