Wild Elf

Bibic's page

1,291 posts. Alias of Euan.

Full Name





AC26/T19/FF20 / F +12 R +19 W +13 / Init. +6 / Perc. +28 / Sense Motive +27




5'11" & 135lbs








Common, Elven, Thassilonian

Strength 18
Dexterity 22
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 21

About Bibic

The Basics, Stats & Saves:
Bard level 12, Fighter (Archer) level 2
Base Stats (unenhanced by magic)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 17

Low Light Vision
Immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
+2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance.
+2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

Saving Throws
Fortitude = +12 (+7 base, +0 con, +1 trait, +3 cloak, +1 luck)
Reflex = +19 (+9 base, +6 dex, +3 cloak, +1 luck)
Will = +13 (+9 base, +0 wis, +3 cloak, +1 luck)
Immune to magic sleep effects
+2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
+4 to saves vs Bardic Performance, Sonic, and Language dependent effects

Armor Class = 26
Touch AC = 19 (+6 dex, +3 ring)
Flat-Footed AC = 20 (+7 armor, +3 ring)

HP = 86

BAB = +12/+7/+2
Initiative = +6 (+6 dex)
Move = 30' base

CMB = 16 (+12 bab, +4 str)
CMD = 32 (+6 dex)

Feats & Traits:
Maestro of the Society (3 additional bardic performances per day)
Magical Knack (+2 caster level for Bard)

Simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, longbow, and whip
Light Armor and Shields
Point Blank Shot (+1/+1 within 30')
Precise Shot
- You(back row) shoot at Orc warrior(front row) = no penalty
- You(back row) shoot at Orc warrior(front row) fighting Rhesus(front row) = no penalty
- You(back row) shoot at Orc shaman(Back row): -2
Rapid Shot (-2 attacks for extra attack)
Weapon Focus (Bow)
Deadly Aim (-4attacks, +8 damage with ranged attacks)
Lingering Performance (performance lasts 2 rounds after I stop)
Clustered Shot (DR applied only once per round)
Discordant Voice

Acrobatics = +7* (1 rank) (use Perform(dance))
Appraise = +1
Bluff = +9 (2 ranks) (use Perform(act))
Climb = +5*
Diplomacy = +5 (use Perform(oration))
Disable Device = +23 (16 ranks) (armor picks +4)
Disguise = +6 (use Perform(act))
Escape Artist = +6*
Fly = +7* (use Perform(dance))
Heal = +1
Intimidate = +6
Knowledge(all) = +9 (bardic knowledge +7)
Knowledge(arcana) = +16 (4 ranks, bardic knowledge +7)
Knowledge(engineering) = +13 (1 rank, bardic knowledge +7)
Knowledge(geography) = +13 (1 rank, bardic knowledge +7)
Knowledge(local) = +16 (4 ranks, bardic knowledge +7)
Knowledge(nature) = +16 (4 ranks, bardic knowledge +7)
Knowledge(planes) = +13 (1 rank, bardic knowledge +7)
Knowledge(religion) = +15 (3 rank, bardic knowledge +7)
Linguistics = +6 (1 rank)
Perception = +28 (16 ranks, +2 elven, +1 class, +5 competence)
Perform (oration) = +27 (16 ranks, +3 circlet)
Perform (dance) = +27 (16 ranks, +3 circlet)
Perform (act) = +27 (16 ranks, +3 circlet)
Ride = +7*
Sense Motive = +1 (use Perform(oration))
Spellcraft = +21 (16 ranks) (+2 to ID magic items)
Stealth = +7*
Survival = +6 (+2 to avoid getting lost, (+5 (competence)))
Swim = +6*
* Armor Check Penalty -0
+1 luck bonus on all skill checks (included)

Bardic Abilities & Spells:
Bardic Performance (36 rounds a day, move action)
Countersong (Su) perform check in place of saving throw vs audio effects
Distraction (Su) perform check in place of saving throw vs visual effects
Fascinate (Su) fascinate one creature (90’) with dance, DC 18
Inspire Courage (Su) +3 att/dam (competence) & +3 save vs fear (morale)
Inspire Competence (Su) +4 to skill check (competence)
Dirge of Doom (performance causes shaken condition w/in 30’)
Lore Master (Su) take-10 on knowledge checks, take-20 2/day
Suggestion (Sp) Make a suggestion (as per the spell) to a creature he has already fascinated. Same DC.
Inspire Greatness (Su) A bard of 9th level or higher can use his performance to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting extra fighting capability. For every three levels the bard attains beyond 9th, he can target an additional ally while using this performance (up to a maximum of four targets at 18th level). To inspire greatness, all of the targets must be able to see and hear the bard. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependent. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability and it relies on audible and visual components.

