Berserker Cannibal

Beornigar's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts (9 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 2 wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

There is a spell, I believe in Ultimate Magic, that allows a Cleric to cast the same kind of spell. Its calls Life Bubble and I think its a Cleric 6, that is how my group got around it. The Spell mirrors the Necklace of Adaptation so they can live in a vacuum and with the Endure Elements they negated all of the effects of the Kodar Mountains.

Grand Lodge

Okay so looking at the new write up and spending two hours reading the four hundred-and-something posts, my biggest gripe is I don't feel the Sorcerer anymore. With the Old Arcanist you could spend a power to get bloodline ability and there is no similar mechanic in the new class. The only thing of any Sorcereriness is the spell Casting they get. As for the Exploits, I see evocation, evocation, evocation, Conjuration (teleportation), evocation, evocation, Abjuration, Abjuration, and then some more Evocation.
I don't see any ability to support someone that would want to play an Conjurist, Illusionist, Enchanter, or Transmutist and mix it with a bloodline to get a boost in thier none combat abilities. All of this I felt was accomplished in the original run of the Arcanist. The only disappointment the Player felt was that they couldn't get a familiar due to the Arcane Bloodline only being in effect for a number of rounds per use. but now she doesn't want to play the class since the majority of exploits are combat-oriented and there is nothing for a versatile caster outside of combat.
I feel that this could easily be rectified by having Exploits more aligned to the afore mentioned schools, and for there to be Exploits to take some if not all of a bloodlines abilities for a number of rounds akin to the old Blood Magic ability. This way it moves back to the Hybrid build that I thought Paizo wanted for it and less in the way of being its own thing and a completely new class. I might be wrong in this, and this is only my opinion.

Grand Lodge

Okay so at the end of my current group's RotRL campaign the lvl 20/M1 Cleric Scion of Aroden decided to reboot Windsong Abbey. With the current power of the forces that lay siege to it, I don't think they can make much headway against a CR 21 PC without including the CR 20 Bard Henchman and the CR 21 Dwarf Monk(Tetori) that stays in contact with the Cleric from his new-found Dojo in the Pinnacle of Avarice. Would it possible/feasible to move this to a smaller known location such as Palin's Cove without too much effort in the way of setting? I try to keep it true as true to the Golarion that is presented as possible.

Grand Lodge

I played this campaign with my old eberron group and we got about a third of the way through it. My question is this, is there a good place to base this in Golarion? If you eant a referance The Age of Worms Campaign is in Dungeon 124-136.

Grand Lodge

Good to note. Thanks for the timely reply.

Grand Lodge

Okay so I can't find anything that answers this question specifically. My group is going against the BBEG and the cleric has Spell Specialization (quicken Dispel Magic) to drop a 7th level or lower spell slot to cast the spell with the BBEG casting at CL 20 Wizard. Opening Move is Wail of the Banshee and Quicken Time Stop using Greater Rod of Metamagic (quicken). My Question is this if the cleric uses their readied action to wait and dispel the time stop then do they cancel each other out since she is using it as a counterspell. Or for timing reasons would they have to blow it on the Wail of the Banshee or hold it for the d4 rounds of Time Stop without being able to use it?

Grand Lodge

This assits mightly thanks for your advice, Bruno.

Grand Lodge

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First question. Contingency vs. Inescapable grasp--Since contigency activates as a immediate action, and the monks ki abilities are swift actions I would think of this as being possible. On the otherhand one of my players informed me that there was an errata that stated that certain monk ki abilities are changed to immediate actions. She listed the defense bonus and the speed bonus ki can give. If that logic would be followed the other defensive abilities from archtypes such as the inescapable grasp would benifit from this as well. I personally have not seen this but I know that as a player I don't play monks so I'm not sure if this errata exists.

Secomd question. Can a creature attempt to grapple a creature already participating in a grapple? And if they can what happens to the current grapple? The instance I am asking for is the cleric go grappled when they where fighting nagas and the tutori dwarf used his ki to grapple larger creatures to grapple the large naga, being unclear on the rules for multiple grapples I just rules that the old grapple is dropped and a new grapple begins, is this correct?

Last question. The tetori gain the ability to grapple creatures larger then themselves what does this mean in relation to huge and larger crearures where a standerd PC-sized character is small or medium? Is there a limit to the size of the creature they can grapple? And if so do these creatures react to the grapple in the same way that creatures of a mutual size do?