
Beardragon's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

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Only just discovered Starfinder Pocket editions exist. Absolutely stoked!
I love pocket editions easier to lug around. Putting in an order now. Thank you

Grand Lodge

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Totally random observation ..... so you American types spell defence as defense ... wow ... I didn't know that . Live and learn.

Grand Lodge

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I really enjoy Pathfinder Friday and Starfinder Wednesday and watch them regularly on Twitch. I enjoy listening too and getting a feel for what the people who contribute so much to my hobby are like as people. The narrative on how a concept/adventure/location/monster/character was developed is always interesting too. I like Dan as a host too as he comes across as a real person not as a company shill.**

**although Dan mate I love you but .... that "we'll laugh and high five " part out your 'outro' has never rung true and mostly comes across as been as authentic as seven dollar note.

Grand Lodge

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Have started reading through "Fire Starters" and I am very impressed. It is exactly what a science-fantasy RPG should be, elements of both genres and true to the Pact Worlds setting.
I really love the intro video too (and have gone back to watch the other three for the previous APs. I didn't know they existed !!) Very nice work.
*Makes big puppy dog eyes* Will the Pathfinder 2 APs get similar videos? I hope so. Thanks for such a *cough* STELLAR product.

Grand Lodge

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Being Lawful Good does not equal infallibility. So No.

Grand Lodge

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Excellent! Can't wait for backstories. =)

Grand Lodge

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Are Prestige Classes going to be "a thing", in Starfinder ? If so, any ideas / information on what they may do?