Dire Bear

Bear's page

91 posts (107 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

Just moved to the northwest Chicago suburbs (Algonquin, Crystal Lake area) and my wife and I are looking for other gamers. I am tired of MMOs. Anyone have a good game shop in the area to recommend?

Hey, it's worth a shot.

The web site "The Consumerist" (which if I recall correctly is owned by the people from consumer reports) has posted a story on how difficult (and in some cases, impossible) it has been for a user of DDi to stop the automatic renewal (which all users must agree to, if my info is right), and cancel the service.

http://consumerist.com/5128068/hasbro-casts-spell-of-greater-invisibility-o ver-dd-cancellation-page

(you will have to delete the space before the word "over" if you are cutting and pasting)

Funny? Not really. There are people taking shots at Hasbro there, which I guess is a natural reaction. But to me the really sad thing is to have to watch the company who owns the rights to this hobby I have had for 32 years stumble.

The incompetence (if that is what it is, and it seems to be so) at Hasbro does nothing but give people another reason to walk away.

Here's hoping that things get sorted out ASAP.

Not sure if anyone has seen these (there are 50 of them) But they are hilarious. Also, sadly, some of the comments turned out to be true!

D&D PHB PSA 4th edition

NOTE: Contains rough language!