Jakaw Razorbeak

Blik Gon's page

9 posts. Alias of Saltykid.

All of passengers of the Jenivere gather at the mess-deck for dinner for the cook's ever so popular soups. As usual, it is as bland and watery as ever as they ever tasted on this ship. It is still a couple more weeks before the ship reaches Sargava as planned. The crew looks a bit agitated and there have been rumors that the ship is going off course. Not that it matters to the passengers, the days are mushing together and is really difficult to know how long they been sailing without asking. For now, it is dinnertime and the soup won't eat itself.

Everyone make a fortitude roll

Please dot here so I can gather all of you.

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Hello, hello. This is the recruitment thread for Serpent's Skull. This would be my first time GMing so if there are rule that I miss or the encounters are too easy or hard, feel free to let me know.

I am looking for 4-5 players to brave the jungles of the Expanse. The characters need to have the following:

20-point buy
Class: All except Ninja, Samurai, and Gunslingers. ACG classes are okay, but make the changes when the book comes out.
Race: Core and Feature except Drow.
Traits: 2 trait, one from campaign, no drawbacks
HD: Max 1st, Roll or average+1
Alignment: Good and Neutral preferably. Those who want to play evil characters must be willing work with the group and must not sabotage others fun.
Average Starting Gold
Paizo books only
Back-story at least a paragraph long.
Description and Personality

The deadline is Thursday next Week. I will decide on the party Friday.