Bullying Brawler

Ben Erickson 9999's page

15 posts (16 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

So, if I have only 4 cards left with a hand size of 5, and no cards in my character deck, does my character die at the end of the turn during resetting of the hand?

Since the buckler gun can be used as a weapon, can Instant Armor still be used to avoid burying the card?

The text on Instant Armor states, "When armor is played on any check, discard this card to recharge that armor instead of discarding, burying, or banishing it." makes me believe I can play both. Though, the buckler gun card states that "this counts as playing a weapon instead of an armor."

So, does Instant Armor look at the card category, or does it consider how it is being used? If the Buckler Gun text overrides the card category to be weapon, you wouldn't be able to use Instant Armor.

Thoughts? I could see this being a decent combo early on for spell casters who have armor options. If the Instant Armor can't be applied to Buckler Gun when it is being used as a weapon, it loses any benefit as I intended.


On Jemma's card, you summon the ship Shackles Pirate Ship. The next line of text states: "If undefeated, bury the bottom 1d4 cards of your deck."

Does that line refer to the encounter with the ship or with Jemma? If it is with Jemma, you would take combat damage and bury cards? If it is with the ship, you would take structural damage and bury. Any clarification here would be great!

Thanks in advance.