
BelGareth's page

39 posts (40 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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A Dream Scarred Press, Psicarnum project under development

I have been working with Andreas and Jeremy from DSP to create a Psicarnum base class and it's come to that point in the design stage of being critiqued by more than 3 people.

I need the gaming community to tear this class asunder, try to break it, try to abuse it, play with it, put it in your campaigns, run it in scenarios, do what you do and we'll see if we can create something that will endure the test of the community.

I hope you all like it (or failing that, have some comments/critiques/suggestions)!

This was originally posted in the DSP forums HERE (look familiar?) and will be posted on ENWorld and giantitp.com as soon as I am able to.

Obviously, there are already some issues, and version 4.0 is already being written. But I would love to hear what you think about it.

The Class: the Flowshaper
List of Psishapes

Chris Mortika wrote:
It's also cheaper to get a variety of x-bane arrows, or arrows of slaying.

Absolutley, and not just cheaper but easier to use on the fly to.

mdt hit it on the head for DR bypassing.

projectile weapons place any enhancements onto their missiles.

And of course this gets a little redonkulous when the PC is a arcane archer....

mdt wrote:


The point would be to have a +1 Bow of Flaming, and a +1 Arrow of Acid. Then you get a +1 Flaming Acid attack.


Same thing different results, but i like your style....

Exactly, the point would be to have a +1 Flaming distance Bow of Nerfdom and fire +5 arrows from it.

Ken Marable wrote:
BelGareth wrote:
Err. I don't really mind the 499 i doled out for the feeling of Star trekiness when i press on the screen and it follows my orders!
Just to take it further is this fun little app.


I just purchased the smallest 499 16 GB Ipad this monday and with a simple .99c app and some downloading I now have my entire library(and more) of Books on my Ipad.
The interface IMO is brilliantly simple, navigating through PDF's, websites and pcitures si fluid, smooth and lightning fast. It is a delight to use.

I plan on using it for Pcitures of monsters so when they encounter them (my party) i can just flip it over and say you see this....

I posted on my FB profile that i purchased one and received ALOT of negative flak for it from my friends...it confuses me as to why alot of people are so anti Apple anything.

People as it has been posted before me are either loving it or hating it seems.

I for one love it. It is something i think the future of Computers (which has been posted before too) will be going towards.

Plus i get my nerd on when i feel all trekkie with it.

Oh and its not heavy at all to strain your body to hold it.

Just my 2 cents...

SirUrza wrote:
Price drop. Silly early adapters, it's the iPhone all over again.

Err. I don't really mind the 499 i doled out for the feeling of Star trekiness when i press on the screen and it follows my orders!

It will be uber geekness when the apps come for RPG's and I can't wait to see how the PDF of pathfinder corebook looks on it!

Ravingdork wrote:
If I gave a troll the Diehard feat (keeping him from falling unconscious when below 0 hit points) does that mean he becomes essentially unstoppable (since he doesn't die at negative constitution mod due to regeneration)?

I guess so, thats a very cool idea. Although at a certain point you would be looking at the troll falling apart just from sheer damage...maybe Fort saves at certain hurdles


i'm still good

I am in the boat of letting it go over the creating item CAP of 10.
Also you could get ALOT of extra abilities on the weapon using the Magic Item Compendium...just a thought.

The lving construct template is in the Savage Species but it is for a LVING construct as in Construct turned to life with flesh and bones, HUGE loss of abilities and LA.

So when we going to start this?

Nubzcrymore wrote:
When i level a character up to level 4 say i had 11 int and now i up it too 12 do i gain the skill points retroactivly?

I'm pretty sure this is covered in a section of the handbook but I can't remember where...

I think so as you receive retro HP from con why not skill points as long as the INT gain is permanent and in this case it is.

sorry im not to clear on the invisible items thing...could you explain it in a little more detail, I'm sure im familiar just not catching what your laying down is all...

2 Feats
Human bonus
1st level

I think I will change the Feats.
I'm thinking Endurance and Diehard instead of the classic PA and toughness. I don't need to max out DPS, Toughness is a mute point too, the 3 HP are cool but Endurance and Diehard basically give me my CON in HPs...
yeah sounds good to me.
And it works for the fluff too, I like to think the Draconic meld made him tougher (with +6 to CON!)

