Behemoth monkey's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Have they not errata'd or otherwise nerfed the template yet?

4. nirvana dragon
5. snakes are proteans are old
6. in the other myth asmodeus was called ahriman AKA angra mainyu

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1. In the lost gospels of tabris it mentions that there is a section about what he wrote down after communing with the spear that killed ilhys, with said chapter countaining several words of power from the life, illusion and a few other types. This reminds me of the feat words of creation from 3.5, especially since both the words of creation and these words of power are both described as a form of “proto celestial”
2. At some point I heard pharasma is actually from a previous incarnation of the multiverse, much like the manusaputras
3. In OSR, there exists a double to this myth, where asmodeus is one of two primeval serpents creating the world, one good and one evil, though both lawful. When they disagreed over where the center of the universe would be, either heaven or hell, they broke away from each other, asmodeus crashing through all 9 layers of hell and the other serpent flying up to heaven, it’s blood forming the coalts