
Bernardo's page

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vash wrote:
Serpent wrote:
vash wrote:
one of the auto-reject rules was making figurines of wondrous power.
But the item is not really a figurine of wondrous power. Which is why I suggested that he remove the reference to FoWPs.
I didn't read the whole thing.

Thanks for the feedback guys, it is most appreciated.

I guess I should have been more careful with the auto-reject rules. I decided to participate in the very last moment, and did not read the whole thing through. My mistake.

Alabaster Moth
Aura moderate varied; CL 11th

Slot —; Price 18,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


The alabaster moth works as a figurine of wondrous power (Core Rulebook, page 513) and, as such, appears to be a statuette of a small moth with a wingspan of about 2 inches. However, unlike others of its kind, it does not become a living creature immediately after the appropriate command word is spoken. Instead, this figurine becomes active right after its owner (who must have spoken the command word earlier that day) falls asleep. The living moth has the exact same size as its statuette form, with a flight speed of 10 feet and perfect maneuverability (using the owner’s fly skill check). While sleeping, the owner of the figurine assumes complete control over its movements, being able to see and hear everything around the creature as if it was affected by a scrying spell (without being able to cast any spells through this sensor). Any disturbance that awakes the owner causes the figurine to turn back to its statuette form. The item can be used once per week, and will be active for 8 hours, or until the moth is willed back to its alabaster form by its owner, who will continue to sleep normally. Due to the frailty of this particular figurine, it will be permanently destroyed if suffers any damage in either living or statuette form, including a potential fall should the owner of alabaster moth awake while its figurine is in midflight. Once awake, the owner can clearly remember everything seen and heard through the figurine, as if he had been subject to an effect similar to a dream spell.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, dream, scrying; Cost 9,000 gp

Hi everyone. I actually developed this one in a hurry, and looking more carefully now, I think I can spot some flaws. But I would still like to have some feedback from you guys.

PS: English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes I might have made concerning vocabulary or grammar.