Here is the physical Description and name:


Player: BelGareth
Name: Asmundr Dagfinnr, Asmundr is Norse for Divine Protection, Dagfinnr is Norse for Day-Wanderer.
Deity: Asbjorn,The GodBear; God of War - CN, Alias of Tempus and/or Gorum. Asbjorn is Norse for Divine Bear. Bears being the sacred Animal of Asbjorn.
Physical appearance: His appearance now is a stark contrast to his once human image. He was a once a proud Son of Asbjorn, GodBear. His now off White Skin gleams in the sun with his new scales. His head is that of a miniature dragon, a snout with fangs, his nostrils give off vapor when he breaths in warm air. His Enormous strength is apparent in his stocky frame, a Beast of a Man in his human form, Asmundr revels in his size and power.
Height: 8 '3
Weight: 400 lbs

I love the idea of a Duelist Einhander, very cool imagery there.
And i don't think you need to have it deal piercing damage if it says one handed, technicaly its a one handed weapon if you have the prof for it.

I am also an unlucky roller....I detest stat rolling :)

Well Pseudodragon was already taken...and me too :)

Half Dragon Human Barbarian it is! Werebeasty wasn't doing anything for me and I thought it would be interesting to have a flying Barbarian!

So what if he will only have 1HD? :) *GRIN* He has BIG ONES!!!

I am still in the thought process of the background...


1st Barbarian(Favoured Class), +2 CR Half White Dragon CN Human
Hp: 21
DarkVision 60 feet, Low light vision
initiative: +3
Speed: 40
Fly: 60 (Average)
AC:21 (Dex +3, +4 Nat, +4 Armor) T 13 FF 18
Raging: 19, T 11, FF 16
BAB: +1
CMB: +10
CMD: 23
Attack: Masterwork Glaive +10 1D10 +16 x3
2 Claws, 1 Bite: +10/+10/+10 1D3 +9(Claws), 1D4 + 9(Bite)
Raging: +12 1D10 +19 x3
+12/+12/+12 1D3 + 11(claws), 1D4 +11(Bite)
saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2

STR: 28 (18 +2 Racial +8 Half Dragon)
DEX: 16
CON: 20 (14 + 6 Half Dragon)
INT: 12 (10 + 2 Half Dragon)
CHA: 14 (12 + 2 Half Dragon)
WIS: 14

HP: 23
STR: 32
CON: 24

Feats: Toughness, Power Attack
Special: Immune to Cold, sleep and paralysis, Breath attack 1D6 1/day DC 16 (30 ft cone), Rage 9/rounds/day, Fast Movement.
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Athletics +13, Fly +7, Move Silently +7, Perception +6, Survival +6
Equipment: Masterwork Chain Shirt, Masterwork Glaive (or +1)

A lone wolf runs through the foliage like a pixie ninja in a silence spell, he stops short of a cherry tree and eyes what he had smelled on a moment ago, another Wolf appears to his right and nuzzles him, they were out on the hunt and ready to eat.

He wakes up in a the wilderness naked and alone, stretching as if waking up from a long slumber his hands brush against something solid above him. A pair of large whitish wings drape over him like a cowl, he shrugs and looks around.
I have wings! What is going?
He looks at his hands and sees Claws for what were once hands. quickly looking down upon himself he sees the draconic visage of a changed body.
Images rush back to him; a laughing man, a chamber, a white dragon.
I think it was a baby
Oh God!
Screaming! blood, pain...

The two wolves that were watching changed their minds as they saw the winged creature howl in the midnight air holding his head, even in the darkness they could tell this thing wasn't normal, they loped off for something easier to prey on.

That man changed me! but why? why would he do this? WHY? I will find this MAGE, this MAN and hunt him down. I will tear his entrails from his still heaving chest and feast on his Heart as he watches me!
His head whips to the side eyeing something in the gloomy distance. A sudden Moment of clarity hits his red wall of rage.
Wow i can see far!
Something rumbles nearby...
but first i will quench my hunger...
And he runs off into the darkness...

Lots of Small beings, methinks a Large guy is needed here...
I'm thinking an Ogre(Can't recall HD I don't have acces to my books) or maybe a Goliath WereBear or something similar, I think the Wear bear is nerfed a little in PFRPG so I will be able to use it. (+2 CR or +3?)
Cause everyone knows a Pseudodragon, Imp, Kobold and a Thri-Kreen aren't complete without a Raging Large biped behind them!!!!

