Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Benjamin flashes three fingers back in recognition, assuming that it means to be back in three days, and then nods to the others. The ex-soldiers breathes in the cold air, shivers slightly, and points to the tracks leading north through wintry verdant growth. "Easy enough. Let's move off until the light fails us or we find something worth stopping for."
Survival, follow the tracks: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Above, Tayir keeps watch for signs of danger.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Benjamin looks confident as he approaches the bridge. He touches the ankh around his neck, which glows warm beneath his shirt (casting guidance). He loosens his cloak, revealing underdeveloped wings at his shoulders. He spreads these and it's clear that they're no good for flight but might help him out with balance. Standing upright with arms and wings outstretched, he begins moving across the log.
Acrobatics, ACP, Guidance: 1d20 + 10 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 10 - 1 + 1 = 15
It's a bit slicker than he expected, but he waves to Tayir as he crosses, while she glides through the air nearby emitting a low caw.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Can we get the map linked in the campaign header for easy access?
Benjamin looks across the river, scanning from the west to the east. "Well, if the last group of scouts encountered the kobolds, it was probably vaguely north northwest of here, towards those rolling hills in the distance. We can follow their trail for about a day and a half before returning. Sound reasonable?"
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
"By all means," Benjamin says, smiling at Gud, who had been quiet until now. He looks over at his bird. "Tayir here probably isn't strong enough yet to catch any of us if fall, but she can still fly below just in case."
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Checking the strap on his traveling bag and shielding his eyes from the blustery wind, Benjamin breathes deep to take in the air around him. He lifts his hand up and unleashes a shrill whistle that echoes across the rock faces and keens through the air.
High above, a large bird peeks down from the clouds and begins a long, lazy descent. This was Tayir: an adolescent roc that Benjamin had raised from a hatchling, rescued from a clutch initially designated as a meal for a pack of gnolls. She looks much like an oversized eagle with gold-brown plumage marked by tufts of red feathers and enormous talons that could rip a man in half. Seeing her master, she tucks her wings in and dives down with blinding speed. She spreads her span back out at the last moment, issuing a practical gust of wind as wings nearly 15 feet from tip to tip put on the brakes and she settles in. She ambles over towards Benjamin--a little shorter than him with her posture stooped as she folds her wings back and eyes him curiously with her enormous, dark eyes. He reaches out and gently pets her hackles.
"The wilds await!" he says. "Let's greet them."
Do you want us to pick a direction? Make any rolls?
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Benjamin rolls his eyes as the Tian half-elf further misconstrues the orders. It seems almost deliberate obtuseness.
The human, though, seems practical. Hat, right? Odd that Benjamin's mind assigned him human. It was a distinction in the group, but was it meaningful? Benjamin considered himself human, for the most part, whether anyone else did or not. But when trying to draw an understanding, he was distancing himself from that particular box. When had that started?
Benjamin shrugs and then nods. No salute. This wasn't a military outfit. "Understood. See you in three days."
Ducking out of the tent, Benjamin smiles wryly at Hasperat. "Are you sure that's north, or are you just guessing?"
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
In the Taldan Horse there had been many personalities. Some people entered military service because of a family history service. Others to find adventure. Many, especially those among the ranks of the Taldan unbearded class, sought to advance their station. Escape, madness, patriotism, revenge--everyone had a motivation. And yet they were expected to work together as one: a unit. Rather than falling into a regimented line, many people seemed to develop a distinct personality, or at least behavioral traits that would distinguish them from their fellow soldiers. In a small way, Benjamin suspected that it was subconsciously a desire calling out: "Please remember me when I catch an arrow to the neck."
Benjamin wonders at Pertih's outburst: the unprovoked misogyny, the barking, the glowering, the accusations of wasting time when they were merely answering the question that he had asked. Was it an act? A personality crafted to distinguish himself and get what he wanted, like so many drill sergeants Benjamin had interacted with. Or was it truly who he was?
The ex-soldiers also raises his eye at the "present company excluded" remark related to "evil entities." Did he mean the rougarou? Or himself? And why assume that the kobolds were inherently "evil" rather than merely protective of their territory? Sarenrae taught that none were beyond the possibility of redemption if such was offered in good faith.
To that end, Benjamin's eye flickers over to the half-elf. "That's not what he said," he corrects. "We're to avoid the kobolds lest we meet the same fate as the last group."
Hells, if the previous scouts were powerful enough to issue a Sending--even whispering wind--then there was no point seeking out death so recklessly.
Benjamin looks back to the gnomish leader. "Any other parameters for the expedition? Time out before we return, area mapped and catalogued, etcetera? Or just go and make sure that we come back before we die?"
