Lady Annsa Shivarlu

Bekah 12789's page

216 posts. Alias of Zalarian.


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Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

I thought of another post in which I knew I was switching characters from Bekah to Ranzak (mainly to keep my bard back to be able to play with a local friend who I was also playing PbP). I thought it would be cool to use a Dimension Leap spell that was acquired and the Teleportation Chamber location as a Deus ex Machina to explain the switch of characters. The posts starts below and go for a few posts after that between Bekah and Ranzak.


Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Bekah- 8-00D: Things Fall Apart
Boon Roll 1 or 20: 1d20 ⇒ 10 Not today

Adventure Reward
All characters earn a Card Feat. (Weapon)
All characters earn a die bump.

Scenario Reward
Random Card from Class Box and use as extra deck Upgrade (Spell)
Bard 13=B:7/1:3/2:3 (reroll 4,8,10)
UC 5=Basic:2/B:1/1:1/2:1
Random Roll: 1d18 ⇒ 9 Fear AD 2 (Declined)

Tier 3.4
Tier Reward: N/A (no tier advancement)

Loot rolls
Loot Roll#1: 1d1000 ⇒ 9 Weapon: Starknife +2

Deck Upgrade(s)
Empty Weapon Slot -> Short Sword +1 (1)
If win loot roll (VERY doubtful), will upgrade Weapon to Starknife +2 (2)

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Taking on final check for Villain. First check will be for arcane check to use attack spells; unable to succeed and not using attack spells.

Arcane Check DC 9+2=11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 No Success - no attack spells

Will reveal and discard Flaming scimitar, recharge duelist, add 2 dice for recharging Blessing of Angradd, 1d4 from Lirianne's Arquebus as well as using Rage (not an attack spell) and burying Archer to add d10 to melee check.

w3Flaming Scimitar Combat Check +1 DC 14+(2*2)=18: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 + 1d6 + 1 + 1d6 + 2d8 + 1d4 + 1d10 ⇒ (6) + (2) + 4 + (6) + 1 + (2) + (1, 1) + (2) + (2) = 27 Villain defeated

Bekah charges the Ogre from one side while Balazar and his bird-like steed flank the large humanoid.

Villain is defeated

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

"Sounds good Balazar. I think prise as spelled works in this instance since it means to free something by force.
Did I understand you right that Aric ate a piece of paper with a clue on it?"

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn Order: Aric, Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne
Turn: 51 - Blessings Deck Card 2 / Blessing of Irori [/ooc]
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Stay at Windswept Chasm

Explore: Windswept Chasm Card 1: Blessing of Irori

Divine Check DC 5: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 No Success

Blessing of Irori:

Blessing B
Irori To Acquire:
Intelligence 4
OR Divine 5 Discard this card to add 1 die to a check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a noncombat Intelligence check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
If the top card of the blessings discard pile matches this card, recharge it instead of discarding it.

Explore: Discard Fox - Windswept Chasm Card 2:
Blessing of Lamashtu

Divine Check DC 5: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Success

Blessing of Lamashtu:

Blessing 1
Lamashtu To Acquire:
Divine 5 Discard this card to add 1 die to a check.
Bury this card to add 2 dice to a check to defeat a monster.
Discard this card to explore your location.
If the top card of the blessings discard pile matches this card, recharge it instead of discarding it.

Explore: Discard BoLamashtu - Windswept Chasm Card 3: Locked Passage
Will recharge s2Energy Bolt to add 1d4+1 to check

Dexterity Check DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + (1) + 1 = 11 Success

Locked Passage:

Barrier B
To Defeat:
Disable 8
OR Strength
Melee 16 If defeated, examine the top card of the location deck, then put it on either the top or bottom of the deck.

Barrier allows me to examine top card - Windswept Chasm Card 4: Mage Ogre

Bekah draws out her flaming scimitar and whispers, "I will be back, Ogre!"

Mage Ogre:

Villain 2
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 14
THEN Combat 14 The Mage Ogre is immune to the Cold and Electricity traits. The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario’s adventure deck number. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Fire trait, add 1 die. Damage dealt by the Mage Ogre is dealt to each character at your location.
Before you act, succeed at an Arcane or Divine check with a difficulty of 9 plus the scenario’s adventure deck number or you may not play spells that have the Attack trait.
If undefeated, the Mage Ogre deals 1d4+1 Cold damage to each character at your location.

EOT: End Turn and Reset hand

Acquired: WC#2
Banished: WC#1,WC#3
Examined: Windswept Chasm Card 4: Mage Ogre
Random Card(s) Used: None
Displayed: None
Other Player(s) Resources Used: None
Actions needed by other Player(s): None

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: w3Flaming Scimitar +1, Elven Breastplate, s3Rage, BoAngradd, Duelist, Archer

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 23 Discard: 3 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
s3Rage, BoAngradd
Be sure to confirm before using card BoAngradd and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil 1 BoSamurai 1 BoMilani BoAbadar i1Blood Periapt Old Salt Surgeon s1Cure 2 w1CatONineTails w2Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Maester Grump Guide Merchant Brodert Quink Archer_2 Troubadour Acolyte_2 War Razor +1 Consecration
Recharged: Shortbow, s2Energy Bolt
Discard Pile:s1Cure, Fox, BoLamashtu
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Status Link
Skills and Powers:
Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Aric, Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne
Turn 47 - Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of the Gods
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Cure into hand.
Give Card: None
Stay at Windswept chasm
Explore: Windswept Chasm Card 1: Consecration

Arcane Check DC 8: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Spell Acquired


Spell 2
Magic To Acquire:
Divine 8 Bury any number of blessings from your hand and your discard pile. Shuffle an equal number of random blessings from the blessings discard pile into the blessings deck. Banish this card.

Will discard Duelist to explore again - Windswept Chasm Card 2: Shortbow. Will recharge Consecration for check

Dexterity Check DC 3: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + (4) + 1 = 14Auto Acquired


Weapon B
Ranged To Acquire:
Ranged 3 For your combat check, reveal this to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d6.
If proficient with weapons, discard this card to add 1d4 to a combat check by a character at another location.

Will discard Blessing of Milani to explore again - Windswept Chasm Card 3: Elven Breastplate

Fortitude Check DC 7: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Elven Breastplate:

Armor 1
Heavy Armor
Magic To Acquire:
Fortitude 7 Reveal this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if you are proficient with heavy armors, bury this card instead.
If you are proficient with heavy armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Flaming Scimitar +1, Elven Breastplate, Cure, Fox, Shortbow, Energy Bolt

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 21 Discard: 4 Buried: 2

End turn, reset hand, and at beginning of Lirianne's turn will cast cure on self recharging shortbow for check

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Discard pile is emptied
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + (1) + 1 = 7 Spell is discarded

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Flaming Scimitar +1, Elven Breastplate, Fox, Energy Bolt

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 26 Discard: 1 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil 1 BoSamurai BoAngradd 1 BoMilani BoAbadar Blood Periapt Duelist Old Salt Surgeon Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Archer Maester Grump Guide Merchant Brodert Quink Archer_2 Troubadour Acolyte_2 War Razor +1 Consecration
Recharged: Shortbow
Discard Pile:Cure
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Status Link
Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

At start of Lirianne's turn, will cast cure recharging BoAngradd for recharge check since Lirianne's blessing is basic

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 - 4 cards shuffled back into deck
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d8 ⇒ (6) + 2 + (2) = 10

Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh Link
[u]Current Blessing = Current Turn - Most Recent BR Turn(37)[/u]

Balazar - Cavern = 3-10 remain
Aric - Wounded Lands = 3-10 remain
Bekah - Windswept Chasm = 1-10 remain
Lirianne - Desecrated Vault = 1-9 remain
Scorched Ruins CLOSED

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Flaming Scimitar +1, Duelist, Fox, 1 BoMilani

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 22 Discard: 2 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Fox, , 1 BoMilani