So we have a Thri-Kreen Ranger/Fighter, Kobold Warmage and an IMP Ninja?
hmm I think I could conjur up something suitably crazy...

This sounds like fun, am I right in understanding this is a PBP?
do you have room for another player?
I love making quirky off the wall characters...

M P 433 wrote:

You'd look at the "Beast Shape I" spell for guidance, which indicates that as a "medium" animal, you'd get +2 to Strength and +2 to Natural Armor class. You would use YOUR strength, not that listed for the "Boar," bring our druid up to 12. A boar has an armor class of 14 normally (+4 natural). Your Wild Shape brings this to 16 (+2 natural), and YOUR Dexterity (12) brings this +1 more to 17. Finally, your Ring of Protection +1 has a "constant bonus" so you'd get a deflection bonus to finally end up at an 18 AC. Your Hide Armor melds but adds nothing as armor.

This is all right with the exception of the Nat armor bonus, it gives you a bonus to your bonus(+0 mod) NOT the animals mod.

Thats actually the thread I got alot of my info from just couln't remember it!

Thanks for the responses, I was trying to get information on the technical side of things.

My DM houseruled that it would be impossible to wield a buckler properly to use while shooting a bow.

He always allows players to argue their point (thusly i am here :P )

James Risner wrote:
That isn't RAW and isn't RAI.

This is slightly off topic but what does RAW and RAI mean? i keep seeing it but i find no PFRPG dictionary link anywhere :P

richard develyn wrote:

In particular:

1) If I throw a two handed weapon, do I get 1.5 STR bonus on damage?

2) If I have a universalist wizard with Martial Weapon Proficiency (Glaive), say, does he get 1.5 STR bonus on damage when he does his Hand of the Apprentice with his Glaive?

3) Does point-blank shot to-hit *and* damage bonus apply to ranged touch attacks such as Disrupt Undead and Ray of Frost?

4) Does the above help in any way on non-hp-damaging ray attacks such as Ray of Enfeeblement?

Sorry if these have been asked before.

All the best


The first two have been covered already and I agree with teh results. However the other two...

PBS DOES affect any spells that you roll to hit as it is precision based. ALSO the damage from PBS is appllied as precision based, if the spell deals hitpoint damage it adds 1 hitpoint dmage if it is anything else (like ray of enfeeblement) it adds 1 negative energy HP damage. same goes for Eneravation and the like, just like sneak attack.
For more clear rules check out "complete mage" and Also PFHB(regarding sneak attack)

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I know in the Buckler details it says you can wield a Bow or crossbow without penalty. but what does that mean?

Is it just ignoring the -1 to hit?

Can you use a Buckler and maintain the AC bonus when using a Bow/Crossbow?

If so how would this work (mechanicaly speaking?)

or is it penalized for using both hands as it says later on in the description? and therefore losing the AC bonus.

May I ask why you would want to have a spiked gauntlet when wielding a reach weapon?

(I think I know why I just want clarification)

bar getting the Kobold Magazine, I would go for Stat drain.
Having a poker in your guts HAS to be hard on your CON, crippling a finger would be DEx and so forth.

Or alternatively (sp?) you could have them pull from the Critical Hit deck (if you own one) and use the special ability from the card untill they give the info or suffer the consequences.

this would obviously exclude the save or die affects, but i like the idea:

DM: The Torturer looks at you with an evil grin as he brandishes some cruel looking pliars.

"Tell me what you know if you want to keep your fingers!"

Player: "NEVER!" (or something similar)

DM: Ok then he cuts your two outer fingers off, you reel from the pain and take 1 CON and DEX drain. NEXT!

that could get ugly pretty fast....:)

Just because your chaotic does NOT mean you cannot keep a promise.
Oathe = Promise.
nuff said.

Chaotic PC's don't have to be Anarchy this Anarchy that and not be control over their own volition and mind. that would be a crazy Chaotic PC which for some reason is the General definition of Chaotic.

I myself do not like some of the LAWs i abide by but can keep a promise till kingdom come...

Humans are overated.

Zurai wrote:
You're making the common mistake of ignoring the fighter, barbarian, ranger, and paladin's bonus to hit. Every single one of those classes gets an increase in chance-to-hit when they're in their ideal situation (fighter using his weapon training, barbarian raging, ranger fighting favored enemy, paladin smiting). The cavalier gets no bonus to hit. That's a HUGE average damage increase to the other full BAB classes that the cavalier can't touch.