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
There weren't very many terrifically safe ways to get from the City at the Center of the World across the breadth of Avistan to get to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. You could tell the Sellen up into the River Kingdoms and pray that the Razmirans didn't try to convert on your way to Ustalav. And from that haunted country you had to choose whether you wanted to risk the demonic hordes of the Worldwound or the orcs in the Hold of Belkzen. Trying to go the other way around the Lake Encarthan Region at least gave the option of avoiding the latter two, but you had to either travel through a warzone between Molthune and Nirmathas or pray that the Nidalese didn't decide to sacrifice you to their dark gods. Or you could try to sail most of the way by sea into one of the Varisian ports--the fewest border crossings but the greatest risk of piracy. In other words, the expedition might not even arrive with everyone alive if it ever arrived at all. What sort of people would be driven enough to leave their homes, abandon the trappings of civilization, and challenge death to try to make it in the frozen wastes of North Avistan?
Well, that's what Benjamin had wanted to figure out for the last eight months or so on the 4000-mile journey. A lot of the people in the companys truck him as desperate people. But Benjamin wasn't desperate. At least he didn't consider himself that way. A bit rootless, maybe rough around the edges, but not without options. This wasn't his first choice--not that most people got that in this or any life--but it wasn't his last either. It was just the one that had worked out for now.
But it was colder than he had expected in Robin Sage. He had figured on cold. Even the deserts in Qadira (especially, to be honest) got cold. You didn't usually hear about that in bedtime stories growing up. But this? Benjamin's teeth chatter as he stands outside of Pertih's building, waiting to be summoned, rubbing his hands together and breathing on them to try to keep feeling in his fingers. Then he hears Axaj provide the verbal cue, and he ducks in right on time.
The man standing in the doorway is handsome in the rugged sense, standing at attention like he's used to it. Dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes, and--feathers? Yes, amidst the black and olive and amber are a few red and gold crest feathers that--with the way his eyes are shaped--give a distinctly avian appearance. His thick cloak covers everything well, but it's clear that the man is well-armed underneath all of the cloth.
"Benjamin Regalianus, sir," he says. He had gotten used to not introducing himself with his rank anymore. No one else seemed to care, and he had been honorably discharged, so that was that. "Ex-Taldan Horse, formerly deployed in Qadira."
He leaves it be with just some brief bona fides. There was no need to belabor the point or try to justify himself. He knew what he was here for and what skills he had to offer: plenty.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
And Gud (good?) boi makes four!
So we've got a human with the smol king of the dinosaurs as a pet, a stormy half-elf with designs at being a samurai and a witch, a wolf-person with some well-deserved trust issues, and a bird-person ex-soldier with a giant eagle.
We might have lost Jediah in the interim, but this seems like a fun group!
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Oh, he's most certainly not high society. Here's the description of his hometown:
Lyon's Brook wrote: Nestled in the western foothills of the World’s Edge Mountains, the alpine Taldane village of Lyon’s Brook represents the decline of Taldane splendour and the resourcefulness of its people. Essentially abandoned by the nobility and bureaucracy, the common Unbearded folk of this quaint little town have created a good life for themselves, one of peace and quiet. He's a village boy who went off to play soldier.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Two (giant) eggs, ah-ah-ah.
I feel like both Benjamin/Hasperat and Tayir/Dukat could get along reasonably well.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
And yet what better animal companion for a plumekith to take than a giant bird? I have chosen a Roc to accompany Benji. It will never reliably be as gargantuan as its kin of yore, but if the GM will allow it to qualify as a gargantuan steed under the Mammoth Rider prestige class, then it may come close. And around 10th or 11th level, I could take the animal growth spell and a by-then huge Tayir could become gargantuan for a few minutes a day!
Yeeesss, yeeesss...
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Benjamin's stats have been converted. I'll probably keep the background about how it is, even though it references characters from another campaign. Whatever his goals were for returning home clearly did not work--perhaps his new faith was rejected upon being discovered. Whatever the case, a new start seems in order.
Since I have changed Benjamin to be a plumekith aasimar, his background of having a secret father in Qadira actually makes even more lore sense. Per Blood of Angels p. 11:
Blood of Angels wrote: Qadira: Reclusive and rarely seen by outsiders, the nomadic tribes of the Zho Mountains play host to a surprising number of aasimars, almost all of them tracing their heritage back to the majestic garudas, who stories say once watched over their wandering bands— and may still do so in secret. Plumekith also have a hatred for nagas and other snakelike creatures, so perhaps he feels that there are some ancient ancestral enemies nearby. Maybe not so far afield as the serpentine linnorms a couple countries over, but you know.
