
BelGareth's page

39 posts (40 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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A Dream Scarred Press, Psicarnum project under development

I have been working with Andreas and Jeremy from DSP to create a Psicarnum base class and it's come to that point in the design stage of being critiqued by more than 3 people.

I need the gaming community to tear this class asunder, try to break it, try to abuse it, play with it, put it in your campaigns, run it in scenarios, do what you do and we'll see if we can create something that will endure the test of the community.

I hope you all like it (or failing that, have some comments/critiques/suggestions)!

This was originally posted in the DSP forums HERE (look familiar?) and will be posted on ENWorld and giantitp.com as soon as I am able to.

Obviously, there are already some issues, and version 4.0 is already being written. But I would love to hear what you think about it.

The Class: the Flowshaper
List of Psishapes

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I know in the Buckler details it says you can wield a Bow or crossbow without penalty. but what does that mean?

Is it just ignoring the -1 to hit?

Can you use a Buckler and maintain the AC bonus when using a Bow/Crossbow?

If so how would this work (mechanicaly speaking?)

or is it penalized for using both hands as it says later on in the description? and therefore losing the AC bonus.