Life Stealer

BiblioTech's page

6 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Yes! I am so looking forward to the Knights' continuing adventures!

Sweet! I love this show. The whole cast is wonderful, the story is engaging - and Jason is sooooo BENEVOLENT to give us a second season!

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kaid wrote:
Contemplative mystic with the mind breaker domain. This way I can be a floating brain guy crushing opponents with the power of my mind.

Right up until you run across a guy riding a Scooty-Puff Junior singing "I'm My Own Grandpa." ;-)

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Dark Matter

Derrick Moss, aka Jace Corso, aka One: Human Male Envoy (Outlaw)
Portia Lin, aka Two: Augmented Human Female Operative (Outlaw). A case could be made that she's an android.
Marcus Boone, aka Three: Human Male Soldier (Mercenary)
Ryo Tetsuda, aka Ishida Ryo, aka Four: Human Male Envoy (Icon - as of season Three, anyway)
Emily Kolburn, aka Five: Human Female Mechanic (Themeless) Phrenic Adept
Kal Varrik, aka Griffin Jones, aka Six: Human Male Soldier (Bounty Hunter (Kal Varrick) or Ace Pilot (Griffin Jones))
The Android, aka Kiva Ehrens: Android (duh) Female Mechanic (Scholar)

Technically they all start with the Outlaw theme, but that would be boring for what this thread is doing.

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Honestly, I'm not terribly fussed about how equipment is being doled out in Starfinder, except for one thing: bonding epoxy.

In a setting where magic and laser guns exist side-by-side, and starships the size of mountains are built, a small bottle of superglue costs 400 credits?! Of all the things in the core rules, this absolutely breaks my suspension of disbelief. I get that it's the equivalent of PF's sovereign glue (and is significantly cheaper), but come on. It's glue.

Gilfalas, thanks for the form-fillable sheets!

I've noticed another bug in the V1.01 Character Sheet, however: under Initiative, the Miscellaneous Modifier is not being added to the total (for example, the +4 bonus from Improved Initiative).

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