Goblin with Beehive

BlayZ_by_FiLL's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Horizon Hunters

Please cancel my order.
Due to the unstable situation due to COVID-19, I have to suspend my hobby, hopefully it will resolve soon and I can re-order it.

Horizon Hunters

Joan H. wrote:

Hi BlayZ_by_FiLL,

It looks like payment was already authorized for this order on March 15. Let me know if you're not seeing the authorization!

Today this string about authorization is gone. So, as i know payment will refund to me.

Can you please close this order for now? I will reorder it after my payment back to me.


Horizon Hunters

Joan H. wrote:

Hi BlayZ_by_FiLL,

It looks like payment was already authorized for this order on March 15. Let me know if you're not seeing the authorization!

That is what i see now at order descriptions:

$158.38 Payment authorization
Expires Sunday

Last time then it's "expires date" comes, payment was decline by paizo and returned to me.

It is second time i try to pay for this order.

I know, you have not great time due covid-19, but i still hope for this order finally shipping and start it's way to me.


Horizon Hunters

Hi Paizo)

Please authorize payment for this order.


Horizon Hunters

Problem solved.

Thread can be closed.

Horizon Hunters

Sara Marie wrote:
Just got the notification that the report has finished running. If you do not have a pending order in your order history and you were expecting one for March, please let us know.

Order 17224039. From March 03 no shipment/mail/or anything. Money charge (169$) from March 03 and still no money back or shipment.

Horizon Hunters

I already write a few mails to customer.service@paizo.com with literally no answer to this problem.

So, here is a case:
I made an order 7224039 at March 03, day after, this order start looks like empty order (Completed, with no items). But still showed 168$ as "payment authorization".

Today this order lost 168$ as "payment authorization". Now i dont know: is this still processing or it is declined. No money back from March 03, so i hope someone can help me with this situation.