Actually the CAV does get bonuses if you choose specific Orders, for example I chose the Order of the Sword for my Number Crunching example.

The CAV got a bonus of +3 to hit.
The Fighter had a +2 Bonus to Hit with his Weapons training.
The Barbarian had his RAGE and a RAGE power.
The Monk his KI for the extra attack.
The Paladin his SMITE.
And your right I failed to add the Ranger who would be competitive with some favoured enemies.

I didn't add the 2/level for undead and evil dragons as that has been house ruled in my campaign so it was out of my mind.

Paladin wins hand down vs those two. (but that is what they do)

Here's the beak down of the CAV damage:

2D6 (greatsword) + 6 (STR, 2 handed) + 9 (PA 2 handed) + 4D6(Challenge)

MIN: 21
MED: 36
MAX: 51 (6D6 + 15)

I agree at 20th it diverges wildly.
A paldin is doleing out +20 to Evil smitee's and +40 to Undead and evil Dragons.
The CAV is dealing out +7D6 to anyone who HAS to pay attention.
It is a huge difference between damage but the CAV has the ability to surpas the Fighter which in 3.P is hard to do.

Okay so first I need to say I love the Cavalier, I have always loved the Marshall, Knight and Paladin classes and now I have a class which is all 3!
I have been seeing allot of complaints due to the flat footedness of the cavalier while challenging, while i agree for the most part that Rogues would appreciate this (somewhat:) I do NOT however think it is broken.
I have compared some of the more combatant classes and threw in the rogue for fun.
Assuming 18's in vital stats, no items, feats included..

10th level Rogue
Bonus to hit: +12/+7
Weapon Focus, Weapon Finesse
Special Damage: 5D6
BEST attack: Flat footed armor class vs. +12/+7, 1D6 + 5D6
To Hit(+12): min 13 / median 22.5 / max 32
To Hit(+7): min 8 / median 17.5 / max 27
Damage: min 6 / median 21 / max 36

Regular Attack: +12/+7 1D6
To Hit(+12): min 13 / median 22.5 / max 32
To Hit(+7): min 8 / median 17.5 / max 27
Regular Damage: min 1 / median 3.5 / max 6

10th Level Fighter (2 handed weapon)
Bonus to hit: +14/+9
Weapon Focus, G Weapon focus, Weapon Spec, Weapon Training [2], Power Attack(-3,+9)
BEST attack: ANYONE vs +15/+10, 2D6 + 19
To Hit(+15): min 16 / median 25.5 / max 35
To Hit(+10): min 11 / median 20.5 / max 30
Damage: min 21 / median 26 / max 31

10th Level Cavalier (2 Handed Weapon) (not charging)
Bonus to hit: +15/+10
Weapon Focus, Order of the Sword(+3), Power Attack(-3,+9)
Special Damage: +4D6
BEST attack: Challenged Opponent vs +15/+10, 2D6 + 15 + 4D6
To Hit(+15): min 16 / median 25.5 / max 35
To Hit(+10): min 11 / median 20.5 / max 30
Damage: min 21 / median 36 / max 51

Regular Attack: +12/+7, 2D6 + 15 (w/ PA)
To Hit(+12): min 13 / median 22.5 / max 32
To Hit(+7): min 8 / median 17.5 / max 27
Regular Damage: min 17 / median 22 / max 27

10th Level Paladin (2 Handed Weapon) (w/ smiting)
Bonus to hit: +16/+11
Weapon Focus, Power Attack(-3,+9)
Special Damage: +10 (smite)
BEST attack: vs Smite Evil Target +16/+11, 2D6 + 25
To Hit(+16): min 17 / median 26.5 / max 36
To Hit(+11): min 12 / median 21.5 / max 31
Damage: min 27 / median 32 / max 37

Regular Attack: +11/+6, 2D6 + 15 (w/ PA)
To Hit(+11): min 12 / median 21.5 / max 31
To Hit(+6): min 7 / median 16.5 / max 26
Regular Damage: min 17 / median 22 / max 27

10th Level Monk
Bonus to Hit: +13/+13/+13/+8/+8
Weapon Focus, Ki point(extra attack), Stunning fist, Ability focus(stunning fist)
BEST attack: +13/+13/+13/+8/+8, 1D10 + 4 + DC 21 Sickened for 1 Minute
To Hit 3*(+13): min 14 / median 23.5 / max 33
To Hit 3*(+8): min 9 / median 18.5 / max 28
Damage: min 5 / median 9.5 / max 14