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil BoAbadar Blood Periapt Old Salt Surgeon Energy Bolt Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Archer Maester Grump Guide Merchant Archer_2 Troubadour Acolyte_2 War Razor +1
Recharged: BoAngradd, Cure
Discard Pile:Brodert Quink, 1 BoSamurai
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Aric, Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne
Turn 43 - Blessings Deck Card 2 / Blessing of the Gods
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Cure into hand.
Give Card: None
Move Scorched Ruins->Windswept Chasm
Will then skip Explore phase to obtain another puzzle piece
Will then end turn and reset hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Flaming Scimitar +1, Duelist, Cure, Fox, BoAngradd, 1 BoMilani

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 16 Discard: 6 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Fox, BoAngradd, 1 BoMilani

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: Blood Periapt Old Salt Energy Bolt Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Archer Maester Grump Guide Merchant Acolyte_2
Recharged: Surgeon, War Razor +1
Discard Pile:Brodert Quink, Archer_2, Troubadour, 1 BoSamurai, 1 BoErastil, BoAbadar
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Out of turn update - Recharged surgeon to shuffle 1 random card into Bekah's deck (Energy Bolt). Cure is then used on Aric (rolled above). Will then recharge war razor to inspire recharge check

Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + (3) + 1 = 12 Spell is recharged

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Flaming Scimitar +1, Duelist, Fox

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 19 Discard: 6 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: BoAngradd 1 BoMilani Blood Periapt Old Salt Energy Bolt Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Archer Maester Grump Guide Merchant Acolyte_2
Recharged: Surgeon, War Razor +1, Cure
Discard Pile:Brodert Quink, Archer_2, Troubadour, 1 BoSamurai, 1 BoErastil, BoAbadar
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Out of turn update while mid turn being done, will discard Merchant to give Merisiel back her Captain's cutlass

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Fox, Energy Bolt, BoAbadar, Surgeon

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 14 Discard: 8 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
BoAbadar, Fox

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: BoAngradd 1 BoMilani Duelist Old Salt Cure CatONineTails Flaming Scimitar +1 Aldern Foxglove Maester Grump Guide
Recharged: Acolyte, Cure 2, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Blood Periapt
Discard Pile:Archer, Brodert Quink, Archer_2, Troubadour, 1 BoSamurai, 1 BoErastil, Rage, Merchant
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Disposition after scenario wide heal

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:
Middle {Order is not Known}: BoAngradd 1 BoMilani Blood Periapt Duelist Old Salt Cure Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Flaming Scimitar +1 Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Archer Maester Grump Guide Merchant
Discard Pile:Brodert Quink, Archer_2, Troubadour, 1 BoSamurai, 1 BoErastil
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh Link
[u]Current Blessing = Current Turn - Most Recent BR Turn(27)[/u]
"Number of Bridges = 6+#closed locations
Blessings are Reset and Random - List is here

Collapsing Bridge 1 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 2 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 3 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 4 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 5 = 1-3 remain // ?=Shadow,?=Bunyip,?=Explosive Runes
Korundo - Collapsing Bridge 6 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 7 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 8 CLOSED
Merisiel - Collapsing Bridge 9 = None (not closed) remain
Nok-Nok - Collapsing Bridge 10 = 4-9 remain
Bekah - Collapsing Bridge 11 = 9 remain // 9=Collapsed Ceiling
Collapsing Bridge 12 = 1-9 remain
Collapsing Bridge 13 = 1-9 remain

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Bekah thanks Merisiel for the use of her cutlass

Turn Order - Korundo, Nok Nok, Bekah, Merisiel
Turn 31 - Random Blessing: 1d30 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13 Blessings Deck Card 13 / Blessing of Sarenrae
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Cure into hand.
Give Card: None
Move Bridge 9 to Bridge 11
Will Cast Cure on Self

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Cure is Recharged

Explore: Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Brodert Quink

Diplomacy Check DC 7: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 Ally Acquired

Brodert Quink:

Ally 2
Sage To Acquire:
Knowledge 7 Bury this card to examine the bottom 3 cards of a location deck and put them back in any order. If you succeed at an Intelligence or Knowledge 13 check, discard this card instead of burying it.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Will discard Archer to Explore - Collapsing Bridge Card 2: Mercenary. Will reveal Cutlass and Korundo will recharge Blessing of the Green Faith

Merisiel's Cutlass DC 10+2=12: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 + 1d8 ⇒ (6) + (3) + 4 + (3) = 16 Mercenary is defeated


Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 10 The difficulty to defeat the Mercenary is increased by the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any.

Will Cast Cure 2 on Self using Acolyte for recharge

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 cards are shuffled back in
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (6) = 16 Cure is Recharged

Will discard Brodert to Explore - Collapsing Bridge Card 3: Archer

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Ally Acquired


Ally B
Human To Acquire:
Ranged 8
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 6 Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your Ranged combat check.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Will discard Archer_2 to explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 4: Troubadour

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Ally Acquired


Ally B
Halfling To Acquire:
Acrobatics. 7
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 6 Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your noncombat Dexterity or Charisma check.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Discard Troubadour to Explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 5: Ambush

Dexterity Check DC 9+2=11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Auto-Fail Ambush
Examining until Monster:
Collapsing Bridge Card 6: Ven Vinder Ally 1
Collapsing Bridge Card 7: Ghoul Monster B


Barrier B
To Defeat:
Acrobatics 9 The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may immediately explore again. If undefeated, examine the location deck until you find a monster; encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your checks against it. Banish this card and shuffle the remaining cards into the location deck.

Will reveal cutlass and recharge rage for inspire and subtract 3 for ambush

Merisiel's Cutlass DC 11: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 + 1d4 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (4) + (4) + 4 + (3) + 1 - 3 = 13 Ghoul is defeated

Ghoul Ambusher:

Subtract 1 for each die
Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 11 The Ghoul is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, reset your hand and end your turn.

End turn and reset hand with 3 cards remaining
Is Bridge Safe?: 1d10 ⇒ 10 Bridge tumbles down
Only remaining card is Collapsing Bridge Card 9: Collapsed Ceiling

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Merisiel Cutlass, Blood Periapt, Fox, 1 BoSamurai, 1 BoErastil, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 17 Discard: 4 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
1 BoSamurai, 1 BoErastil

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: BoAngradd 1 BoMilani BoAbadar Duelist Old Salt Surgeon Energy Bolt Cure CatONineTails Flaming Scimitar +1 Aldern Foxglove Maester Grump Guide Merchant
Recharged: Acolyte, Cure 2, Rage
Discard Pile:Archer, Brodert Quink, Archer_2, Troubadour
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh Link
[u]Current Blessing = Current Turn - Most Recent BR Turn(27)[/u]
"Number of Bridges = 6+#closed locations

Collapsing Bridge 1 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 2 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 3 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 4 CLOSED
Nok-Nok - Collapsing Bridge 5 = 1-3 remain // ?=Shadow,?=Bunyip,?=Explosive Runes
Korundo - Collapsing Bridge 6 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 7 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 8 CLOSED
Merisiel, Bekah - Collapsing Bridge 9 = None (not closed) remain
Collapsing Bridge 10 = 1-9 remain
Collapsing Bridge 11 = 1-9 remain
Collapsing Bridge 12 = 1-9 remain
Collapsing Bridge 13 = 1-9 remain

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Most Recent BR Refresh
[u]Current Blessing = Current Turn - Most Recent BR Turn(27)[/u]

Collapsing Bridge 1 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 2 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 3 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 4 CLOSED
Nok-Nok - Collapsing Bridge 5 = 1-3 remain // ?=Shadow,?=Bunyip,?=Explosive Runes
Collapsing Bridge 6 = 1 remain // 1=Zombie
Korundo - Collapsing Bridge 7 CLOSED
Collapsing Bridge 8 CLOSED
Merisiel, Bekah - Collapsing Bridge 9 = 3-7 remain // ?=Trapped Passageway
Collapsing Bridge 10 = 1-9 remain
Collapsing Bridge 11 = 1-9 remain
Collapsing Bridge 12 = 1-9 remain

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Out of turn update - Discard BoMilani for check

Turn Order - Korundo, Nok Nok, Bekah, Merisiel
Turn 27 - Blessings Deck Card 0 / Blessing of the Gods
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Flaming Scimitar +1 into hand.
Give Card: None
Move Bridge 5 to Bridge 9
Explore: Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Slashing Blade. Will recharge Energy Bolt for inspire and Old Salt for check

Dexterity Check DC 9: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 + (3) + 1 + 2 = 13 Slashing Blade is defeated

Slashing Blade:

Barrier 1
To Defeat:
Disable 9 If undefeated, every character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage.

