Ben_McFarland's page

5 posts. Alias of terraleon.


Off to read the thread! Yay!

I do hope you'll leave a review of it.




I didn't see this, or I'd have told you, think of Marrakech, Fes, and Chefchaouen. Images for these and their sooks should be helpful visual aids.


Yay! I'm off to read your thread and see how it went. :D

I do hope you'll leave a review of it.



Cfoot wrote:
As the scenario is laid out, there are only 4 encounters (2 of which are underground, where we didn't get to).

That scenario is about rescuing the Riftwardens. That means figuring out what happened, talking to the people who can tell you that information, and then rescuing the Riftwardens. All of the encounters matter, whether or not you're rolling initiative.

There are many encounters, with the investigation (which is really three encounters), the bathhouse, any preparation for and the execution of the raid. Even if you look at the investigation as a single encounter (which is a questionable, but possibly reasonable interpretation), it impacts the later encounter at the bathhouse. That's two encounters right there and they have relevance.

Even if I wasn't the author, the encounter progression described in the initial post sounds (to me) like the group completed most of the adventure. How do you justify saying they did not?
