Jakaw Razorbeak

Blik Gon's page

9 posts. Alias of Saltykid.


Male Tengu Slayer 1

"Considering he traveled all the way from here to Tian Xia, I am inclined to agree that he is strange. I am impressed for his passion for his studies though. I have never seen scholars go through the amount of effort as he did."

Male Tengu Slayer 1

I know, just playing in character. the Player's guide didn't have alot of info for lorrimor.

Male Tengu Slayer 1

Blik looks at Glade. "You make sound like he was murdered rather than died peacfully." Hard to tell what his emotions are behind, but it sounds more dismissive than anything.

Male Tengu Slayer 1
Shush the Halfling Rogue wrote:

Shush notices a fella flexing his biceps (Bran). He rolls his eyes.

He catches the Tengu’s eye. I never caught your name. I’m called Shush. Are you from Tian Xia? I’ve never been there, but would sorely like to see the place. How did you know the Professor?

"Blik Gon, I am indeed from Tian Xia. I'm surprise you know the professor too. He raised his glass to Lorrmier's honor. I first met him by bandits. I chased them off, as any good men do, and he hired me as his guide and bodyguard during his travels in Tian Xia. He was a brilliant man, but he was always getting himself into trouble and things he should not have try.

He raised his mask to take a drink, Anyway, when I heard he recently pass away and had named me in his will, I packed up my things and head to Ustalav. How did you know him?

Male Tengu Slayer 1

"Aye, very far. From the east."

He waves the bartender over, "I'll have an ale".

He continues talking to the halfling,"Paying respects to an acquaintance of mine actually."

Male Tengu Slayer 1

Blik turns his head to the halfling, "Stopping for a break before continuing on to my destination. What brings you here?"

Male Tengu Slayer 1

A hooded figure walks through the door. His face is obscured by a beaked mask not unlike a doctor's mask. He looks humanish enough, walks funny besides that.

Is that the local way of spelling 'tavern'. He ponders to himself as he saw the sign outside. He does go up to the bar, but he watches other people order their food and drink so he can learn the proper way to order.

@ Scotty
Good to know, i'll just pretend like a well trained parrot
I will make some fluff later today.

Would this character be alright?