Bastion Orion Bacardi's page

No posts. Organized Play character for jojarth.

Scarab Sages

Just looking for some advice from others who might have played this type of character before.

We rolled our stats, and I rolled really well (The wife rolled better, which is surprising, but not much).
Current Stats:
Level 9
STR - 24 (18 Starting, +2 from level, +2 from Half-Elf, and +2 from belt).
DEX - 20 (18 Start, +2 from Belt)
CON - 16 (14 Start, +2 from Belt)
INT - 16
WIS - 16
CHA - 14

Pretty dang impressive. My GM actually made me lower one of my 17s to a 16 and one of my 15s to a 14. No big whoop though, I can't blame him (I thought he might have made me re-roll!).

As noted, I'm a half-elf. We started off at level 7 with no gear, and I've got the following:

- Masterwork Great sword
- Masterwork Comp.Longbow of +7 strength
- Masterwork Long sword
- Masterwork Mythril Breastplate
- Masterwork Mythril Large Shield
- Belt of Physical Perfection +2
- Cloak of Resistance +1

Great sword is my main weapon, long sword is my backup (with the shield if I need it). I use the longbow for ranged options.

Here is my current feats\traits etc.

Trait - Indomitable Faith
Trait - Deft Dodger
Alternate Racial - Dual Minded (Half-Elf)
Fighter 1 - Weapon Focus (Great sword)
Level 1 - Iron Will
Fighter 2 - Dodge
Level 3 - Outflank
Fighter 4 - Combat Reflexes
Level 5 - Lightning Reflexes
Fighter 6 - Power Attack
Level 7 - Weapon Specialization (Great sword)
Fighter 8 - Greater Weapon Focus (Great sword)
Level 9 - Improved Critical (Great sword)

I'm also a Two-Handed Fighter Archetype, so I have:
Shattering Strike +2
Overhand Chop
Weapon Training (Heavy Blades +2)
Weapon Training (Bows +1)

Our GM likes low-magic campaigns, hence the mostly crappy gear. I also think he is trying to not give me gear because of my stats, which is fine with me =D

On to the questions. Do you guys see anything I can do to be better? My character is supposed to be a high damage great-weapon fighter, but he is also the trap finder (Maxed Perception and Disable Device) for all non-magic traps. I also want to have at least decent defenses, as I don't want to die (hence the high saves and dodge etc...).

I'm hoping to get more magic gear "soon", but I'm not sure when that will be. Any items I should be looking at buying in particular?

Any other feats\abilities\traits\archetypes you recommend I look at?

Thanks ahead of time for the input!