
Biscuit Monster's page

15 posts. Alias of Purple Dragon Knight.


Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:


The first one.

:) .....

Fear not... the Children of the Light will show you the tool required to fully communicate...

Shadow Lodge

Is flayleaf the closest equivalent to cannabis in Golarion? or can one find cannabis in Golarion as well?

Shadow Lodge

What you want is Total Cover when dragons are involved. Ha!

Shadow Lodge

I have a couple level 2s:
-bard (arcane duelist) 2
-bard (juggler) 2
-druid (supernaturalist) 2
-barbarian 1 / fighter (siege breaker) 1

Let me know if you still need players!

Shadow Lodge

OMG... goop? anyone?

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
crashcanuck wrote:
Personally my changes to the class would be to allow the Shifter to choose any aspect but you also get the Major Aspect if it's one of your chosen aspects also change the Wild Shape to match the various ______ Shaman Druid archetypes, you count as your level for Wild Shaping into your chosen aspects, level -2 if it isn't one of your chosen aspects

I just don't get why they didn't just give them wildshape as is. The Universal Rule of Not Going Nuts normally ensures that druid PCs don't come at the table with more than 5 or 6 shapes pre-loaded to speed play, anyhow. I went overboard years ago and was carrying 9 different character sheets for each of my druid's 9 most common used stat blocks. Them were dark years... never again.

If you lock the Shifter into one bloody form at least make it scale with level...

Shadow Lodge

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Druid's are listed as gaining proficiency too.

Weird... so it's just a cut and past situation? ok.. I've always thought the proficiency part was covered by the bit from the polymorph subschool that says, "you gain any of the natural attacks of the base creature, including proficiency in those attacks"

Shadow Lodge

Q: why list natural weapons in the Shifter's weapon proficiencies? don't creatures become auto proficient if they have a natural attack or gain one via change shape / polymorph / wild shape, etc.?

Shadow Lodge

I hate painting minis. So I like prepainted minis.

And thus it would be awesome if Paizo could partner with these guys to come up with a 'player characters' prepainted minis series... :)

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/handofglory/hand-of-glory-modular-magn etic-gaming-miniatures

Shadow Lodge

Gorbacz wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
*torches down the Mos Eisley cantina* hopefully not.
Hey, with gnolls you would have 7 evil races :D Neutral and good pc race options way outnumber 7 core races, more evil options would make some people happy I think
What, Humans aren't evil? That's new.

Only humans with the Earth subtype, based on what's been published thus far. (except humans with the France subtype, based on Strange Aeons NPC gallery... those can be non-evil)

Shadow Lodge

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:
I would rather PC contributors do their own thing instead of worry about PFS. It is why I subscribe.
I can see both sides. On one hand, it isn't fun to think that one group of players (aka PFS) is controlling what type of content you're getting. On the other hand, if PFS is your primary method of playing it is equally frustrating when the publisher who makes PFS also puts out material that you aren't allowed to use in Organized Play.

There's also the fact that PFS already has some strict limitations on most classes, hit points, 20 point-buy, etc. The wizard and alchemist are stripped of their crafting feats, etc. PFS is already toned down as it is, so one could argue that further limitations via additional resources can be the more frustrating for people who love to exercise the wide array of options made available so far by the PRPG. Most PFS players have adapted, however. The trick is to play things from books that are at least two years old...

Shadow Lodge

Sorry to be a debbie downer, but I find the art in this AP not agreeing with me somewhat. I prefer the works of Wayne Reynolds and I hope he'll be back in future APs.

Shadow Lodge

Saw it. Liked it, but not as much as first one.

One of the main problem for me is Ego being his dad. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is a clear departure from the comic's King of Spartax etc. I don't like this angle at all. I find it cheapens the whole plot a little bit. It's clearly meant as a pre-existing condition for future superpowers for Star Lord. i.e. "Huh, dudes, Quill has no superpowers, he's just a dude. Half-human / half-spartax"; dude 2: "that won't do.. make him half-celestial or some shit"

Shadow Lodge

"Ah, dearest Masked Cat, this is a nice card... I believe I will borrow it for a while! Coooooo-kie!!!!"

Shadow Lodge

Frost Witch Twopointhoe takes a turn for the hideous and booms with a loud voice, "Prove yourself, RAT!"

The Carpenter challenges the Rat as he doesn't believe he has the Grand Prince!