Behrouz's page

No posts. Alias of An Orc Named Sue.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

" This adventure has a Pathfinder Adventure Card Game component. "

Having no familiarity with the PACG whatsoever, I was wondering what materials are required for this event.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Am I missing something somewhere, or do elementals now need to breathe, eat, and sleep?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Carrying Capacity (p.16)
She is encumbered (see page 275) when carrying an amount of bulk equal to or greater than half her Strength score...

Bulk Limits (p.167)
You can carry an amount of bulk up to half your Strength score without difficulty. If you carry more than that, you gain the encumbered condition...

Which is correct?

Does "Once a creature has observed you use this feat..." refer to any attempt or just successful one?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Our GM is intending to run Giantslayer, and several members have expressed interest in builds which give large (at level 7+) mounts and/or animal companions. Are large companions a viable choice for this AP, or will terrain/enclosed spaces/etc. make this impractical?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I was wondering if there are any games in the general area that are open to new-to-PFS players.

Full Name

















Breachill area, Isger


Common, Tengu, [secret]


Itinterant druid

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 12

About Tjiban - Nik Gervae

Description: Tjiban is a Skyborn Tengu, his arms adorned with nearly-functional flight feathers that give him a look of wearing a cape at all times. His black plumage shines with purple highlights, and he has a prominent ruff below his beak. An unusual set of black leather armor, formed of long wide strips, hangs from a shawl-like collar, with gaps for his wings.

Origin: Tjiban grew up in a small nomadic tribe of Tengu, Gnomes, and Halflings, an unusual community that split its time between the wild lands and the towns and villages, and occasionally, a city. One evening in the forested mountains, a violent storm struck and tore down many tents. As folk scrambled for cover, a bolt of lightning struck a tree Tjiban was sheltering under, but he was unharmed. The next morning, a local druid approached the people busy repairing their encampment and announced that one of their number had been called to service. Well, Tjiban's family weren't too sure about this strange wild fellow, but Tjiban himself had felt the call and knew where his path lay. He helped rebuild, but then made his farewells, assuring his folk that their paths were sure to cross again. His mentor helped him fashion a staff out of the charred trunk of the lightning-struck tree, taught him the ways of calling upon Nature's magic. Gathering seeds from the stricken tree, Tjiban began his new journey.