Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin scoffs at the malevolent trinket. I say the thing needs t'be melted down for the jewels. No sense bein' scared t'offend a dark god; we're already facin' one before long. 'Sides, sticking a thorn in evil's sides always earns ye good graces with yer own gods, I'd imagine." ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin lifts his maulaxe, bringing it down across the surface of his shield, which bears a flurry of protruding wooden shards; the wood splinters away, leaving the shield relatively clean. replacing the weapon at his side, he reaches up to check his beard, picking out splinters every few seconds. "First bone, now wood. World's got a grudge against Dwarven beards of late..." Satisfied with his grooming, Belgrin takes up position near the body. "If yer buryin' her, let's get to it. Don't want a shovel in hand whenever our quarry--or our nameless beastie--comes back for more jollies." ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Well, I can't claim to be anything more than forgetful lately myself, so I'm going to let the majority speak for us here. Whatever method ends up working best for juggling pace vs. immersion is what we'll go with in the end; the group and the DM either find a method to their liking, or change it up, so it works out one way or another. I'll do my best to keep a daily tab again, despite college getting dumber by the day. I'm a culinary student, and they STILL find excuses to lump me with homework. ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Good to see a returning face, though I'll readily admit I've been heinously neglectful of the boards myself lately. All the new things on my mind of late have yanked some of my attention away from the PBP's. I still don't want to give up on what I've got as I do still enjoy the games, so I will do my best to keep involved if we start up again. ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Sorry. Losing track of time lately. Seeing the creatures spring to life and move on his party, Belgrin wastes no time marching over to the wooden bear and laying into it with the sharp side of his maulaxe. attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin dismounts and draws his weaponry, his stony expression laced with barely perceptible outrage as he growls his protest. Goddess or no, ye don't just butcher good stonework and vandalize it for laughs. Someone'll bleed for this mockery, mark my words. Waiting for changes before I move in. Only thing worse than an angry Dwarf in your face is one behind you. ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin cocks an eyebrow at the suggestion of being disarmed, and scrunches his nose as his companions begin to surrender their weapons one by one. He lifts his maulaxe to eye level, glancing between it and the captain, obviously weighing his options intently. "Bah! Better off out here with the guard, I'll be. Don't see smiths with weapons like these just hanging on the wall every day, aye? You lot go play with the wee ones; after what's reared its head of late, I'd rather wait outside than let me own blades out of arm's reach. Lest ye want to wrap mine up the same as the big one." ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin nods, still appearing passively disinterested in further examinations, but obviously concerned with the bigger picture. "Aye, Lassathor's fond of his walking bones and pus-filled corpses. Don't recall any demons or the like; just the living dead. If 'twas his lackeys, they'd have killed the wee ones too and made soldiers of their remains. Lasses're right; it's neither of our quarries. We got ourselves a new force ta reckon with. Just means somethin' new to smash ta red paste." ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() HP roll: 1d10 ⇒ 10
favored class bonus: skill point, added to ride
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin rolls his eyes at the new information and turns to Kevkas, as exasperated as if he'd just been questioned as to whether he was a Dwarf or not. "Oh, nine bloody hells, s'not enough the undead are recruitin', people are practically BEGGIN' t'join up? Demon, devil, ghost, ghoul, they're all the same! Make a bloody mess of our lands and neighbors and expect ta just walk away! Somebody find some damnable tracks already so I can flatten this animal's murderous hands and hack his daft head from his shoulders!!" ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin greets the scene with a stone face, perfectly silent for several seconds; in truth, even the unshakable gut of a Stoneshield can be moved at times. turning his head to spit his current mouthful of saliva along with the sum total of any intestinal reaction, he exhales. "We came ta track some murderers, but...this. Aye. This is a problem." Go 18 con and ironguts, aye? ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin sighs at the almost playful banter between the motley crew, stepping barely up to the height of Kevkas's abdomen and punching him casually in the arm. "Look, lad. I like yer gumption, I do, but stompin' round poundin' our chests'll do nothin' more than give the sod time ta set more snares and laugh as we hang from a tree by our ankles or worse. We send an oversized hulk like yerself scoutin' ahead first and we'll be lucky to even lay eyes on the prize 'fore he puts arrows in us all. Let the trackers do their jobs; we see him first and there'll be plenty o'flesh to hew, mark my words." ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin folds his arms, eyes averted in thought, as the details are spelled out. "Well, if the lad had poison in him, s'not likely Kane let him go on purpose, at least. Still expectin' to walk into a snare or two, given the facts. Any signs what kind of weapons dealt the kills? Always nice ta know what'll be swingin' at ye when ye hunt." ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin pours a dollop of gravy over his potatoes before lifting a forkful to his teeth. "so, some hermit fancies 'imself a tree-hugger servin' 'is god, and sets to killin' everyone so much as steps on a twig, eh? Bout typical." As he slices a strip of his venison and begins to chew, he nods with approval. "Mebbe no one told the daft fool trees grow back. Yer cook certainly knows his trade, by the way." ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Belgrin licks his lips at the thought of a well-cooked meal. "Wouldn't be a proper inn without a full kitchen, now would it? Leave it to the shorter folk to show the beanstalks what a real dinner's made of, aye?" He then dismounts and finds a good spot to take in the atmosphere and enjoy the setting. ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() Bummer. No party size is enough to balance out the tragedy of losing someone. I, however, will roll with the punches. If you recruit someone, I'll give 'em the shortspoken gruff Dwarf act just as solidly as anyone in the party, and we'll keep right on truckin.' ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() I have no qualms with the current plot; my own posts aren't exactly hectic in pace, though part of that is just my character's imagined nature, I would think. I seem to have a habit of creating characters that are better at responding to plot than creating it. I need to work on that. I'm just sad to see characters drop, especially when some of them were interacting so well. ![]()
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
![]() "Well," Belgrin starts, before finishing a mouthful of food and wiping his chin, "Only way ye get yer shot is comin' with us, cause he's not walkin' away once we track him down." The Dwarf spares a moment to glance around the encampment, pausing with a bite of food an inch from his open mouth, noticing a few disapproving eyes from Rylind's band. "But I wouldn't bet me beard on that happenin', aye?" |