The last thing is that the animal companion may change from a wolf to something else. The Pathfinder Wiki page under fauna makes it abundantly clear that megafauna are in play, so I need to think about that.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Very likely going to bring this gent into the new campaign. He'll be de-leveled back to 1, and probably made into a Plumekith (Garuda-kin) aasimar to get that sweet, sweet +2 Dex/+2 Wis. Not sure if I'll keep him as a Sarenite, but there's a strong chance. Likely stat spread will be Str 14, Dex 16+2, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16+2, Cha 10. Switch-hitter w/ a finesse melee weapon (probably scimitar) and a composite longbow.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Benjamin rides from the pub to the stables, taking the long way round so that he won't trot directly by the Aesernas' house. He makes a quick hello to Mrs. Pollio and Pul as he drops off Hisan, nothing more than idle chit-chat, and then completes his near circle around Lyon's Brook's main streets to land himself at the home of his stepfather. Dhiib continues dutifully at his heels. Benjamin knocks at the front door rather than simply letting himself in. He'd sent letters announcing his impending arrival, but travel was so unpredictable that he'd only given a range of arrival dates. He wonders who will answer the door.
A young woman answers the door, older and more mature than when Benjamin had last seen her: his stepsister Modia. She was still a kid when he had last seen her, and had a reputation as a bit of a bully if he remembered correctly. Then again, of the two targets in her blended family, Rufus was the likelier target of her ire. They had only grown up as siblings for a few years, really. As he recalled, the old busybody Lusia had tried to set his mother up with different people for years, including a notoriously bad outing with Mr. Thorius. But Benjamin's mother had been a good comfort to Julum after Halda's unfortunate death, and they had gotten married without any matchmaking or meddling. Lusia had probably been furious.
Modia's look of boredom turns to surprise as she looks at her older stepbrother. They had both grown in the last few years--after all, Benjamin had had short hair and no facial hair when he had left for the Qadiran front. He had basically been a kid himself. "Oh!" she exclaims, pushing open the door and hugging him. "Ma, da, c'mere!" she says. "Benji's home!"
Ugh, Benji--he had hated that nickname. But Modia was about the only person who could get away with calling him that. He returns the embrace and needles her a bit. "Good to see you too, Modi."
Modia withdraws from the hug and sticks her tongue out as Julum and Floria emerge from elsewhere in the house to gawk at Benjamin. They both push past their daughter, Julum reaching up to tussle his shaggy hair ("To the barber with you, eh, son?"), and Floria looking wistfully at his military dress while tenderly touching his cheek ("I like it, he's the spitting image of Sellio.") Behind him, Dhiib jostles up and down, whining impatiently to be introduced and to get ear scritches.
"And this is my best friend, Dhiib," he says, looking back and bending down. He ruffles his wolf's muzzle with both hands and encourages his family to come say hello. All three do, with varying reactions to the surprise that they might be getting a new pet. Modia seems delighted. Floria begins laughing. Julum's initial happiness sours, but he tries to maintain his composure as he sneezes.
Benjamin comes into the Aesernas house and goes to his old room, which is certainly not as he had left it. It's clear that the room had been used for storage up until his letter had arrived; opening the closet reveals that it still was serving as storage in some capacity. He washes up for dinner and coordinates with Modia to play a prank on Rufus when he returns. All in all, it's a deeply pleasant first day back in Lyon's Brook.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
I have only had COVID once during the pandemic (so far, *fingers crossed*), but it was not pleasant at all. Rest up and I hope you feel better.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
@GM: Was my idea of the stepfamily acceptable? Should I write out my interaction with them, or would you rather take care of that?
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Benjamin smiles and bows his head. "Very well, then. On your invitation, I shall see you on the morrow." He whistles as he hops back up on his horse and trots back to the local thatcher's home.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
"Oh, Sir Eustus is still here? Of course, why wouldn't he be?"
Benjamin looks perplexed for a moment. "I wonder if he'd still remember me. Maybe. Uhrm," he looks at Euda, uncertain, "Did you mean to invite me as well? I don't mean to presume or anything."
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
After his brief interactions with some new, unfamiliar faces (and a quick drink at the Pub), Benjamin excuses himself to go home to see his mother and (presumably) the rest of his stepfamily. "Adventure indeed!" he exclaims at the end of the tale. "I'll leave you all to it, then. I'm headed to the Aesernas homestead. I'm sure I'll see you lot around town. Cheers!"
GM, I sent you a PM about Benjamin's stepfamily.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
"Oh, an adventure?" Benjamin asks with his eyebrow raised. "I'd certainly like to hear that!" He nods, whistling at Dhiib and Hisan to get ready to move again. Rather than remounting his horse, he just takes the reins and leads him after Gunnar and the others. "I'll get to my own family soon enough. A brief delay shouldn't be too much trouble while catching up with an old friend and making new acquaintances."
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Benjamin leans over and extends his hand out towards Euda as well. "Another unfamiliar face; Lyon's Brook seems full of them today! Good to meet you as well, Ms. Solanis."