10th Level Barbarian
Bonus to Hit: +14/+9/+9(Bite)
Weapon Focus, Power Attack(-3, +9), Rage Powers: Animal Fury, Powerful Blow(+3), Rage.
BEST attack: w/ RAGE, PA, Rage powers(All) +14/+9, 2D6 + 21 and Bite +9 1D4+7
To Hit(+14): min 15 / median 24.5 / max 34
To Hit(+9): min 10 / median 19.5 / max 29
Damage: min 23 / median 28 / max 33
Bite Damage: min 8 / median 9.5 / max 11

So in Order of MAX, MED and MIN damage per hit:

Rank MAX
1.Cavalier 51
2.Paladin 37
3.Rogue 36
4.Barbarian 33
5.Fighter 31
6.Monk* 14

Rank MED
1.Cavalier 36
2.Paladin 32
3.Barbarian 28
4.Fighter 26**
5.Rogue 22.5
6.Monk 9.5

Rank MIN
1.Paladin 27
2.Barbarian 23
3.Fighter 21**
4.Cavalier 21
5.Rogue 6
6.Monk 5

*The low rank for the monk is only because they do so little per hit,
I did not rate them on how many attacks they get. ipso facto Monk wins.
**The Fighter doles this damage out to EVERYONE default winner for all around.

Now from what I'm seeing the Cavalier is VERY capable of killing BBEG's the only competition would be the Paladin (which is another thread!).

I think this is an awesome trade off for the flat footedness, IMHO the parties rogue should be countering the opposing rogue letting the CAV (haha, call in the CAV!) do his job and focus on the BBEG. You have to apply the ROLES to each party, or at least what ROLES they could be fulfilling. I understand not all players play their role.
HOWEVER lets play a game that players DO play their PC's accordingly to ability and design.

Fighter: Tanks and Meat shields the rest of the party.
Mage: Crowd Control/BBEG destructor in the back.
Rogue: locks/traps/sneak attack/ counter INTEL.
Cleric: Heal/Buffs/secondary melee

So that being said if everyone is working as a team the CAV should be fine. oh yeah and the BBEG dead :)

That being said the CAV (for which I will call it from now on) has so much FLuff and crunch it's overwhelming, I cannot wait to see this in my game.

If you see any errors please feel free to fix them.

My understanding is NO you cannot choose what bonus to choose. You can see this as they removed the very specific text from the 3.5 feat description, saying for every one BAB you subtract you get +1 to damage (for PA, and I do not have my PHB handy)
3.p however only says as your BAB goes up and reachs a certain point the negative becomes higher. No text about choosing the modifier. If it were some for some (1 for 1 for example) then I would say yes.

This brings balance to the feat as PA was Uber, in my games we houseruled your PA was maxed at your STR mod or BAB whatever was lower (just like PF beta)
As I have seen Fighters at 14th level pump 100+ damage each hit using PA with a twohanded weapon this stands to seem very balanced in game play especially as Fighters are SO MUCH cooler now.

3rd level?
ok then, I know what you mean about channeling it can definatly be very intimidating and damage dealing, I am currently in a campaign Rise of the Runelords and have encountered a low level evil cleric with ALOT of melee fodder.
I seemed like we would all die, as it would burst every round (however it was a learning experience for us and the DM, as there were more than 3 of its lackeys thus he was hurting them too.)

and the second was against a high level cleric who was pumping out 3-4D6 a round maxing out a roll the 1st round.

6D6 would be ridiculous, maybe a little overkill, some suggestions would be to take one away, or concentrate him on something else, maybe buff spells, combat or even make him neutral so he can positive heal the other two.

or you could buff your group with CON spells, so they have the hitpoints to deal with the damage and don't go under as their CONS would be considerably higher.

I would suggest Scrolls of Aid(for Temp HP) and Bears endurance

And my third suggestion is to supply a higher level NPC cleric to counter the negative energy with positive energy heals, it would be interesting to see how it would work in the initiative though...

have you covered the Deathward spell?
It makes the recipients immune to negative channeling.
maybe give the party one or two scrolls, or maybe even a wand.
leave up to them to figure out how it works seeing as its changed considerably from 3.5.