Callous Rake

Berric Thorne's page

14 posts. Organized Play character for UndeadMitch.


Silver Crusade 5/5

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Mitch Mutrux wrote:
Woo! Stealth paladin alignment thread, everybody drink!
I would, but I'm pretty sure I'd lose my paladin abilities for doing so, right, guys?

Hey, I didn't fall for hooking up with a Hellknight, so what's a little booze?

-Berric "the Ladies' Knight" Thorne, paladin of Damerrich and champion of "interfaith cooperation"

Silver Crusade 5/5

Um, what she said.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Sounds like "The Ladies' Knight" is coming out of retirement!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Adria Thorne wrote:
Berric Thorne wrote:

Man, I'm glad I don't have these family issues...

-Berric "The Ladies' Knight" Thorne

Really, dad? You didn't even know I existed until I tracked you down!

Yeah, but we're cool now, right?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Man, I'm glad I don't have these family issues...

-Berric "The Ladies' Knight" Thorne

Silver Crusade 5/5

FLite wrote:
FLite wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:

The faith of Sarenrae mandates that you give people at least one chance to repent/surrender. It doesn't demand that you keep on offering after people turn it down.

Also, there's a Lawful Good Empyreal Lord of proper executions (Dammerich). Premeditated killing, in PF, isn't necessarily evil. Some people have it coming.

But note *proper* execution. His other spheres are judiciousness and responsibility (and we know almost nothing about him unless you have sources I don't) And his symbol is a dove on an executioners axe. That doesn't prove that execution is not evil, it could as easily prove that it is evil but necessary, and that the lawful good part is in only doing it when there is no other choice and doing it in a way that is as fast as possible and without rancor. It could also indicate that execution is only good when sanctioned judiciously. (not my preferred interpretation, but a feasible one.)

Finally found his write up.

Yeah, I would say he does not consider execution a good act. Only a necessary one to prevent greater evil. And he takes on all the guilt of others so that they can do their jobs. If it isn't an evil act, why would there be any guilt?

Believe me buddy, I've tried telling people about The Weighted Swing, they ain't listening, even to one of his paladins.

Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Berric Thorne wrote:

FWIW, if it was me I'd have brought him in for justice. It sounds like that guy from the example deserved to die, but it should have been done right, by the proper authorities.

-Berric Thorne, paladin of Damerrich (LG archon empyreal lord of executions, judiciousness, and responsibility) 14.

While that's the position you can expect of a paladin, just because someone else disagrees doesn't make them wrong, evil, or (and this is the kicker) even one iota less good than a paladin.

[Removed boring alignment stuff]

The world is a MUCH better place without that person in it, and he shows why on screen. Getting rid of him yourself is perfectly fine.

I didn't say killing him after he's already been defeated makes someone evil. If it were me in the situation, I would want to take him back to let authorities deal with him. If the party (not just one person) disagreed with me and overruled me, it would be okay with me, as long as we made it clean, without torture.

I'm not going to judge someone because they don't want to take the same path as me, and it makes them no less good than me. I mainly piped in to make sure The Weighted Swing didn't get misrepresented. I don't want people confusing us with those crazy Gorumites.

Silver Crusade 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Jessex wrote:

Murdering helpless sentient beings is evil. What is so hard to understand?

Quoting the Core Rulebook "Good implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others."

There's a lawful good empyreal lord of just executions. Once you accept that, the whole trial thing is a matter of law and chaos, not good and evil. Why should the powerful be the only ones to wield the death penalty? They are no more just or fair than anyone else, and they certainly aren't nearly as knowledgeable about the mans crimes as people who SAW him wiping out and enslaving an entire village.


Chronicles of the Righteous wrote:
The Weighted Swing does not take pleasure in his grim but necessary task, and those who take the matter of execution too lightly or who sadistically revel in the act may expect retribution from Damerrich’s chosen elimination squad of shield archons, Those of the Heaving Hand.

FWIW, if it was me I'd have brought him in for justice. It sounds like that guy from the example deserved to die, but it should have been done right, by the proper authorities.

-Berric Thorne, paladin of Damerrich (LG archon empyreal lord of executions, judiciousness, and responsibility) 14.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Torturing a captive is an evil act. Unless you're going to declare the death penalty evil executing one if you know they deserve it. The latter is a little problematic with a lawful good empyreal lord of executions floating around. Some DMs do have a problem with it though.

