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Need some help with the ability Tree Climber (Ex):

When climbing trees and other foliage, a moss troll’s climb speed increases to 30 feet. If a moss troll falls while climbing in trees, it ignores the first 30 feet it falls for the purposes of calculating total damage from the fall. While climbing in trees, a moss troll gains a +4 racial bonus on initiative checks. Moss trolls are bent and gangly creatures. They are smaller and thinner than normal trolls, yet their arms are unusually long and spindly for the creatures’ size. Their flesh supports the growth of moss and mold as surely as tree bark.

I'm a DM and I'm wondering if one of those troll will ever leap down on a PC and what the damage will be.

Thanks in advance

While the summoner is fused with his Eidolon, he uses the Eidolon's physical ability scores, wich includes the constitution value. I need to clarify if I have to recalculate the summoner's max hp using the Eidolon's constitution or not.
RAW: it seems very straight and the new value is the actual constitution
RAI: the summoner keeps his normal max hp value but uses Eidolon's constitution for everything else.