Jack-of-All-Trades (Ex): At 10th level, the bard can use any skill, even if the skill normally requires him to be trained.

Soothing Performance (Su): A bard can use his performance to create an effect equivalent to a mass cure serious wounds, using the bard's level as the caster level. In addition, this performance removes the fatigued, sickened, and shaken conditions from all those affected. Using this ability requires 4 rounds of continuous performance, and the targets must be able to see and hear the bard throughout the performance. Soothing performance affects all targets that remain within 30 feet throughout the performance. Soothing performance relies on audible and visual components.

Frightening Tune (Sp): A bard of 14th level or higher can use his performance to cause fear in his enemies. To be affected, an enemy must be able to hear the bard perform and be within 30 feet. Each enemy within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard's level + the bard's Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If the save succeeds, the creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours. If the save fails, the target becomes frightened and flees for as long as the target can hear the bard's performance. Frightening tune relies on audible components.

Bard Spells: (CL 14, Con: +19, SR +16, DC: 15+)
0) Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Spark
1) (7/7) Cure Light Wounds, Feather Fall, Grease, Liberating Command, Timely Inspiration, Unseen Servant
2) (6/6) Calm Emotions, Cure Moderate Wounds, Glitterdust, Heroism, Oppressive Boredom
3) (5/5) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Haste, Invisibility Sphere
4) (5/5) Bountiful Banquet, Break Enchantment, Echolocation, Secure Shelter
5) (2/2) Cure Light Wounds Mass, Dispel Magic Greater, Shadow Walk, Suggestion Mass

Equipment & Wealth:

Wayfinder of Infinite Doorways
- Clear Spindle Ioun Stone
Wayfinder (+2 to avoid being lost, light spell) (500gp)
Golembane Scarab (top) (2,500gp)
Goggles of Night (12kgp)
Boots of Speed (12kgp)
Swarmbane Clasp (3kgp)
Belt of Physical Might +4 (Str/Dex) 10,000gp
Ring of Sustenance (2,500gp)
Ring of Protection +3
Circlet of Persuasion (4,500gp)
Vest of Escape (5,200gp)
Headband of Alluring Charisma +4 (4,000gp)
First Aid Gloves (10/10)
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend
Mithral Chain Shirt +3, glamoured, locksmith
Short sword (10gp)
Composite (+2) Longbow (+4, adaptive)
Composite (+2) Longbow (MW)
Efficient Quiver (~1,800gp) x2
Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath (5gp)
- Scroll of Remove Fear
Stone of Good Luck (+1 luck to saves, ability checks, skill checks)
Cloak of resistance +3
Portable Hole
- Party loot
Handy Haversack
- 505 Cold Iron, Silver Salted Arrows (bundled)
- 18 Blunt Silver Arrows (bundled)
- 20 Ghost Salted Arrows (bundled)
- 14 Adamantium Salted Arrows (bundled)
- Thieves Tools, MW (100gp)
- Lens of Detection (+5 perception & survival)
- Chalk
- 50' twine
- Rations (17 days)
- Bottle of Wine (5gp)
- Waterskin
- Tanglefoot Bag (50gp)
- Alchemy Fire x3 (60gp)
Scrolls and Potions (650gp)
- Comprehend Languages (25gp) x2
- Detect Secret Doors (25gp)
- Find the path (16)
- Glitterdust (3)(150gp) x2
- Identify (25gp)
- Lessor Restoration (3) 150gp x6
- Liberating Command (25gp)
- Remove Fear (25gp) x3
- Unseen Servant (25gp)
- Vanish (25gp)
- Oil of Magic Weapon (50gp)
- Oil of Daylight (750gp)
- Potion Cure Light Wounds (50gp) x2
- Potion Cure Moderate Wounds (300gp)
- Potion Lesser Restoration (300gp)
- Potion Invisibility (300gp)
- Potion Fly (750gp)
- Potion Water Breathing (750gp)
- Wand CLW (39)
Light War horse (x4) with kit