Will discard Duelist to explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 2: Acolyte

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Acolyte is banished


Ally B
Human To Acquire:
Divine 6 Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your Arcane or Divine check.
Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your check to recharge a card that has the Magic trait.

Will then cast cure on Merisiel recharging Scimitar for check

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 cards are shuffled into Merisiel's deck
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + (1) + 1 = 11 Spell is recharged

Hand is empty now..End turn and reset hand with 5 cards at location
Is Bridge Safe?: 1d10 ⇒ 5 Seems stable enough...for now

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Fox, Rage, Acolyte, Blood Periapt, Cure 2, Archer

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 10 Discard: 7 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Cure 2, Rage, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card Cure 2 and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil BoAngradd CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Aldern Foxglove
Recharged: Surgeon, Energy Bolt, Old Salt, Flaming Scimitar +1, Cure
Discard Pile:Merchant, 1 BoSamurai, Guide, Maester Grump, BoAbadar, 1 BoMilani, Duelist
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

from prior Check if Bridge collapses at Bridge #9: 1d10 ⇒ 7 Bridge 7 still stands for now

Out of turn during Nok Nok's turn:
Banner is buried
Will Recharge surgeon for Korundo to shuffle a random card into discard pile

Turn Order - Korundo, Nok Nok, Bekah, Lirianne
Turn 24 - Blessing is random so picking one from Initial Post
Random Blessing from Initial Post: 1d30 ⇒ 21 Blessings Deck Card 20 / Blessing of the Gods
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw surgeon into hand.

Will Recharge surgeon for Korundo to shuffle a 2nd random card into discard pile

Give Card: None
Move Bridge 8 to Bridge 3
Explore: Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Collapsed Ceiling. Will discard BoAbadar and recharge scimitar for check

Dexterity Check DC 8+2=10: 1d8 + 2 + 2d8 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 2 + (7, 8) + (3) + 1 = 26

Collapsed Ceiling :

Barrier B
To Defeat:
Fortitude 8 The difficulty to defeat the barrier is increased by the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any.
If you fail the check to defeat by 4 or more, you are dealt 1 Combat damage that may not be reduced.
If undefeated, leave this barrier faceup on the location deck. Characters at this location encounter this barrier as their first exploration each turn, and may not move or be moved while this barrier is faceup on the location deck.

Hand is empty during close and 4 combat damage

Bridge #3 is closed

End turn and reset hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Fox, Old Salt, 1 BoMilani, Cure, Energy Bolt, Duelist

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 12 Discard: 5 Buried: 2
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
1 BoMilani, Fox, Cure
Be sure to confirm before using card Fox and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil BoAngradd Blood Periapt Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Archer
Recharged: Surgeon, Flaming Scimitar +1
Discard Pile:Merchant, 1 BoSamurai, Guide, Maester Grump, BoAbadar
Buried Pile:Father Zantus, Banner

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Out of Turn Updates:
Will discard Merchant for cauterize and shuffle cure, BoAngradd, BoMilani into deck
For Goblin Raider will reveal cutlass along with banner. Nok Nok auto succeeds vs Goblin (1d8+3+1d6+2+1d4+1) and current assumption is that Merisiel evades her goblin raider

Flaming Scimitar +1 DC 8: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + (8) + 4 + 1 = 14 Another goblin dispatched

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Before Nok-Nok's EOT, will recharge Surgeon to have 1 random card shuffled into Lirianne's deck
"See that zombie you think you can take it out blindfolded while the surgeon takes care of that arm of yours?"

Turn Order - Korundo, Nok Nok, Bekah, Lirianne
Turn 19 - Blessings Deck Card 2 / Blessing of Sarenrae
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw surgeon back into hand.
Give Card: None
Move Bridge 6 to Bridge 8
Explore: Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Maester Grump

Diplomacy Check DC 7: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 Maester is acquired

Maester Grump:

Ally 2
Human To Acquire:
Diplomacy 7
OR Wisdom
Divine 8 Banish this card to examine your location deck until you find a bane; shuffle the deck and put that card on top.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Will discard Maester to explore - Collapsing Bridge Card 2: Ambush

Dexterity Check DC 9+2=11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Auto Fail - Examine cards until monster:
Collapsing Bridge Card 3: Sheriff Hemlock Ally B
Collapsing Bridge Card 4: Merchant Ally 2
Collapsing Bridge Card 5: Guide Ally B
Collapsing Bridge Card 6: Ghost


Barrier B
To Defeat:
Acrobatics 9 The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may immediately explore again. If undefeated, examine the location deck until you find a monster; encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your checks against it. Banish this card and shuffle the remaining cards into the location deck.

Will reveal scimitar, Nok Nok will recharge poog and Korundo will recharge Blessing of the Green and then -1/die

Flaming Scimitar +1 DC 12: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 + 3 + 1d8 - 3 ⇒ (1) + (4) + 4 + 3 + (4) - 3 = 13 Ghost is defeated

Ghost Ambusher:

Ambush - subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your checks against it
Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 12
OR Wisdom
Divine 8 The Ghost is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat does not have the Magic trait, the Ghost is undefeated.

Will discard BoMilani for Explore
(Random 3-5,7-9) Card after shuffle: 1d6 ⇒ 3 Collapsing Bridge Card 5: Guide

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 Guide is acquired


Ally B
Human To Acquire:
Survival 7
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 6 Recharge this card to add 1d10 to your Survival check.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Will then discard Guide to Explore
(Random 3-4,7-9) Card after shuffle: 1d5 ⇒ 2 Collapsing Bridge Card 4: Merchant; will recharge Energy Bolt for check

Diplomacy Check DC 7: 1d8 + 4 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + (2) + 1 = 9 Merchant is auto-acquired


Ally 2
Human To Acquire:
Diplomacy 7 Discard this card to give a card to another character at any location.
Discard this card to explore your location.

End turn and reset hand; Cards 3,7-9 remain

Is Bridge Safe?: 1d10 ⇒ 10 The Bridge collapses just as Bekah leaps off after saving the merchant and a few others
(Random 8-9) remain:
Collapsing Bridge Card 8: Goblin Raid
Collapsing Bridge Card 9: Giant Hermit Crab

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Surgeon, BoAbadar, Flaming Scimitar +1, Merchant, Fox, Banner

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 12 Discard: 6 Buried: 1
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Banner, Fox, BoAbadar, Surgeon
Be sure to confirm before using card Surgeon and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil Blood Periapt Duelist Old Salt Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Archer
Recharged: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Energy Bolt
Discard Pile:BoAngradd, 1 BoSamurai, Cure, Maester Grump, 1 BoMilani, Guide
Buried Pile:Father Zantus

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Correction to hand..Fox was put on top so should be in hand...taking away last card drawn (Archer) and replacing with Fox. Current plan is to use surgeon on self near end of Nok Nok's turn to then call again.