They are bandits, so a lawful neutral monk looking to execute them for murder mayhem and disrupting society is certainly in character and on alignment.

As a paladin of The Weighted Swing, I feel like I should clarify that little annoys Lord Damerrich like careless and unnecessary executions. As a Pathfinder I can say that I can count the number of times I've executed prisoners on one hand. Takng a life is serious business, and shouldn't be taken lightly.

Silver Crusade

Berric turns to Marak and Bo.

Actually, I quite enjoy dispatchng the undead. It serves a valuable purpose by giving those wretches the final rest they deserve, us I get to cut loose and not worry about taking them alive for trial. Vampires? I freed a little village in Varisia, it was quite the rush. It was me and three of my comrades against a vampire, his wretched spawn, and a host of mohrgs. There was also the time I had to kill the same ghoul twice, good times.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, those of us who follow Lord Damerrich tend to walk a pretty serious path, so worshippers of The Weighted Swing tend to be pretty few and far between. My line of work can be pretty grim, that's why I try to keep things light when I'm not on the job. though to be honest, I haven't killed as many as you might think. Undead and evil outsiders, sure, but I never kill men or women unless the situation absolutely demands it. I might be an executioner sometimes, but that doesn't make me judge and jury as well. I've become an expert at pulling back on killing blows, thanks to a little trick I learned from a friend in the Golden Legion.

Berric smiles in amusement as Avelina rushes off excitedly, then winces as he hears the dreaded "h" word. A warm smile returns quickly to his face as he turns to Suhaila.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, my dear. Just be honest and straightforward with her, and try to let her down soft. I'm sure it will all work out okay.

Berric smiles as he settles back down to enjoy his drink.

Silver Crusade

A man walks through the door, nay, something more than a man, decked out in a suit of shining mithral full-plate with an exquisite greataxe made of wickedly sharp obsidian strapped to his back and a large pack slung over his shoulder. His flowing blonde hair is, as always, immaculately coiffed and his skin shines slightly with the light of the heavens.

Ladies! Non-ladies! How's everyone doing? I just got back from Sothis, and boy are my feet killing me! I just got back after getting my old pal Norden Balentiir out of some trouble, and put some sprits to rest to boot! I hear that scamp THUNDERLIPS! is up to his usual shenanigans, I would just leave him be. Old Lady Blackros didn't exactly approve of Madeline's choice in men, and she has just been raising a stink over nothing. But where are my manners? I'm Berric Thorne, The Ladies' Knight, and it's a pleasure to meet everyone!

At this, Berric disappears further into the lodge, returning after some time dressed simply, but with his greataxe at his side and his holy symbol, a dove made of opal perched on the eye of a silver axe. He promptly gets a stiff drink and settles down into a comfortable chair.

I figured I'd return here for a spell and enjoy the hospitality of Ollysta ad the Silver Crusade before the Weighted Swing sends me off on my next mission. I get the feeling I'm headed back to Irrisen to do a little "problem solving."

As he notices the rather sketchy half-orc obviously scanning the room's occupants, Berric's eyes narrow.

Say, friend, there are some that might think you're being a bit rude there. I didn't get to be where I am now by trying to detect the alignment of my friends all willy-nilly.

Berric has an overwhelming aura of good, being a high-level paladin of the empyreal lord Damerrich.

Silver Crusade 5/5

What's up, guys? This is Berric "The Ladies' Knight" Thorne here, I figured I'd finally get around to reporting my achievement of seekerhood. I've worked to be a good dude and set a good example to those I've partied with when I'm not doing my bro Dammerich's will. I got to lead dwarfs and Aasimar and even a Tiefling in a charge against the demonic leader of Jormurdun, which was pretty sweet.

I've hooked up with a half-orc, and partied with Hellknights, we shouldn't call them Hellknight's, it's too harsh. We should call them pretty okay knights instead.

I'm currently working on saving Golarion from the Reign of Winter witches, and trying to stay cool while being forced to work with Baba Yaga for the greatest good.

Well guys, I'd better get moving. You guys be cool to each other!
-Berric Thorne, Ladies Knight, Smartest Paladin in the Inner Sea

Silver Crusade

Dear Ollysta,

How you doin'?


Berric "The Ladies' Knight" Thorne