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![]() My friend gave me "The world's greatest GM screen" as a gift a couple of years ago. It is a Quad fold screen with pockets that you can put your information in. Once you have one of those, you can easily type up and replace your reference info as needed. http://www.hammerdog.com/twgs/index.html Highly recommended for what you want to do. ![]()
![]() Sounds like fun! I would set up the story so that a nice big CR10+ devil (with a great name) stole the soul. When the PCs catch up with him, he offers them a deal to battle his minions. If the PCs win, they get the soul back. If they lose, the devil gets to keep their souls, and has rights to capture the souls of their loved ones. Assuming the PCs win, they get the soul (which the devil begrudgingly cedes to them) and gain a decent CR enemy who can pop up every once in a while to make their lives miserable(or at least keep them freaked out and looking over their shoulders for a while). The fact that they are sneaking into hell in a stealth campaign make it so much more interesting. Sneaking around scenes of battle as devils and demons slaughter each other could add to the fun. You might even let the players control a squad of demons in the middle of one of those battles for a bit of a change of pace...and perhaps tie it in as a distraction so that the PCs can go around the fight without being noticed. ![]()
![]() Thraxital wrote: While in flight I assume you mean the character in question did a move action, then a spell as a standard? If that is the case I would allow it, possible with a concentration check at a low-mod DC depending on the circumstances. Yup...that part was "book legal". I don't think I even made him do the concentration check... ![]()
![]() Lurk3r wrote: If he's using his wings to fly (flapping) then maybe he can cast the spell with his feet? The Natural Spell feat says you can pull off casting with whatever limbs your animal form has, so which ones shouldn't be at issue. I mean, you could use it to cast as a snake- would you have to stop slithering? Good Point. In story telling format, I mentioned that he's probably casting the spell using his little bat feet (to which he came up with the imagery of the flaming wings and pulled off the cool factor). I do have to admit I am amused by the concept that a snake would have to use its tongue for the somatic component of a spell while attempting the verbal component at the same time... ![]()
![]() How would you rule? Can a wild shaped druid (in the form of a dire bat) with the natural spell feat cast a somatic spell while in flight? What if the spell in question is produce flame (and is being held in the bat's "hand")? This came up in my last gaming session, and I wasn't sure on how to rule it. I ended up letting him cast the spell and maintain the flame in his wings (just because he invoked cool imagery of a giant bat with flaming wings tearing through the sky). I also warned him that I wanted to explore other GMs thoughts/rulings on this before setting it up as a precedent for future rulings. ![]()
![]() I did a little side quest during the boar hunt where the PCs went up against the Bird Cruncher tribe (which was ruled by Bruthazmus the Bugbear's brother). It was fun having Bruthazmus recognize his brother's shield as being wielded by the PCs. If your players don't mind a little more goblin time, there's still plenty of them in the marshes...along with a couple of goblin heroes such as Vorka, the Licktoad goblin cannibal. You could also have Bruthazmus's brother come looking for vengeance. Wisher's well could also be another runewell that needs to be taken down (with Sinspawn and an appropriate guardian). |