
BenTheFerg's page

10 posts. Alias of Ben Ferguson.

Hi all.

Was wondering if anyone knew if Paizo had any plans to delve more into the planes of Golarion? Planar Adventures was for 1e.....

With 5e bringing out Planescape anew, my interest in all things planar has been rekindled. Sure there is Gatewalkers- but I am talking a serious look at the planes in Golarion, their rulers,& exploration of how they interact with the material realm & each other. Like Keith Baker sets out in Eberron.

Cheers in advance for any insights!



Running The Abomination Vaults on Roll20 & having a blast.

Looking at what we could play next has made it abundantly clear that beyond the core hardback books on Roll20 (fine for homebrew campaigns) there is little love for Roll20 in terms of Adventures & Adventure Paths being converted for Roll20.

Does anyone have any knowledge about whether this situation is changing any time soon?

Really looking forward to running the new APs coming out (Gatewalkers onwards).... but we can only play them with adequate VTT support. Otherwise we will have to pivot to another game system whilst we wait! Not really keen on learning a new VTT in addition to running games since I am time poor. Fortunately Call of Cthulhu is relatively easy to run on Roll20 without the need to buy adventures. And I have Blade Runner rpg on Roll20 amongst other things.

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Greetings to anyone in the Paizo subforum for Lost Omens products! It's a niche community!

Exploring the idea of Ptolus v Absalom for running an urban crawl.

Want to run PF2E & dump 5e. Want to run PF2E in Golarion.

Maybe there are some extra pages out there ....since there are some concerns with Absalom as a book (owning Ptolus has sharpened my expectations)

1. No index.... is that coming? The contents page is very spartan. Where are various buildings? There seems to be no way of finding them quickly.... (Ptolus does this via Index & each page has mini indexes of core NPCs/institutions/ factions/ monsters etc.

2. Map key. No map key!

Both are solvable by Paizo bringing out these as pdfs (please!!)

Has anyone done this?

Without these 2, it makes the book far harder to use quickly :(

This evening, our game ground to a halt over the precise understanding of how cleaving finish can be used - and whether or not, when a player killed an opponent who moved through their threatened space, with an attack of opportunity strike, whether he was also then allowed to attack another opponent, who had not moved/ done anything, but who was within range of his reach weapon, with 'Cleaving Finish'.

Which rule has primacy? My view was that the text of the AoO rules has supremacy over the Cleaving Finish - but I could well be wrong.

AoO state:
"An enemy that takes certain actions while in a threatened square provokes an attack of opportunity from you"
and later - as regards Combat reflexes -
"Combat Reflexes and Additional Attacks of Opportunity: If you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can add your Dexterity bonus to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. This feat does not let you make more than one attack for a given opportunity".....

Thus you cannot make more than one attack per opportunity - and can only take an AoO on an opponent who is taking certain actions in your threatened square

BUT Cleaving Finish states:
"If you make a melee attack, and your target drops to 0 or fewer hit points as a result of your attack, you can make another melee attack using your highest base attack bonus against another opponent within reach. You can make only one extra attack per round with this feat."


Can Cleaving Finish be used as an AoO against a foe within your threatened squares but who has not done anything to provoke an AoO?

My view is no.... but the player in my gang was adamant that I am wrong!!

Has there been an official ruling on this or is this a house rule situation?

Quick question: Can the damage output from flurry of blows be improved by Strong Jaw?

I ask since, although one's fists are a natural attack, in the text of flurry of blows says: " A monk with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a flurry of blows, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his flurry of blows attacks."

Thus at the moment, an enlarged 11th level monk goes from d10 to 2d8 damage with every hit.

IF strong jaw works, I am assuming it goes from 2d8 to 4d8.

However, this makes the monk very powerful with multiple attacks a round with flurry, with 5 attacks dishing out 4d8 damage, before STR bonuses etc!

I have tried in vain to find out the answer to this....

PLUS: would improved natural attack be possible for a monk as well? Or has this been changed too (as a result of the above wording?)



Is it just me, or is encounter design simply not challenging enough in Kingmaker?

Unless there is a serious level spell caster NPC, the pcs are muntering all my critters.... the Iron Golem did not last more than 4 rounds with my lot in Armag's tomb (4 x10th level at the time+ 2 cohorts + 2 animal companions + 1 familiar)...... but the cleric encounter was more challenging.... although the druid turned into an earth elemental and got beyond their blade barrier....

as for Drelev. The party simply scried the baron, using a seal they found on his flunk at the battle of Tatzleford (which the party themselves took to the enemy, with their uplifted Roc as an aircraft carrier, and despite having changed the trolls into hill giants, they made mince meat of the army without any aide.....).... so they scried the baron and teleported into his bedroom whilst he was having a merry time.....thus bypassing the swamp....

scry and teleport are but two problems facing such a sandbox game.

I also think that D&D is designed around the exhaustion of resources in a dungeon, and the one-shot encounters of a wilderness don't burn so many resources.....

But I also think the CR of encounters needs to be upped a bit.... and lessons from 4e ported into PF: more interesting environments, which are used in combat, greater variety of combatants, and no solo monsters, have many.

I am alone in having to redesign all the encounters for this AP so they are challenging enough? This problem has gotten worse as the levels have risen. Levels 1-3 were more challenging but even then I had to push tuskgutter into a dire boar - not that it mattered, the 3rd level barbarian on his steed critted his charge with a lance, killing it in one hit!!!! ARGH! But now, at 11th level, pcs are very powerful, and without magical support, critters are in heaps of trouble. The monk has a high AC, esp with buffing and using Ki points (AC 37 max with buffing etc - but normally 33, with sandals of displacement).....who dished out 137hps in one round to a souped up 12 headed hydra (I double every creatures HPs so they can last more than 2 rounds - but in this case, I trebled its hit points, and it lasted 4 rounds I believe!!) (He is enlarged, with strong jaw, and has some electrical bracelet thing)...... he makes the Iron Golem look like a wuss!!!!

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Hi folks

my gang are having a headache

the natural attacks by size table 3.1 p302 in Bestiary does not tally with the feat Improved Natural Attack.

add to this other stuff, eg strong jaw, means one can enter a world of hurt with the maths

We have been house ruling what is the progression....

Can anyone tell me if there is an chart which does this on these forums/ post me a solution - or is it make it up/ house rule for now?



Out of all the 3rd edition rulesets out there, I really like the Iron Heroes one by Mike Mearls.

As anyone actually run/ considered running RotRL with Iron Heroes? Is this an insane idea?

I am curious since I can't face running 3.5 D&D - it is too complex... which may sound strange since I like IH.... but with IH there is little magic (I don't allow pcs to play arcanists) - and this speeds up my book-keeping as a ref. I love the way combat can happen in IH... For me, IH is what swords and sorcery should be.

Cheers for any positive feedback from you guys,

Archmage Mescalin