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: 1 BoMilani, BoAbadar, Flaming Scimitar +1, Energy Bolt, Surgeon, Fox

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 12 Discard: 3 Buried: 1
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
1 BoMilani, BoAbadar, Energy Bolt, Surgeon, Flaming Scimitar +1
Be sure to confirm before using card Surgeon and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil Banner Blood Periapt Duelist Old Salt Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Acolyte Aldern Foxglove Archer
Recharged: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Discard Pile:BoAngradd, 1 BoSamurai, Cure
Buried Pile:Father Zantus

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

The exhaustion that Bekah is feeling is as immense as the other pathfinders trying to save as many people as possible. A cleric saw her recognizing what she and the others have done and decided to cast a prayer on the group. The priest only just managed to complete his ritual when a floating boulder pushed him over the edge yelling, "Iomedae will protect ussssssssssssssss!"

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Korundo, Nok Nok, Bekah, Lirianne
Turn 15 - Blessings Deck Card 4 / Blessing of Torag
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Cure into hand.
Give Card: None
Move Bridge 5 to Bridge 6
Explore: Collapsing Bridge Card 3: Archer

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 Acquired


Ally B
Human To Acquire:
Ranged 8
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 6 Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your Ranged combat check.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Will recharge surgeon to shuffle only discard (1 BoErastil) into deck and shuffle

Will then discard Archer to Explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 4: Trapped Passageway

[ooc]Will discard BoAngradd to add 2 dice

Dexterity Check DC 9: 1d8 + 2 + 2d8 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (3, 6) = 19

Trapped Passageway:

Barrier B
To Defeat:
Acrobatics 9 If defeated, you may immediately explore again.
If undefeated, you are dealt 2d4 Combat damage.

Free Explore - Collapsing Bridge Card 5: Hell Hound. Reveal Crossbow

Deathbane Lt Crossbow +1 DC 10: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 2) + 3 = 13 Hellhound is defeated

Lirianne takes 1 fire damage; Bekah discards Aldern Foxglove for fire damage.

Hell Hound:

Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 10 Add 1 die to checks to defeat the Hell Hound with the Cold trait.
After the encounter, the Hell Hound deals 1 Fire damage to each character at this location.

Will then discard Blessing of Samurai to explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 6: Father Zantus

Diplomacy Check DC 7: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 Acquired

Father Zantus:

Ally B
Human To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 7 Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your Divine check.
Bury this card to recharge 1d4+1 random cards from your discard pile.

Will cast cure on Lirianne recharging Crossbow for inspire on spell recharge and then bury Father Zantus to cure self

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 cards cured from Lirianne
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + (1) + 1 = 7
Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 cards cured from Bekah

Hand is empty; 3 cards remain at EOT and reset hand

Is Bridge Safe?: 1d10 ⇒ 2 Seems stable enough...for now

Lirianne needs to take 1 fire damage and then has 5 cards healed

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: 1 BoMilani, BoAbadar, Flaming Scimitar +1, Energy Bolt, Surgeon, Archer

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 12 Discard: 3 Buried: 1
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
1 BoMilani, BoAbadar, Energy Bolt, Surgeon, Flaming Scimitar +1
Be sure to confirm before using card Surgeon and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top: Fox

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil Banner Blood Periapt Duelist Old Salt Cure 2 Rage CatONineTails Acolyte Aldern Foxglove
Recharged: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Discard Pile:BoAngradd, 1 BoSamurai, Cure
Buried Pile:Father Zantus

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Out of turn Lirianne uses Cure
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 Spell is Recharged

Turn Order - Nok Nok, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 10 - Blessings Deck Card 0 / Blessing of Gorum
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Cure into hand.
Give Card: None
Move Bridge 2 to Bridge 5
Explore: Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Acolyte

Will decline to acquire Acolyte so it is banished


Ally B
Human To Acquire:
Divine 6 Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your Arcane or Divine check.
Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your check to recharge a card that has the Magic trait.

Will cast Cure on Nok-Nok recharging Energy Bolt for recharge check

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 cards are shuffled into deck
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + (1) + 1 = 8 Spell is recharged

Will discard Blessing of Erastil to explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 2: Aldern Foxglove

Diplomacy Check DC 4: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Auto Aquire Ally

Aldern Foxglove:

Ally 1
Noble To Acquire:
Diplomacy 4 Banish this card to reduce damage dealt to a character at your location by 3.
Banish this card to succeed at your check to acquire a weapon, an armor, an item or a spell.

Is Bridge Safe? DC : 1d10 ⇒ 1Seems stable enough...for now

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Aldern Foxglove, Surgeon, BoAngradd, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, 1 BoSamurai, Fox

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 13 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Aldern Foxglove, 1 BoSamurai, Surgeon, BoAngradd, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card Fox and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoMilani BoAbadar Banner Blood Periapt Duelist Old Salt Rage CatONineTails Flaming Scimitar +1
Recharged: Acolyte, Cure 2, Energy Bolt, Cure
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Nok Nok, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 6 - Blessings Deck Card 0 / Blessing of the Gods
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Duelist into hand.
Give Card: None
Move Bridge 1 to Bridge 2
Explore: Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Acolyte

"No time for prayers..we need to get to safety!"

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 Acolyte acquired


Ally B
Human To Acquire:
Divine 6 Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your Arcane or Divine check.
Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your check to recharge a card that has the Magic trait.

Will discard Duelist to explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 2: Skeleton

Flaming Scimitar +1 DC 8+3=11: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + (3) + 4 = 8
Flaming Scimitar +1 DC 8+3=11 PAIZO REROLL: 7 + 1d6 ⇒ 7 + (6) = 13 Skeleton is defeated


Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 8 The Skeleton is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If your check to defeat the Skeleton has either the Slashing or Piercing trait, the difficulty to defeat the Skeleton is increased by 3.

Discard Blessing of Samurai to explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 3: Cyrdak Drokkus

Cyrdak Drokkus:

Ally 1
Human To Acquire:
Diplomacy 5 Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your check to acquire an ally.
Banish this card to return an ally from your discard pile to your hand.

Diplomacy Check DC 5: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Auto Acquired

Will banish Cyrdak to bring duelist into hand and discard to explore again - Collapsing Bridge Card 4: Falling Bell. Will discard Blessing of Milani for check

Wisdom Check DC 10: 1d6 ⇒ 4 Auto-fail
Dexterity Check DC 10: 1d8 + 2 + 2d8 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (8, 7) = 19 Succeeded so take 1 combat damage discarding Scimitar

Falling Bell:

Barrier 2
To Defeat:
Acrobatics 10 Each character at this location encounters this barrier.
If a character succeeds at a Wisdom or Perception 10 check, the difficulty of their check to defeat the barrier is decreased by 4. If a character defeats the barrier, it deals 1 Combat damage dealt to her; if a character fails to defeat the barrier, it deals 1d4+1 Combat dealt to her. Banish this card.

Will then cast Cure on self recharging Alcolyte for spell recharge check

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 2 + (2) = 11 Spell is recharged

Is Bridge Safe?: 1d10 ⇒ 3Seems stable enough...for now
Reset Hand displaying Gambeson as soon as possible next turn

"We can't save everybody! We have to make a run for it or we all die!"

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Cure, Fox, 1 BoErastil, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Energy Bolt

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Energy Bolt, 1 BoErastil, Cure, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card Fox and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoSamurai BoAngradd 1 BoMilani BoAbadar Banner Blood Periapt Duelist Old Salt Surgeon Rage CatONineTails Flaming Scimitar +1
Recharged: Acolyte, Cure 2
Discard Pile:
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Nok Nok, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 2 - Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of Sarenrae
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Rage into hand.
Give Card: None
Move Bridge 1 to Bridge 2
Explore - Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Attic Whisperer. Will recharge rage for inspire. Will then reveal Flaming Scimitar +1 and recharge duelist for d6

Wisdom Check DC 4: 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + (1) + 1 = 8
Lirianne needs to make a DC4 Wisdom check
Flaming Scimitar +1 DC 10: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (1) + 4 + (5) = 12 Monster is defeated

Attic Whisperer:

Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 10 The Attic Whisperer is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Before the encounter, each character at your location must succeed at a Wisdom 4 check or be dealt 1 Mental damage which may not be reduced; players must choose a blessing to discard as their damage, if they have any.