Buildings around Varisia
- Inn in Magnimar (being constructed - paid for)
- Farm in Magnimar
- Tavern in Kaer Maga

Cash: 16,378gp

Slightly short of stature for an elf, Bibic is also unusual in that he is covered in tattoos. Many of them are rough, and more than a few look really like self inflicted injuries. He is very lightly equipped really having nothing much more than a bow and several quivers of arrows.

Elm'bel (his original name) lived many years in the elven community, peacefully contemplating and studying the various bits of knowledge his people had accumulated. He was beginning to grow bored with his contemplative studies when a fierce and powerful barbarian lord brashed his way through the elven lands. His presence struck the naive Elm'bel forcefully and made the youth re-evaluate his role in life.

He found himself wanting. He immediately emulated the powerful barbarian in every way he could - beginning with his appearance. He tattooed his face and body - sometimes resorting to the ritual scarring that was so prevalent on the barbarian. He even cropped his hair short for a time, though that didn't last.

He changed his name to Bibic - short and guttural like the barbarian he fancied. He sold all the equipment he had to that point, bought himself a nice bow and quivers full of arrows. He was spurned by his own people as having gone native and so he travelled to a human civilization to see what these barbaric humans were about.

What he found there surprised him. The barbarian who had come through was far more barbaric than the humans in this, relatively, cosmopolitan place. In fact he came to better appreciate the differing cultures - no longer was he so elven-centric.

Unfortunately his lack of wealth hurt him. He fell in with a rough crowd, and while he was able to talk his way out of the worst of it, he found himself in trouble. That's when the Pathfinder Society found him and elevated him out of the gutter he was rapidly becoming embroiled in.

Since then he has traveled a bit with the Society, visiting the grand lodge in Absalom before being sent to the Magnamar lodge.

+1 Leadership (19 = 16 level, +5 cha, -1 Aloof, -1 Moves)
Bibic’s followers are an odd sort. Made up largely of Varisians, they are quite clannish among themselves though they’re generally not personally related. I’ve sketched out a few general details to give them some life. The bulk of Bibic’s people reside in Magnimar, but a few are positioned in Kaer Maga as well. Most have jobs of their own, and only assist when Bibic is in town, with the exception of the leveled folks who attend to Bibic’s tasks full time.

Fourth Level
Eachra Gille (f, expert 4) is a lawyer with quite a bit of experience trying cases before the justices in Magnimar. She’ll help keep the family out of trouble. Legally.

Doru Ciumak (f, rogue 4) is unknown to the other members of the clan/family - at least as an agent of Bibic. They have been seen together of course, but only socially. Doru watches Bibic’s back. She checks out the family to make sure everyone is more or less living within their means and let’s Bibic know if anyone is in need as well. Basically she is Bibic’s information source in Magnimar.

Third Level
Timotei Florescu (m, ranger 3) travels back and forth between the two ‘families’, carrying messages and guarding the occasional caravan as both personal protection and a way to make a few more gold. He follows Bibic in that he primarily uses the bow. He’s often guarding a cart of his own with various goods bound from or to Dimitrie’s shop. In those cases, he always attaches to a larger caravan to help protect the goods from the usual road hazards.

Second Level
Eugen Stoenescu (m, sorcerer 2) is in charge of the Kaer Maga family. He’s more relaxed in his approach, and so the clan are more spread out throughout the city districts and more diverse. He’s been trying to convince Bibic to bring one of the undead onto the team, but so far hasn’t convinced him.

Taqor Salehlu (m, fighter 2) has been hired into the family to join Timotei Florescu in his travels as extra muscle. He focuses on close combat and uses a shield.

