BearBearington's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


So the campaign my friend is throwing is based on the premise that the party has gone to a new continent where magic is prevalent (outlawed in ours) so magic is an entirely new thing to the party. Since magic can do some pretty bananas stuff, he introduced Sanity Points.

Basically it starts at 100, and every time they see something zany, they make a saving throw. Once the players go down 25 sanity points, the total becomes their new max. for example, 100 - 25= 75, 75 is the new maximum. Sanity is restored after a full nights rest. But once a
player goes insane, their saving throws become harder and have trouble concentrating and comprehending.

I thought that was really clever.

What are some mechanics you guys have employed or thought were cool?