Is bridge safe?: 1d10 ⇒ 2 Bridge Stands

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: 1 BoSamurai, Flaming Scimitar +1, 1 BoMilani, Fox, Cure 2, Cure

Deck: 13 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Fox, Cure 2, Cure, 1 BoMilani, 1 BoSamurai, Flaming Scimitar +1
Be sure to confirm before using card 1 BoSamurai and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil BoAngradd BoAbadar Gambeson Banner Blood Periapt Old Salt Surgeon Energy Bolt CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Recharged: Rage, Duelist
Discard Pile:
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Bekah crinkles her nose at the goblin clambering onto a nearby rock. "The damn things are like cockroaches and won't die! I just came from ships full of goblins and thought they were behind me!"

Cards that remain at collapsed bridge are as follows and shuffled:
Card 5: Traitor, Card 9: Rat Swarm

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Bekah- 8-00??: TBD

TBD regarding who gets Zhaleh..would swap out Duelist for Zhaleh

Starting Location
Starting Hand - Choosing Weapon as favored card

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: 1 BoSamurai, Flaming Scimitar +1, 1 BoMilani, Rage, Duelist, Fox

Deck: 13 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Rage, Fox, 1 BoMilani, 1 BoSamurai
Be sure to confirm before using card 1 BoSamurai and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil BoAngradd BoAbadar Gambeson Banner Blood Periapt Old Salt Surgeon Energy Bolt Cure Cure 2 CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Discard Pile:
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Bekah- 8-00B2: Ice is Nice

Loot rolls
Roll for Zhaleh: 1d1000 ⇒ 609

Adventure Reward

Scenario Reward
1 Character adds Zhaleh (see above)
Stashed Card assigned: Blessing of Angradd (Blessing 2)

Tier 3.4
Tier Reward: N/A (no tier advancement)

Deck Upgrade(s)
Blessing of Samurai (B) -> Blessing of Angradd (2)

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Performing Temp close of Abattior. Revealing Longbow, using banner, recharging Strength for inspire, recharge Blessing of Samurai and Lirianne's Blessing of Calistria

Longbow +1 DC 12 + 2*2 + 4 = 20: 1d8 + 3 + 1d6 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d8 + 1d8 ⇒ (8) + 3 + (4) + 1 + (4) + 1 + (7) + (4) = 32 Brimorak is defeated
Will bury Gambeson for 2 fire damage since used piercing weapon

Abattoir is temp closed

Brimorak for closing the Abattior:

Henchman 2
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider Demon Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 12
The Brimorak is immune to the Electricity and Fire traits. The difficulty to defeat the Brimorak is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number. All damage dealth by the Brimorak is Fire damage.
After you act, if the check to defeat the Brimorak had the Piercing or Slashing trait, the Brimorak deals 2 Fire damage to you.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Iomedae, Longbow +1, Cure, BoAbadar

Displayed: Phantom Steed, Banner
Deck: 17 Discard: 2 Buried: 1
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Blessing of Iomedae, BoAbadar, Longbow +1, Cure

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 2 BoSamurai Old Salt Energy Bolt CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Frost Ray Quarterstaff
Recharged: Light Crossbow, Cure 2, Duelist, Flaming Scimitar +1, Surgeon, Rage, Blood Periapt, Fox, Strength, 1 BoSamurai
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil, 1 BoMilani
Buried Pile:Gambeson

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 26 -Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of the gods
Give Card: None
Start of Move Scenario Effect - Dexterity DC 11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Not Today
Move to Random Open Location - 1 DeeperDung.,2Abattoir: 1d2 ⇒ 1 At Deeper Dungeon
Declining Explore
recharge Fox to move back to Abattoir and reset hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Iomedae, Longbow +1, 1 BoSamurai, Cure, Strength, BoAbadar

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed, Banner
Deck: 15 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Cure, BoAbadar, Blessing of Iomedae

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 2 BoSamurai Old Salt Energy Bolt CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Frost Ray Quarterstaff
Recharged: Light Crossbow, Cure 2, Duelist, Flaming Scimitar +1, Surgeon, Rage, Blood Periapt, Fox
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil, 1 BoMilani
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Performing Temp close of Abattior. Revealing Longbow, using banner, recharging rage for inspire and finally Aric will bury hand cannon for 2d6

Longbow +1 DC 12 + 2*2 + 4 = 20: 1d8 + 2 + 1d6 + 1 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 2 + (6) + 1 + 1 + (3) + 1 + (2, 5) = 27 Brimorak is defeated
Will use Blood Periapt for fire damage since used piercing weapon
Recharge Periapt DC 6: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 Periapt is recharged

Abattoir is temp closed

Brimorak for closing the Abattior:

Henchman 2
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider Demon Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 12
The Brimorak is immune to the Electricity and Fire traits. The difficulty to defeat the Brimorak is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number. All damage dealth by the Brimorak is Fire damage.
After you act, if the check to defeat the Brimorak had the Piercing or Slashing trait, the Brimorak deals 2 Fire damage to you.

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: BoAbadar, Longbow +1, Fox

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed, Banner
Deck: 18 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
BoAbadar, Longbow +1, ,
Be sure to confirm before using card and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoSamurai 2 BoSamurai Old Salt Energy Bolt Cure CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Frost Ray Strength Quarterstaff Blessing of Iomedae
Recharged: Light Crossbow, Cure 2, Duelist, Flaming Scimitar +1, Surgeon, Rage, Blood Periapt
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil, 1 BoMilani
Buried Pile:

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Out of turn discard blessing of Iomedae on Balazar's turn

Turn Order - Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 22 -Blessings Deck Card 3 / Blessing of the gods
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw cure 2 into hand.
Give Card: None
Start of Move Scenario Effect - Dexterity DC 11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Not Today
Move to Random Open Location 1DeeperDung.,2Warrens,3Abattoir: 1d3 ⇒ 3 Stay at Abattoir

Will use Cure on self recharging crossbow for inspire

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 random cards are shuffled back into deck from discard
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + (3) + 1 = 12 Cure is recharged

Explore - Abattoir Card 3: Mercenary. Will reveal scimitar, recharge duelist for d6 and recharge scimitar for inspire along with banner

Flaming Scimitar +1 DC 10+2+4=16: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + (5) + 4 + (4) + (4) + 1 + 1 = 23 Mercenary is defeated


Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 10 The difficulty to defeat the Mercenary is increased by the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any.

Since no cards in hand, reset hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: BoAbadar, Rage, Longbow +1, Blood Periapt, Surgeon, Fox

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed, Banner
Deck: 15 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
BoAbadar, Rage, Surgeon, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card Fox and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoSamurai 2 BoSamurai Old Salt Energy Bolt Cure CatONineTails Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Frost Ray Strength Quarterstaff Blessing of Iomedae
Recharged: Light Crossbow, Cure 2, Duelist, Flaming Scimitar +1
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil, 1 BoMilani
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

out of turn combat revealing scimitar along with banner

Flaming Scimitar +1 DC 8+4=12: 1d6 + 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + (6) + 4 + 1 = 12 Goblin defeated

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

At start of Lirianne's turn, will use cure on Balazar recharging Old Salt for recharge.