Soare Nicu (f, bard 2) is in charge of the Magnimar family and rules it with rather more of an iron fist than Bibic would like. That said, she can be kind as well, and often shares out Bibic’s favors to the community to generate good will among the people in their area. She keeps the Magnimar clan close, the farm aside, and a few even reside together here and there.

Petar Varias (expert 2) - Bibic’s personal assistant, Petar handles a wide variety of tasks for Bibic when he’s in town, and largely prepares for him when he’s not - handling purchases and the like. If Bibic knows he’ll be closer to Kaer Maga Petar will travel there on one of Timotei’s journeys so as to be available.

First Level
Fazil Osman (m, commoner 1) is a tenant farmer on someone else’s land, but he does fruit trees and so is a nice balance to the farm. Bibic is looking to maybe buy the land he’s on and expand is farm holdings.
Ayla Osman (f, expert 1) handles the books and runs the business side of the farm - and does so extremely efficiently.
Abella Hila (f, rogue 1) is the matriarch of the clan. Soare might be in charge, but Abella is where the wisdom comes from. Other than that, she does little.
Augustin Boroi (m, commoner 1) is a particular fine cook, even if he says so himself. Bibic does enjoy his cabbage and potatoes with cheese however (though it might just be the cheese).
Catarino Dobre (m, commoner 1) is one of the laziest in Bibic cadre. He means well, but tasks that befall him occasionally don’t get done so he’s generally given scut work, which he doesn’t want to do.
Costel Catargiu (m, commoner 1) is one of the workers on Serban & Jeni’s pig farm out of town. Not the brightest man, he is quite large and friendly, though he has a permanent scowl on his face from a prior scar.
Dimitrie Banciu (m, expert 1) owns a small shop selling odds and ends that accumulate through a large trade city. He’s done rather well with the clan - especially as Timotei often brings items for sale that he’s picked up on his travels back and forth to Magnimar.
Emilian Iacobescu (m, fighter 1) is a guard for hire, and helps with the muscle end of the business. Bright for a fighter he’s looking to move up.
Filip Matei (m, rogue 1) makes his living on the streets, largely begging, but he’s not above the occasional pick-pocket if things look easy. Bibic has likely had to bail him out of prison more than once.
Horia Belododia (f, commoner 1) is one of many servants in Bibic’s loose employment. She keeps her ears open in her other jobs, but she’s very taciturn about sharing the information - something Bibic respects though it infuriates Soare who thinks the clan should come first.
Iancu Predoiu (m, fighter 1) did some work with the local militia, but found bloodletting, and the physical punishment of it all, too much. He now works with Mahaita cleaning and doing other servant work.
Jeni Florea (f, commoner 1), helps her husband, Serban, raise pigs - though mostly she tends the rather substantial gardens that support the incredible feasts they host for the clan annually during the fall harvest and runs the household. No member of Bibic’s retinue ever goes hungry in Jeni’s home.
Iulio Lascar (f, commoner 1) is also a servant. She has a jagged scar down her arm from a childhood accident, but the incident strengthened her resolve. She is quite dedicated.
Mihaita Maniu (f, commoner 1) hires out to some of the fancier houses along with a cleaning crew whom she manages. Iancu often works with her on her crew and they’ve grown close.
Nelu Morosanu (f, warrior 1) wants to be in the town guard, but can’t quite measure up physically. She tries hard though, and works out regularly to improve her strength.
Peppaim Perwick (m, halfling, expert) 1 an assistant to a lawyer, Eachra Gille (f, expert 4), who Bibic has his eye on for legal aid. Peppaim’s task is to bring Eachra into the family and then assist her.
Serban Sollomovici (m, commoner 1), unlike the rest of the clan, lives just out of town as a pig farmer. It might not smell good, but he’s good at what he does and also helps the local magistrate with the odd problem as they’re friends. He’s married to Jeni whom he adores though they have no children.
Sile Calminag (f, commoner 1) is a decent cook, but mostly she handles whatever cleaning needs to be done. She likes things to be clean and sensible.
Teo Mitu (f, fighter 1), the youngest of the clan, Teo has a bit of a temper, and the strength to make it a problem. Still, she’s a good one to have in a fight, so the family accepts her.
Valeriu Skutnik (f, warrior 1) works for Dimitrie in his shop, sweeping up, acting as a sort of bodyguard to provide a bit of protection for the goods there, and to keep the occasionally sketchy customer from robbing the place or otherwise trying to take advantage.
Vlad Marin (m, half-orc, fighter 1), one of the night watch, Vlad is the only non human among the Magnimar crew. He respects Bibic’s half-nature, but he feels a bit left out by the otherwise close-knit Magnimar crew.
Catarino Cosovei (f, warrior 1) is brought in to help the family with a bit more muscle. Not that they take that approach to problems as a rule, but it always helps to have someone quicker to the sword than the other guy.
Emil Vianu (commoner 1) a decent butler, Emil is brought in to tend to Bibic’s new home in Magnimar. He is head of the household there, and arranges for the family to work in rotating shifts along with hired help.
Razvan Stirbei (f, commoner 1) works under Emil in Bibic’s home and handles the kitchen and gardens.
Theodor Barladeanu (commoner 1), an agent of Doru, he does odd jobs for the family, but mostly he keeps his ears open and his mouth shut - except to Doru. Bibic doesn’t even know he works for her, believing he’s just another servant in his employ. He works under Emil in Bibic’s home.

