Benjamin Jones 811's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


blackbloodtroll wrote:

You can go Scarred Witch Doctor, as a Half-Orc.

I recommend this, as you will have no stat penalties.

Also, you can take the Sacred Tattoo alternate racial trait, and with the Fate's Favored trait, you will have a flat +2 Luck Bonus to all saves.

I would also stick that 9 into strength.

If you really want some melee abilities, you can nab the Prehensile Hair Hex, which will give you a 10ft reach Primary Slam attack, that uses your Con for attack, and x1.5 Con for damage.

hmm... i like that. I'll do that

Okay, I talked to the DM and I've settled on using these stats but as a scarred witch doctor. I figure since he won't be intelligent or charismatic that i'd play him as having very animalistic tendencies. possibly like an evil Scooby Doo that likes to eat people. If I make him Orc it'd look like this:

Str 11 (+4)=15
Dex 9
Con 17
Int 7 (-2)=5
Wis 15 (-2)=13
Cha 7 (-2)=5

blackbloodtroll wrote:

How come you have 7 rolls?

Can you drop the 3?

If so, put the other 7 into Cha.

its seven rolls and then drop the lowest. so I have 7,7,9,11,15,17 to work with, unless i really wanted a 3 which i don't lol I'll ask him for a reroll or to switch classes.

Honestly, I just wanted to see if anyone had anything that's made these stats work for a cleric because I was at a loss.

Yea, I haven'y played with this DM yet but I'm honestly surprised he hasn't told me to reroll yet...

I'm joining an evil campaign at level 1 as a CE cleric. My original concept of the character was a middle-aged warpriest who believes the world has become soft and weak. So he intends to cut the weakness out of the world himself.

Then I roll for my ability scores and my concept quickly looks silly. We rolled 4d6 drop the lowest, seven times taking the best six. I rolled 3, 7, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17. Now I am kind of at a loss on how to make this character work... Can I get some advice from the community?

yes, slaying Fafnheir will be quite the feat (CR 24 if IRC) thats partially why I intend to run a sequel campaign with the previous PC characters now being NPCs and the new PCs the next generation, so to speak. I'm just worried that having one player's character set above the rest could upset other players. Though I did intend for all of them to end up kings if they desire...

So I have been working on a campaign for my group set in The Land of the Linnorm Kings. The general idea for the campaign is the PCs becoming renown heroes in their homeland and eventually becoming kings. As the intention for the campaign is to end up uniting the kingdoms under a High King how best can I do this without placing one player above the rest?

I thought possibly using an NPC ally who becomes High King but I am uncomfortable stealing the stage from the players. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can deal with having a player become High King while still allowing the other players to feel equally special?

P.S. My current plan is to just let whomever deals the finishing blow on Fafnheir become the High King and Start a new campaign with that character as an NPC leading the united kingdoms to retake Irrisen from the witches...

My Friends and I are about to start a campaign using the Legacy of Fire Adventure Path. I am aware that Arcane is the typically favored bloodline for sorcerer but i was curious if there were any that'd fit into this AP thematically while being interesting themselves.

I planned to play a human and the rest of the party includes:

A LN Hobgoblin Cavalier (Fell Rider Archetype)
A NE Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber and Mindchemist Archetypes)
A NE Orc Witch (Scarred Witch-Doctor archetype)

As far as what I want out of my sorcerer, I am open to most ideas (though I do need to be the party Face due to being the only one with a positive Cha modifier). Also the group is predominantly themed as a group of outcasts and/or slaves while my character is meant to be the "respectable" one...

Any ideas?