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Balazar is cured for 5 cards (with surgeon twice)
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 2 = 7
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8 PAIZO Reroll: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Cure is recharged

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Iomedae, Fox, Duelist, Flaming Scimitar +1

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed, Banner
Deck: 14 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Blessing of Iomedae, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card Fox and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}:
Recharged: Strength, Blood Periapt, Frost Ray, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Energy Bolt, Quarterstaff, Cure, 1 BoSamurai, Surgeon, Longbow +1, Rage, CatONineTails, Old Salt, Cure 2
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil, 2 BoSamurai, BoAbadar, 1 BoMilani
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Out of Turn will recharge Surgeon to have Balazar cure one card

Turn Order - Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 18 -Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of the gods
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw surgeon into hand.
Give Card: None
will recharge Surgeon to have Balazar cure one card
Start of Move Scenario Effect - Dexterity DC 11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Not Today
Move to Random Open Location - 1Canyon,2DeeperDung.,3Warrens,4Abattoir,5Thas.Dung.: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Slide to Canyon
Explore - Canyon Card 1: Icy Terrain. Will discard BoMilani and use longbow for inspire

Wisdom Check DC 10+2=12: 1d6 + 2d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + (3, 4) + (3) + 1 = 17 Cold is defeated

Icy Terrain :

Henchman 2
Type: Barrier
To Defeat:
Survival 10 The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario’s adventure deck number.
If undefeated, Icy Terrain deals an amount of Cold damage to you equal to the difference between its difficulty to defeat and your result.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Attempting to close by acquiring bottom blessing of deck recharging rage for inspire

Divine Check DC 5: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (1) + 1 = 6 Auto Acquired

Blessings Deck Card 13 / Blessing of Iomedae :

Blessing B
Iomedae To Acquire:
Charisma 4
OR Divine 5 Discard this card to add 1 die to a check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a noncombat Charisma check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
If the top card of the blessing discard pile matches this card, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Canyon is closed...but every other location is shuffled

Will recharge Scourge to move to Abattoir where Balazar is located and reset hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Iomedae, Fox, Old Salt, Duelist, Flaming Scimitar +1, Cure 2

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed, Banner
Deck: 12 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Fox, Duelist, Old Salt, Cure 2
Be sure to confirm before using card Cure 2 and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}:
Recharged: Strength, Blood Periapt, Frost Ray, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Energy Bolt, Quarterstaff, Cure, 1 BoSamurai, Surgeon, Longbow +1, Rage, CatONineTails
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil, 2 BoSamurai, BoAbadar, 1 BoMilani
Buried Pile:

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Discard Blessing of Abadar on Lirianne's turn and display Banner on Red Raven's turn
Turn Order - Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 14 -Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of Desna
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw quarterstaff into hand.
Will Recharge Quarterstaff to move to Dam
Will then use cure on Lirianne. Will also use Lirianne's blessing of Alkenstar to roll a d6
Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 cards are shuffled back into deck
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (5) = 9 Blessing of Alkenstar is recharged
Give Card: None

Start of Move Scenario Effect - Dexterity DC 11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Not Today
Move to Random Open Location - 1=Canyon,2=DeeperDung.,3=Warrens,4=Abattoir,5=Thas.Dung.: 1d5 ⇒ 4 Move back to Abattoir
Explore top card - Abattoir Card 1: Longbow +1. Will recharge Blessing of Samurai since ranged trait is invoked

Dexterity Check DC 9: 1d8 + 2 + 1d8 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (2) = 12 Weapon acquired

Longbow +1:

Weapon 1
Ranged To Acquire:
Ranged 9 For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Dexterity or Ranged die + your unmodified Strength die + 1. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
If you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to add 1d4+1 to a combat check at another location.

End turn and reset hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: CatONineTails, Longbow +1, 1 BoMilani, Rage, Surgeon, Fox

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed, Banner
Deck: 12 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Longbow +1, Rage, 1 BoMilani, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card Fox and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: Duelist Old Salt
Recharged: Flaming Scimitar +1, Cure 2, Strength, Blood Periapt, Frost Ray, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Energy Bolt, Quarterstaff, Cure, 1 BoSamurai
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil, 2 BoSamurai, BoAbadar
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Slight edit to above. Random Monster should be an open location other than Warrens
Move to Random Open Location - 1Canyon,2Dam,3DeeperDung.,4/Abattoir,5/Thas.Dung.: 1d5 ⇒ 3 Monster from Encountering Enchanter is at top of Deeper Dungeon

Turn Order - Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 5 -Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of Pharasma
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw Energy Bolt into hand.
Give Card: None
Start of Move Scenario Effect - Dexterity DC 11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Not Today
Move to Random Open Location - 1Canyon,2Dam,3DeeperDung.,4Warrens,5/Abattoir,6/Thas.Dung.: 1d6 ⇒ 3 Moving to Deeper Dungeon which has random Monster on Top. Discussion indicated to use random monster 3 - Bunyip. Will reveal Scourge and recharge Energy Bolt for inspire

Wisdom Check DC 9: 1d6 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2 Not Today. All checks increased by 1.
Cat of Nine Tails DC 9+1+1=11: 3d4 + 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1, 4, 4) + (1) + 3 = 13


Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 9 Before the encounter, succeed at a Wisdom 9 check or the difficulty of your checks is increased by 1 for the rest of the turn.
Damage dealt by the Bunyip may not be reduced.

Will discard 2 BoSamurai to explore again Deeper Dungeons Card 1: Quarterstaff

Strength Check DC 3+1=4: 1d6 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6 weapon acquired


Weapon B
Staff To Acquire:
Melee 3 For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6; you may additionally discard a card to add another 1d6.

Will recharge Quarterstaff at EOT to move back to Abattoir and reset hand

Banner will be displayed next combat

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: CatONineTails, Fox, 1 BoSamurai, BoAbadar, Banner, Cure

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed
Deck: 13 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Banner, BoAbadar, Cure, Fox, 1 BoSamurai
Be sure to confirm before using card Fox and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoMilani Duelist Old Salt Surgeon Rage
Recharged: Flaming Scimitar +1, Cure 2, Strength, Blood Periapt, Frost Ray, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Energy Bolt, Quarterstaff
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil, 2 BoSamurai
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

During Balazar's turn, will reveal Scourge and recharge Energy Bolt for inspire against Ancient Skeleton. Difficulty is increased by 3 for using slashing and 4 since at Abattoir

Cat of Nine Tails DC 8+3+4=15: 3d4 + 1d8 + 3 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2, 4, 1) + (4) + 3 + (2) + 1 = 17 Skeleton Defeated

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: CatONineTails, Fox, 1 BoSamurai, BoAbadar, 2 BoSamurai

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed
Deck: 14 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
, 1 BoSamurai, BoAbadar, 2 BoSamurai, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card 2 BoSamurai and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoMilani Banner Duelist Old Salt Surgeon Cure Rage
Recharged: Flaming Scimitar +1, Cure 2, Strength, Blood Periapt, Frost Ray, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Energy Bolt
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil
Buried Pile:

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 2 -Blessings Deck Card 2 / Blessing of the Gods
Use Power to put Fox on Top to draw scourge into hand.
Give Card: None
Start of Move Scenario Effect - Dexterity DC 11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Not Today
Move to Random Open Location - 1Canyon,2Dam,3DeeperDung.,4Warrens,5/Abattoir,6/Thas.Dung.: 1d6 ⇒ 3 Deeper Dungeon

Explore Deeper Dungeons Card 1: Goblin Commando. Will use blood periapt to reduce combat damage from 1 to 0 and attempt to recharge it. Will reveal and use Scourge

Recharge Periapt DC 6: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Periapt is recharged
Cat of Nine Tails DC 9+1=10: 3d4 + 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 4, 1) + (6) + 3 = 17 Goblin is Defeated

Goblin Commando:

Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 9 Before the encounter, the Goblin deals 1 Ranged Combat damage to you.

Will discard Blessing of Erastil and Explore again - Deeper Dungeons Card 2: Slashing Blade. Will recharge Frost Ray for inspire power

Dexterity Check DC 9: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (4) + 1 = 15 Barrier is defeated

Slashing Blade:

Barrier 1
To Defeat:
Disable 9 If undefeated, every character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage.