Kaer Maga
Ilyas Ahadov (m, commoner 1) manages the proposed Tavern in town as he has great dreams to expand the place, if he can get Bibic’s investment.
Mahiry Zaman (f, fighter 1) found she cooked better than she fought, and so left the guard to work with Bibic in his newest venture - the Tavern. She’s working hard to come up with a fresh new menu, filled with local specialties.
Owin Bellin (m, warrior 1) is a Shoanti warrior from the hinterlands, but he knows a thing or two of the areas outside Kaer Maga and is happy to share his information for a coin now and again. Platinum of course.
Aphra Montgomery (f, aristocrat 1) a gossip who gives Bibic some sense of what the wealthy are doing in Kaer Maga.
Bodgan Musat (m, halfling, rogue 1) works the streets often pretending to be a knowledgeable adolescent and guide to the city. It’s not that folks mind a halfling guide, they just seem to trust youth more and Bodgan finds it easier to work under those arrangements.
Costin Antonescu (m, aristocrat 1) is a petty noble from Korvosa who fled that city during the latest unpleasantness and hasn’t returned. Though he doesn’t like getting his hands dirty, he still has some decent contacts in Korvosa and can help acquire various items.
Dumitru Galca (m, warrior 1) does what he can to get by, having little luck of his own, though he’s a fervent worshipper of Desna. He currently serves Gogu, hoping to help her move up in the church hierarchy.
Gogu Ionita (f, gnome, cleric (Desna) 1) sides with Bibic on the undead argument, though she’s weakened of late under the pressure of Eugen.
Neculai Kogalniceanu (m, expert 1) inherited a decent home and a little money and so lives largely a life of ease. He does odd jobs here and there, mostly for the clan, often involving settling conflicts as he’s a good mediator having once held a minor position in the law.
Niculaie Skutnik (m, commoner 1) wants very much to be a vampire and live forever, though his ambitions have, so far, been thwarted. Still, he works his way up the chain as a servant in the wealthier districts, hoping for an undead employer who can lead him to what he seeks.
Porphyrios Mitchem (m, commoner 1) is quite full of himself. He works as a sort of floating butler around town, helping the almost wealthy throw better parties by managing a staff for the festivities.
Radu Tudor (f, commoner 1) works as a servant in one of the many houses of ill repute that Spasi likes to frequent, which is how Bibic met her. Extremely strong of character, she stands up to just about anybody without fear and often acts as a bouncer, though she’s quite short.
Valerian Saftoiu (m, half-elf, fighter 1) is a stalwart fellow, and generally the quiet one among a rowdy bunch.
Tania Bozian (f, commoner 1) is a servant for one of the more reputable inns in town where Bibic likes to stay.
Vasilescu Ionesco (commoner 1) tends to Bibic’s apartment in Kear Maga, largely living there excepting when Bibic is in town.

Koriah Azmeren