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male human...sort of.
![]() Evening comes to Skyridge, and with it, the familiar howl of the winter winds. The Welcome district bustles with activity. Farmers pull their livestock into shelter and cover their crops to shield them from the cold; families begin warming coal in their firepits. Halfling laborers scramble to finish scouring the streets of snow and filth, hoping to retreat to the undercarriage to stay warm among the pipes before the sun vanishes beneath the horizon once more. Skyknights bring their massive eagles in to roost above the rooftops, dropping their canvas curtains over their nests and securing them against the wind to block the coming chill. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a lone halfling, dressed in two and a half layers of thick cloth, appearing to all the world like a tiny brown yeti, dashes down the streets, rapidly scanning the populace and looking back down to a small scroll in his hands. his eyes light up as he spots his quarry, dashing up to you with a folded letter in his hands. "Here you go, sir! Read immediately, and stay warm!" he chirps out excitedly, before scurrying off to return to his rounds. The letter bears a grey wax seal in the shape of three talons. Breaking the seal, you see only a brief message: You have been deceived. I can show you the truth. Go to the Mithral Pick at sundown. Show the innkeeper the seal. Your table is waiting. The letter is unsigned. The sun hangs lazily above the horizon; sunset will occur for the welcome district within the hour. Where are you now, and what do you do? ![]()
![]() I've recently attempted to start a PBP campaign here on the threads, and after running into difficulties figuring out how to do so, I've noticed there's little to no actual info on how to do this correctly. There MUST be a way somewhere, as I've seen countless PBP's and participated in several; I simply cannot find documentation on how this is done. Since this is a feedback section, I would suggest revising the site to make this process a little more apparent, or just sticky some instructions somewhere... ![]()
![]() Welcome, one and all, to the paizo forums, to your first play-by-post campaign, and to my world... This thread is intended as an interest check for members of the Art Institute of Houston's Gaming Evolution League, and for members of the Path of Frost gaming clan (SURPRISE!) More information and rules will follow, as I want everyone to have a chance to get acquainted with this format, but first, a taste of what's to come... Introduction:
Mount Kharon is a desolate mountain range named for its former owner, a tyrannous red dragon who single handedly brought dragonkind to extinction and forced the mortal races to choose between unwavering servitude or death by merciless winter. Though Kharon lies dead, slain by a forgotten champion, the damage has been done. The grip of endless frost has begun to lift...but the world is still a cold place.
The mortal races, however, are not so easily broken, and in the wake of Kharon's death, have not only recovered, but begun to thrive. On the very slopes of Kharon's mountain lair they have built a new settlement. it is a momunent to the ingenuity and tenacity of a united people. It is a place of innovation and security for a now isolated populace. Surrounded by the savage nomads of the Bloodspire Orc tribes in the plains below, and faced with the lingering remains of a centuries-long winter brought on by the arrogance of the world's last dragon, the people of this forward-thinking town have adapted to survive. This is Skyridge. Between the technological and arcane developments of the ingenious Cloudseekers, the blessings of the druidic Circle of Stone, the shrewd Dwarves of the Brewbane clan, and the bold tenacity of the recently established Skyknights, Skyridge has become a bastion of civilization in a world struggling to shake off the chill of the grave. Its people now challenge the death throes of a tyrannous ice age with a lofty goal: To reclaim the sky for mortalkind and take to the clouds. This is your home. you are among the people of Skyridge. You've grown up sharing their dream, chasing it in your own way...and that dream is in jeopardy. Caravans to and from the Algolian Garrison below are being ambushed with more ferocity than ever before; the military escorts the crown provides are no longer enough. Imported supplies are becoming scarce. Crucial research projects are being sabotaged. The coal pulled from the mountain is barely sufficient to fight the frigid peak winds. Food is disappearing. New monsters are emerging from the mountains, pinning the people between old foes and new threats. Worst of all, hushed rumors abound of a dire secret unearthed within Kharon's mountain tomb. Though the dragonlord lies dead and buried, his lair remains largely unexplored; cave-ins stymie the progress of tunnelers, traps threaten would-be explorers, and subterranean denizens prowl the caverns for warm-blooded prey. Some hope that warmth and wealth can be found among the remains of the killer of dragonkind, but none doubt the lingering dread emanating from within... Will you be the flame that carries your peoples' dream forward, or will you--and the dream--succumb to the cold? As this is a preliminary interest check, all I ask at this point is for those interested to create their Paizo account and create a messageboard alias. I will provide help with the process for all who need it. Once sufficient interest is expressed, I will add further information and character creation rules. Hope you're not afraid of heights... ![]()
![]() After all sorts of meandering around the PRD and having a few goof-off sessions with some buddies over ventrilo, I figured it's time to go ahead and sign up for PFS and see what I'm missing. I'm somewhat experienced with RPG's in general, having had a sampling of a few different games, and a chance to read rulebooks for several more; I haven't had near as many opportunities to game as I'd like. I've enjoyed the Pathfinder rules and would love to see a regular group spring up in my area, or, if its more practical, I frequent a ventrilo server that would welcome new voices and more games. Since my experience is mostly book knowledge at this point with some practical understanding of what I feel is good roleplay, I haven't had much opportunity to work on my DM skills and would relish the chance to see new DMs and learn from their styles. I have some homebrew campaigns in the works, but it's all rough at this point; some hands-on game time will definitely help the gears turn and fill in the gaps, so to speak. I'd be willing to step up and DM some casual sessions, but if someone wants to run the game, I'll gladly roll up fresh. Feel free to PM for more info; there's plenty of room on the vent server, and I'm home often to answer messages. Looking forward to some good game time. |