At end of turn, will recharge Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 to use Phantom Steed to move back to Abattoir and then reset hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: CatONineTails, Fox, 1 BoSamurai, BoAbadar, 2 BoSamurai, Energy Bolt

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed
Deck: 13 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Energy Bolt, 1 BoSamurai, BoAbadar, 2 BoSamurai, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card 2 BoSamurai and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoMilani Banner Duelist Old Salt Surgeon Cure Rage
Recharged: Flaming Scimitar +1, Cure 2, Strength, Blood Periapt, Frost Ray, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Discard Pile:1 BoErastil
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

During Balazar's turn will display Phantom Steed. Thassilonian Dungeon allows me to draw a card(Cure 2)

Turn Order - Balazar, Bekah, Lirianne, Aric
Turn 2 -Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of Gorum
Use Power to put Duelist on Top to draw random into hand (Rage).
Give Card: None
Start of Move Scenario Effect - Dexterity DC 11: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Move to Random Open Location - 1Canyon,2Dam,3DeeperDung.,4Warrens,5/Abattoir,6/Thas.Dung.: 1d6 ⇒ 4 Remain at Thassilonian Dungeon

Explore Thassilonian Dungeon Card 1: Dart Darts are ignored

Dexterity Check DC 4: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3


Weapon B
Ranged To Acquire:
Ranged 4 For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Dexterity or Ranged die + 1d4.
If you fail a combat check using this weapon, you may discard this card to ignore the result and reroll the dice. You must take the second result.

Will discard 2 BoSamurai to explore again. Thassilonian Dungeon Card 2: Frost Ray. Will recharge Rage for inspire power

Arcane Check DC 6: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + (3) + 1 = 10 Spell Acquired

Frost Ray:

Spell 1
Magic To Acquire:
Arcane 6 For your combat check, discard this card to roll your Arcane die + 2d6 with the Cold trait.
If you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card.
Succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Will discard Blessing of Abadar to explore again. Thassilonian Dungeon Card 3: Cultist. Will use Frost Ray

Ray of Frost DC 9: 2d6 + 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + (7) + 2 = 14 Cultist defeated
Recharge Ray of Frost Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Spell is Discarded


Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 9 If undefeated, shuffle the top card of the blessings deck into this location deck.

Will draw top card which is Duelist back in to hand and then use to explore Thassilonian Dungeon Card 4: Strength

Arcane Check DC 6: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Spell Acquired


Spell B
Magic To Acquire:
Divine 6 Display this card next to a character. While displayed, that character's checks using her Strength skill are increased by 3. At the end of the turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, attempt an Arcane or Divine 8 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.

Will then Display Strength Spell for Bekah. Location allows to draw card (Fox)

Will cast Cure on Self recharging Scimitar for inspire

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 cards are shuffled from discard to deck
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (4) + 1 = 15 Spell is recharged

Rolling Arcane to recharge Strength Spell

Arcane Check DC 8: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Spell is recharged

Will also recharge Scourge to Move to Abottoir using phantom steed and then Reset Hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Fox, 1 BoErastil, 1 BoSamurai, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Frost Ray, Blood Periapt

Displayed: Gambeson, Phantom Steed
Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Frost Ray, 1 BoSamurai, 1 BoErastil, Fox
Be sure to confirm before using card Fox and beyond

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 2 BoSamurai 1 BoMilani BoAbadar Banner Duelist Old Salt Surgeon Energy Bolt Cure Rage
Recharged: Flaming Scimitar +1, Cure 2, Strength, CatONineTails
Discard Pile:
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)
wkover - Radovan wrote:

A fun update: We narrowly avoided a total party kill in our current Cosmic Captive scenario. My Grazzle will have healed 30 cards by scenario's end, including 11 on my upcoming turn.

So, I would disagree with the person who mentioned that CC might be playable without a dedicated healer. :)

I wasn't aware how deadly the special is but thought we needed a healer and since I already have 2 I really didn't want to make another one yet. I am so glad I took spell as card feat adding a 2nd cure before starting it up. One character almost died already and healing wasn't going to help much when a monster has BYA bury cards from top of your deck and then discard hand if you don't succeed.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Bekah- 8-00B2: Ice is Nice

N/A for this Adventure Path

Starting Location
Thassilonian Dungeon
Starting Hand - Choosing Weapon as favored card

Will display Gambeson right after Blessing is flipped on turn 1

Suggested Starts/Loc Analysis
Balazar at Thassilonian Dungeon (direct examine abilities towards Abattior)
Lirianne at Canyon
Aric at Thassilonian Dungeon

Canyon - Single user (Bekah has divine so good for closing)
Dam - Any but expensive to close (may be good after collecting a few boons)
Deeper Dungeons - Bekah or Balazar
Warrens - save for last due to monster spawns - RR or Lirianne
Abattior - +4 to banes Any (I think..not sure of Brimorak) all but Balazar could take advantage of permanent close
Thassilonion Dungeon - Balazar and/or Bekah

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: BoAbadar, 2 BoSamurai, Duelist, CatONineTails, Flaming Scimitar +1

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 13 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
BoAbadar, 2 BoSamurai, Inspire

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil 1 BoSamurai 1 BoMilani Banner Blood Periapt Old Salt Surgeon Fox Energy Bolt Cure Cure 2 Rage Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Discard Pile:
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Bekah- 8-00B1: Frozen City
Boon Roll 1 or 20: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Boon Acquired! Assigning to Jirelle 12789-1006

Amateur Swashbuckler:

Amateur Swashbuckler: [ ][ ][ ][ ] You may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to add or remove the Swashbuckling trait from your check. If your character has the Swashbuckler trait, you may add an additional 1d4.

Loot rolls
Aventure Reward

Scenario Reward
Stashed Card: Blessing of Angradd (Blessing 2)

Tier 3.4
Tier Reward: N/A (no tier advancement)

Deck Upgrade(s)

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Lirianne, Aric, Balazar, Bekah
Turn 16 -Blessings Deck Card 1 /
Blessing of the Gods

Give Card: None
Move: Stay at Collapsed Bridge
Explore - Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Oracular Pool. Will recharge crossbow to use inspire power and Balazar's Blessing of Abadar

Dexterity Check DC 9+2=11: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 + 2d8 ⇒ (5) + 2 + (3) + 1 + (8, 4) = 23 Pool has been defeated

Oracular Pool:

Henchman 2
Type: Barrier
To Defeat:
Disable 9
OR Intelligence
Arcane 11 The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario’s adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Oracular Pool deals 1d4 Cold damage to each character at your location, then you may put the Oracular Pool on top of your location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

For closing check, will bury elven chain shirt to avoid taking 4 combat damage. No boons remain in deck to acquire.

Collapsing Bridge is closed

Reset hand and end turn

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Ilsoari Gandethus, Flaming Scimitar +1, CatONineTails, Light Crossbow, Standard Bearer, Energy Bolt

Displayed: Gambeson, Banner
Deck: 9 Discard: 6 Buried: 1
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
CatONineTails, Energy Bolt, Light Crossbow

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil 1 BoSamurai 2 BoSamurai Blood Periapt Old Salt Surgeon Cure Rage
Recharged: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Discard Pile:Shalelu Andosana, Duelist, BoAbadar, Fox, Cure 2, 1 BoMilani
Buried Pile:Elven Chain Shirt

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Lirianne, Aric, Balazar, Bekah
Turn 12 -Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of Irori
Give Card: None
Move: Citadel -> Collapsed Bridge
Explore Collapsing Bridge Card 1: Ilsoari Gandethus. Will use power to recharge crossbow for inspire

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Ally Acquired

Ilsoari Gandethus:

Ally 1
Wizard To Acquire:
Arcane 7
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 6 During your turn, reveal this card and put it on top of your deck to examine the top card of your location deck; if it's a monster, you may shuffle that monster back into the location deck. After you play this card, roll 1d12; on a 1, summon and encounter the villain The Sandpoint Devil.

Will use power of Ilsoari to examine top card.

Collapsing Bridge Card 2: Ven Vinder:

Ally 1
Shopkeeper To Acquire:
Diplomacy 6
OR Dexterity
Stealth 8 Banish this card to add a random item from the box to your hand.

Tempting Fate with The Sandpoint Devil: 1d12 ⇒ 6 What was that hideous laugh?

