
Becky the Mad Scientist's page

4 posts. Alias of Kileanna.


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Punniculus wrote:

Maybe you would enjoy this look?

This one is a little different.

Uh... the first one seems to be as oblivious as me, she forgot half of her attire!

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Punniculus wrote:
Don't worry, my dear. My friends and I will take good care of you.

I... I am sorry, but I have to go. I am carrying some really important experiments that could get loose. I have a saliva colonizer on a petri dish that would take over the world if I didn't watch over it!

By the way, what's this? Some kind of halloween party? You are wearing some funny costumes!

Are we already on Halloween? Wow! You really lose track of time when you are working!

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Two blondes are standing on either side of a river. One of them calls out to the other "Hey! How do I get to the other side of the river?" The second one replies "You already are on the other side of the river."

That is actually a pretty wise thought. Reality depends on perception.

I am a convinced defender of blonde wisdom!
Now... can someone help me back home? I forgot where I live again. And my keys! Now that I think of it... where am I?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Why did the blonde write TGiF on her shoes? To remind her that "Toes Go in First."

I did! I have more important things to think about than of irrelevant things like dressing codes!

I also wrote which goes right and which goes left.
Having to remind all that everyday useless stuff keeps me from focusing on science!