Vampire Seducer

Belle Leighn's page

14 posts. Alias of Orthos.


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gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's a Kudzu Leshy. You should know how dangerous kudzu is.

You have no idea.

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Just a Mort wrote:

On Earth, you eat greens.

In Pathfinder, greens eat you.

I typically give them the option to run away first.

But hostile people attacking me for being a giant walking flower with tentacles are a pretty small part of my diet, nowadays, since we're in a more civilized era of our little kingdom. I mostly live on bears and big stags and the occasional troublesome troll or giant.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I've never played Mass Effect.

Play Mass Effect.

Your king demands it.

Well, I didn't vote for you.

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Rosetta Stone, Flumph Educator wrote:
Belle Leighn wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday Divided by Zero wrote:
Belle Leighn wrote:
Life Sized Cap'n Yesterday prop wrote:
Señor Vorpal Kickass'o wrote:
Incidentally, I call them "kwill-poth" usually, but I have done "klip-poth" too.
That's the great thing about made up words, everyone is right:-D

Technically Qlippoth isn't a made up word...

Unfortunately it doesn't provide English phonetics and the different transliterated spellings could indicate different acceptable non-Hebrew pronunciations.

Well someone had to make it up, last I knew words didn't just float out of space like Flumphs, or did they? Perhaps we're all just cogs in a grand alien propaganda campaign...

Edit: D'oh! Forgot to quote again! Well, I'm not doing it over:-)

Did it for you =)

The word's literal translation is 'Husk' or 'Peel' or 'Shed Skin', so it was probably at least in some part a normal part of language that was co-opted for use in this metaphorical/religious context. In that sense, it's as "made up" as any word in any language - by which I mean since we still only have immensely fragmentary knowledge of how languages originally developed (barring religious or mythological sources such as the Tower of Babel story, etc.), it doesn't tend to fall under the umbrella of what we usually mean by "made up words". =)

Yup, that was us.

You got the bard talking linguistics, you have no one to blame but yourself ;)

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Cap'n Yesterday Divided by Zero wrote:
Belle Leighn wrote:
Life Sized Cap'n Yesterday prop wrote:
Señor Vorpal Kickass'o wrote:
Incidentally, I call them "kwill-poth" usually, but I have done "klip-poth" too.
That's the great thing about made up words, everyone is right:-D

Technically Qlippoth isn't a made up word...

Unfortunately it doesn't provide English phonetics and the different transliterated spellings could indicate different acceptable non-Hebrew pronunciations.

Well someone had to make it up, last I knew words didn't just float out of space like Flumphs, or did they? Perhaps we're all just cogs in a grand alien propaganda campaign...

Edit: D'oh! Forgot to quote again! Well, I'm not doing it over:-)

Did it for you =)

The word's literal translation is 'Husk' or 'Peel' or 'Shed Skin', so it was probably at least in some part a normal part of language that was co-opted for use in this metaphorical/religious context. In that sense, it's as "made up" as any word in any language - by which I mean since we still only have immensely fragmentary knowledge of how languages originally developed (barring religious or mythological sources such as the Tower of Babel story, etc.), it doesn't tend to fall under the umbrella of what we usually mean by "made up words". =)

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Life Sized Cap'n Yesterday prop wrote:
Señor Vorpal Kickass'o wrote:
Incidentally, I call them "kwill-poth" usually, but I have done "klip-poth" too.
That's the great thing about made up words, everyone is right:-D

Technically Qlippoth isn't a made up word...

Unfortunately it doesn't provide English phonetics and the different transliterated spellings could indicate different acceptable non-Hebrew pronunciations.

Glad you like! She's been one of the group's favorite NPCs thus far, as well as having a major effect on the entire campaign setting; one of my plans, as Kingmaker is nearing its end, is to revisit their kingdom in the future as a revised Curse of the Crimson Throne game. Given the lifespan of her new species, Belle will likely still be around even all those centuries later.

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lynora wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Drejk wrote:
What was that about Dave attracting women that are above average when it comes to awkwardness/weirdness? Oh, we hadn't any reference to that in quite a long time. ;)
Would it be too much to ask for someone at least marginally normal, stable, and grounded in reality?
Pretty sure that's a pick two, you can't get all three situation...

That's how these things usually work, I've found....

You should definitely get that looked at. Fungus can really ruin your week, and once it starts spreading it's hell to get rid of. Believe me, I'd know.

Freely available to all, save the deceased.

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Scintillae wrote:

And thus we have the real reason history gets whitewashed over time.

"Gods damn it, these idiots did WHAT?!"

You have Realistic, Respectable, and Relevant. Pick two.

The best part is, I am writing all this down for posterity.

Scintillae wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:
Scint, you just made me snort soda.

Then my work is done, but I must go.

Tips hat, twirls cape, vanishes in a flurry of rose petals

I'd rather you not pick those without asking in the future, if it's all the same.

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Lilith of the Wyld Wood wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

This latest creature should provide you with pleasant dreams.

I know someone who's getting themselves a mount.

Listen, Dad, we need to talk. You're starting to collect too many pets from Iomrall's leftovers. The neighbors are getting suspicious.

And this one smells bad. Really bad.

Property values are down, we're getting bad reviews on the noteboard at the World Serpent, and I think most of all, our complaints department is not 99% full of "Errol did something again".