End Turn checking bridge stability and reset hand
Bridge Collapses on 10+: 1d10 ⇒ 1

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Ilsoari Gandethus, Flaming Scimitar +1, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Elven Chain Shirt, Standard Bearer, Energy Bolt

Displayed: Gambeson, Banner
Deck: 10 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Energy Bolt

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil 1 BoSamurai 2 BoSamurai Blood Periapt Old Salt Surgeon Cure Rage CatONineTails Light Crossbow
Discard Pile:Shalelu Andosana, Duelist, BoAbadar, Fox, Cure 2, 1 BoMilani
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Note that Lirianne's blessing is Blessings Deck Card 2 / Blessing of Erastil and not Blessings Deck Card 3 whatever that is

Afer blessing is flipped and before Lirianne moves away or chooses to attempt to close citadel. Will cast Cure spell on Lirianne

Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 cards are shuffled from discard pile into deck
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 Spell is recharged

Will cast Cure spell on self.
Cure 1d4+1 Cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 cards are shuffled from discard pile into deck (Standard Bearer and 1 BoErastil)
Recharge Cure Spell DC 8: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Spell is discarded

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Flaming Scimitar +1, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Banner, 1 BoMilani

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 13 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
Banner, Flaming Scimitar +1, 1 BoMilani

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 1 BoErastil 1 BoSamurai 2 BoSamurai Blood Periapt Old Salt Surgeon Energy Bolt Cure Rage CatONineTails Elven Chain Shirt Standard Bearer Light Crossbow
Discard Pile:Shalelu Andosana, Duelist, BoAbadar, Fox, Cure 2
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Minor Correction to Lirianne's turn above. Random card from Discard (Jinx Eater) is recharged and not in hand
Turn Order - Lirianne, Aric, Balazar, Bekah
Turn 8 - Blessings Deck Card 1 / Oracle of Iovo (BotG underneath)
Lirianne did her BYA con check already. For Bekah's BYA Fort check will recharge old salt

Fortitude Check DC 5+2=7: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 = 5
bury cards from top of deck: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0 cards from top
Autofail vs Henchman DC 12+4-4=12: 1d6 ⇒ 2 Unsucessful; discard fox as damage. No cards in hand

Blessings Deck Card 1 / Oracle of Iovo:

Henchman 2
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 12
THEN Combat 14 Oracle of Iovo is immune to the Cold and Poison traits. The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number. If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1 die.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario’s adventure deck number or bury the top 1d4-1 cards of her deck.
If undefeated, discard your hand.

Give Card: None to Give
Move: Stay at Citadel
Explore: Citadel Card 1 : Standard Bearer

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Acquired

Standard Bearer:

Ally B
Human To Acquire:
Constitution 7
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 6 Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your noncombat Strength or Constitution check.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Will discard Standard Bearer to Explore. Citadel Card 2: Light Crossbow

Dexterity Check DC 4: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Acquired

Light Crossbow :

Weapon B
Ranged To Acquire:
Ranged 4 For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8.
If you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to add 1d4 to any combat check at another location.

Will Attempt Combat check to close revealing Crossbow and then recharging it for inspire.

Deathbane Lt Crossbow +1 DC 9+(2*2)=13: 2d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5) + 2 + (1) + 1 = 11 Citadel is not closed. Take 2 damage but no cards in hand

End turn resetting hand. Decided not to search for ally since cure spells are now near top with 7 cards recharged.

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Cure, Flaming Scimitar +1, Cure 2, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Banner, 1 BoMilani

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 10 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 2 BoSamurai Blood Periapt Energy Bolt
Recharged: CatONineTails, Elven Chain Shirt, Rage, 1 BoSamurai, Surgeon, Old Salt, Light Crossbow
Discard Pile:Shalelu Andosana, Duelist, BoAbadar, 1 BoErastil, Fox, Standard Bearer
Buried Pile:

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Discarding blessing of erastil on summoner turn. Will recharge surgeon for lirianne to heal 1 random card.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

out of turn henchman encounter. Will recharge Rage for Lirianne's BYA check and Samurai blessing for combat check. rolling Bekah's BYA

Fortitude Check DC 5+2=7: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Avoided Effect

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Surgeon, 1 BoErastil, Fox, Old Salt

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 13 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
, 1 BoErastil, Surgeon, , Fox

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 2 BoSamurai 1 BoMilani Banner Blood Periapt Energy Bolt Cure Cure 2 Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Flaming Scimitar +1
Recharged: CatONineTails, Elven Chain Shirt, Rage, 1 BoSamurai
Discard Pile:Shalelu Andosana, Duelist, BoAbadar
Buried Pile:

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Turn Order - Lirianne, Aric, Balazar, Bekah
Turn 4 - Blessings Deck Card 1 / Blessing of the Gods

Use Power to put Old Salt on Top to draw random into hand (Duelist)
Give Card: None
Move: Stay at Citadel
Explore Citadel Card 1: Shalelu Andosana

Diplomacy Check DC 7: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Archer has been acquired[/ooc]

Shalelu Andosana :

Ally B
Scout To Acquire:
Perception 6
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 7 Recharge this card to add 1d4 to a Ranged combat check.
Reveal this card on your turn to examine the top card of your location deck; then recharge this card, or discard it to encounter the revealed card.

Will recharge Shalelu to examine card - Citadel Card 2: Elven Chain Shirt

Elven Chain Shirt :

Armor B
Light Armor
Magic To Acquire:
Fortitude 6 Reveal this card to reduce Combat damage deal to you by 1.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if proficient with light armors, bury it instead.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.

Will discard Shalelu to encounter card
Fortitude Check DC 6: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Armor is acquired

Will discard Duelist to explore again- Citadel Card 3: Oracular Pool

Will use Blessing of Abadar and recharge scourge

Dexterity Check DC 9+2=11: 1d8 + 2 + 2d8 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + (2, 1) + (3) + 1 = 12 Succeeded

Pool is displayed

Oracular Pool:

Henchman 2
Type: Barrier
To Defeat:
Disable 9
OR Intelligence
Arcane 11 The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario’s adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Oracular Pool deals 1d4 Cold damage to each character at your location, then you may put the Oracular Pool on top of your location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Will choose not to attempt to close citadel. At end of turn, will search deck for Surgeon and put in hand. Will then recharge shirt and reset hand

Bekah (Tier 3) wrote:

Hand: Surgeon, 1 BoErastil, Rage, 1 BoSamurai, Fox, Old Salt

Displayed: Gambeson
Deck: 11 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
"Notes: Cards in order available to use for my power and/or its ability with the preference of recharging over discarding if possible.
1 BoSamurai, 1 BoErastil, Surgeon, Rage, Fox

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:

Middle {Order is not Known}: 2 BoSamurai 1 BoMilani Banner Blood Periapt Energy Bolt Cure Cure 2 Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 Flaming Scimitar +1
Recharged: CatONineTails, Elven Chain Shirt
Discard Pile:Shalelu Andosana, Duelist, BoAbadar
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Fortitude: Constitution + 2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Arcane: Charisma +1
- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
- Divine: Charisma +1

Favored Card: Your Choice
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons
Card List (Starting/Current/Max): W 2/3/5,Sp 3/4/5, Ar 1/1/2 I 2/2/3 Al 3/4/5 Bl 4/5/5 = 19
At the start of your turn, you may put an ally from your hand on top of your deck and draw the bottom card of your deck.
You may recharge a weapon or a spell to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a check by another character at your location [X] or your check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

Sea Legs:

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Reward #3 - Sea Legs
When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.

Female Human (Bl3or4) | 3 Die Bumps | My Deck Handler Tier 4 Troublemaker Bard / UC (12789-1002)

Cat of Nine Tails DC 8+3=11: 3d4 + 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4, 4, 1) + (8) + 3 = 20 Skeleton Defeated

Mavra has not participated in any online campaigns.