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Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


I have been trien to download the society scenario for days now and having no luck and have searched the net its driven me nuts....... and suggestions? Please and thank you.

Hello all, ok here's my problem, I want to try to start GMing I have played for over 15 years but never really attempted tring to run a all out game. I really want to give this a shot but I get stuck and feel overwhealmed because the people I have gamed with all this time make it look so easy and are great GM's. I just really want to allow them to enjoy a stor as I have . I need help with how to come up with a concept how to build a plot line how to make it fun and what all I really need. I have access to most all the pathfinderds books. Any advice would be so very helpfull thank you all for your time.

Thank you sir.

Is there a metamagic rod for widen I did not see one and if so how much is it? Thanks for your time.

Very cool, figured I would ask as I am playing a bard/ninja currently. You deserve a few pints I quite enjoy a pint myself or two lol. Thank you again sir for your hard work. Slainte!

Thank you very much for your hard work these sheets are great. I was wonderinf if you were planning on putting a ninja sheet out? Thanks again for shairing your creation with us.

Thank you for your link that will prove to be very helpful!

Hahaha that's freaken great lol

Thx )

I was wondering if you use forgotten trick to use the vanins or feather fall tricks ect can you use them in the same round you use forgotten trick?

Is there a Pathfinder society in Kansas city?

There are other ways to reward characters for a good back story. In the game I am in our GM has rewarded my bard with a new 0 and 1st lv spell for my back story along with some exp. He picked the spells but I thought it was really cool and made me feel like my toon was that more of a unique character. You could even grant coin or small magic item or an important contact\friend. I believe it maks GMs feel good when there players take such an interest in the game they work so hard to put together as to take the time to write a backstory. Oftin times it can come into play in the game and add a new dynamic, but sometimes it will back fire on a character that gets carried away. For example the curren game I'm in one of our younger playes literally tried to get away with mass man slaughter in his backstory something like 30 to forty people he killed in an accidental mixing of potions at a school he was teaching at ( he's the ne alch class). He packed all his stuff and changed his name. In our last game bounty hunters cought up with him and now his toon is bretty much dead for his crim and fleeing. So as the saying goes you can't let them get away with murder lol. Hope this helps.

If more of a can it be done type of thing. Kind of like spell storing but nothing to crazy.

I was wondering if there was a potion or a scroll/spell to replenish ki? Or if its possible to roll left over ki into a pool for later use. I know its kind of a broken concept but would be crazy fun. Thanks for your input.