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
"Aye, for the last several years, as my kin before me," Benjamin says, providing a salute. He appraises the paladin curiously. Another dedicated Abadaran in Lyon's Brook? Perhaps Banker Triarius had grown in esteem even more these last few years. Benjamin wonders off-hand if his account was still maintained and whether it had accrued any interest worth noting. He honestly didn't remember if he had withdrawn everything before leaving for the Qadiran front. He probably had, to be fair. He had been too young to know better.
"It's good to meet you as well, Sir Vryce. Did Mr. Triarius expand into transportation these last few years, or are you an independent entity?"
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Trotting past the inn, nodding and saying hello to people that he recognizes, Benjamin sees another familiar face, this one from the Public House. "Lo there, Fezzan!" he calls out with a smile and a wave. "How are things at the Pub these days?"
He sees a handful of other people with Fezzan that, to his surprise, he doesn't recognize, but he nods at Euda and Gunnar all the same. With a short ascending whistle, Hisan stops and Benjamin takes a moment to dismount. Dhiib plops onto his haunches while Benjamin strides forward and reaches a hand out to shake Fezzan's. If he had learned anything in Qadira, it was to always be on good terms with the people serving your food and drinks, especially if you hadn't patronized their establishments in a while.
He nods to the other two as well, extending his hand to them as well. Benjamin Regalianus," he says by way of introduction, wanting to be polite.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
If the GM wants to bring me in to meet you all, or if you all want to drag a familiar stranger over, I'm happy to have a reason to be side-tracked away from my canter home. I just didn't want to shoehorn myself in unnecessarily if you were all still doing something.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
At the edge of Lyon's Brook, a man dressed in the green and blue of the Taldan Phalanx sits astride a trotting horse. The man has curly black hair that falls down to his shoulders, framing a face darkened by years in the sun. A strong-looking bow is strung across his back, and two blades (one short and one long) sit comfortably in their sheathes at his side. The horse looks like it may be a cross between the Taldan jennet and the Al-Zabriti shissah, with a slim frame and a high-arched tail, and a wide forehead with a thin ring of black, hairless skin around its eyes. Walking alongside the horse and the man, and stopping to smell (and occasionally mark) the trees that they pass, is a small wolf with a thin, gray-beige coat. The wolf's ears are longer than those seen in Taldor's forests, and its head smaller, giving the impression that it is not from Taldor.
"Well, Dhiib, Hisan, we're almost home," he announces to the horse and wolf. He rubs the horse's neck and gives him a light pat, while the wolf looks up at its name, tongue lolling out of its mouth as he pants lightly. "You'll like Lyon's Brook. Fewer slings and arrows. Easier food. Just don't--" the man looks sternly down at the wolf, "--even think about trying to eat one of Mr. Livianus' sheep. Or any chickens." The wolf's ears go up, looking completely innocent.
"I wonder if Mrs. Pollio still owns the stable," he muses aloud. "A question for after we've seen mother, isn't that right, Hisan?" The horse snorts and shakes his head. "Ah, you're right. Let's hurry up. Hyah!"
And after years away, Benjamin Regalianus shakes the reins of his horse and urges him into a canter to cover the remaining distance to get into town. He was home.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
I think I forgot to check in to say that my character sheet was done and ready for review. I have been following along and looking for an appropriate moment to join after the current scene ends.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Great! Confirming for a Hunter that that is 240 + 500 gp, so I'll adjust my starting wealth to 740 gp and ensure that I'm not coming in with any single item that is worth more than 370 gp.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
I am everywhere!
Two questions: should I come in with Level 2 WBL (1000 gp) or something else? And should I roll for my animal companion's HP as well, or take the average? (Max at first or no?)
I'm also considering (because it's appropriate for his background) purchasing a combat-trained heavy horse. Obviously it wouldn't grow with us, but it's sure useful at the currnt level. Would I roll for the horse's hp, or just take the average?
Assuming I roll for the wolf, let's roll some bones.
Wolf HP Rolls: 3d8 ⇒ (8, 2, 6) = 16
Once I settle these, my character sheet should be just about done.
Male Plumekith Aasimar Divine Hunter 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 19 Touch 14 Flat 15 CMD 16 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4; Per +8, SM +4 | Active: None || Tayir HP: 14/14 | AC 23 Touch 14 Flat 19 | CMD 17 | Fort + 2, Reflex +7, Will +1 | Speed 20 ft, Fly 80 ft (avg) | Init +4 | Per +5, LLV | Active: None
Greetings all! GM Nazard has invited Ben to join you all. I am working up the alias and will dot into the gameplay thread so that I can find an appropriate time to join back from the Qadiran front.
HP Roll: 1d8 ⇒ 7
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