Thorn's End Guard

Björn92's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 4 posts (124 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
will you have a few "well known" Inns/Landmarks built out as physical locations but "Settlements" in general represented as objects to be built out at a latter date?

I don't understand this question.

I think what he is trying to say is... Will there be 3D Inns/Landmarks that are availiable to be in and interact with, as opposed to

A Settlement likely will not represent a 3D space that you walk around in. They may be a monolithic object in game that you "enter" by walking up to a portal and clicking a UI element. You'll then be switched to a view of services and NPCs similar to what you see when you enter a station in EVE.

Goblin Squad Member

Onishi wrote:
Björn92 wrote:

Just to throw my own two cents in here... But with the whole no special characters thing.

I personally find it annoying when in game I want to name character Björn(Which is the legitimate Swedish spelling of the name btw, and I am swedish) but can't because the game has had naming restrictions preventing the use of special characters. Now maybe some might say I am over reacting but at the same time I think I make a valid point.

Well I would have to say 2 things to that,

1. Your character can't be sweedish. We speak common around these parts, learn the language.

Your right. My character can't be Swedish, it would be Ulfen and speak Skald(Page 34 of the Campaign Settings) where there would be special characters.

But to your point of alt keys and so forth, that is where the wonderfulness of initial anonymity comes in. You can name my character "Dude with funny O" and be done with it.

AS for the Company Aspect I think it should go by rank. If there are 5 Captains in your company then you have Captain1, Captain2, ect when you first meet them or they respond in chat. From there you can change their name as you wish.

Goblin Squad Member

Just to throw my own two cents in here... But with the whole no special characters thing.

I personally find it annoying when in game I want to name character Björn(Which is the legitimate Swedish spelling of the name btw, and I am swedish) but can't because the game has had naming restrictions preventing the use of special characters. Now maybe some might say I am over reacting but at the same time I think I make a valid point.

Goblin Squad Member


Good write-up Dak...

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