Hairdar the Accursed / Hairdar Yunan

Baron of the Sands's page

Organized Play Member. 319 posts (504 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 aliases.


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Roll Perception

Which Area?

As you look around, you find 20x Normal Arrows, and a Ghost Touch Longsword.

Well I "found" it. It somehow got washed in the laundry, but it works!. Now, on to the game.

I'll have to postpone the game until I can find my flash drive. I'll PM you when I find it.

I'm sorry i've been slow. I haven't been able to find my flash drive, and that's where I have the file. I'm still looking.

You suppose that the building isn't falling apart completely, so you may be able to explore.

You notice that the building seems unstable.

Take 4 damage.

A two-story stone building looms in the center of the prison
grounds. Ivy and moss cling tenaciously to the walls, while
above the wooden shingles of the roof are often missing
entirely, exposing the wooden rafters of the upper structure to the sky. Here and there, leering stone gargoyles perch on
the eaves, once functioning as drainspouts and decorations but
now seeming almost to serve a more ominous role of sentinels.
Many of these stone decorations have crumbled away and lie
in ruined piles on the soggy ground below. Windows in the
building’s facade are narrow and blocked by grills of rusty iron
bars. Stone columns support a slumping wooden balcony over
the building’s wooden front doors, both of which hang askew
and reveal dark glimpses of chambers within.

Roll perception

You detect nothing, and as you turn to leave, some debris falls on you for 4 damage. Roll reflex.

That's what your last perception check was for. I assumed you had already entered the house. Anyway, you can tell it's been abandoned, and no one has been there for a while, in a state of disrepair.

You can tell it is a very old building, and do not notice anything to be wrong with it.

This small brick manor house is overgrown with thick sheets
of gray-green ivy. The roof sags ominously, and the front door
hangs askew.

Roll a Knowledge(engineering) or perception check. Only roll knowledge if you have it as a skill. Here is a map of the prison. You may choose where to go from there. Currently in R1

I know you meant to go buy one, but that would have required me to go fetch my disk key, since I play from two different computers, and I didn't feel like loading it up, so this is what we get. Besides, This is probably better anyway.

As you charge toward the undead scoundrel, you bear your fangs. Opening your jaws in an oddly serpentine fashion, your mouth engulfs it's heads entirely, your powerful jaws meeting no resistance as they tear through the old bone.

135 xp, and a longbow with 20 common arrows.

As you approach the prison, you hear a dull *thunk*. Looking around, you notice an arrow has just been embedded in a nearby tree. Standing 50 feet away from you is what appears to be a skeleton, firing a bow.

OK. So are you going to the prison, or are you looking for a bow?

As you wait, and you watch, you start idle by, simply watching as the world continues to work, until finally, the sun begins to rise. The night is uneventful.

You do not understand what's going on. When you look back at the wall, blood starts to appear, forming letters. G-A-V-I- and just as the final letter is forming, you wake up with a start. Just a dream you, think, until you look at the wall, and notice the blood is still there.

As you are preparing to sleep for the night, in preparation of the watch, a glance at the window reveals a that it is now barred. Your bed has become a pile of hay, and there are bowls of wormy gruel sitting on the stone floor. Glancing out the window, you are greeted with the sight of a mist shrouded hill, in the distance are flickering lights from a town. Knowledge (geography or local)

Unfortunately, the girls don't have much to say about the song. It's just something that's been done "forever". You gain 1 trust point. I'm keeping Trust total on a separate document. Current Trust is 22

On your way back the the manor, you see a group of five little Varisian girls dressed in shawls
and dresses. They are playing a skipping rope game at the side
of the road. Each of the girls takes turns jumping in the
rope while singing two lines of a rather disturbing song,
then skips out of the rope to let the next girl take up the
next two lines. The way in which the girls switch from
skipping to passing the ends of the rope to each other to
keep the whole thing going is strikingly well timed and
well choreographed—and the verse itself, which the girls
sing in Varisian, is rather disturbing.

Put her body on the bed.
Take a knife and lop her head.
Watch the blood come out the pipe.
Feeds the stirge, so nice and ripe.
Drops of red so sparkly bright.
Splatters spell her name just right.
With a hammer killed his wife.
Now he wants to claim your life.
Tricksy father tells a lie.
Listen close or you will die.

While it is clear that much has been taken from the chest, many useful items remain. Inside the chest, you find
a dozen silver arrows,
four sun rods,
six flasks of holy water,
10 +1 arrows,
five +1 ghost touch arrows,
two +1 undead bane arrows,
five potions of cure light wounds,
two potions of lesser restoration,
a scroll of detect undead,
two scrolls of hide from undead,
and a scroll of protection from evil.

Also among the contents of the chest, you find a thin darkwood case that has the image of scarab with a single, gleaming eye on its back. This is the same image that appeared on one of the books Professor Lorrimor left.
Inside this case, you find a spirit board, containing a Brass Spirit Planchette, and four iron and glass vials. These vials are valuable magical items known as Haunt Siphons. There are six more indentations, making it clear that the Professor made off with most of them.

I just got home from work anyway. You find a chest in the center of the wall, at the end of the crypt, where you encountered the centipedes.

Ah yes, Mage Armor. Forgot about that. As you claw the other creature, your hand seems to glide across it, splitting open. It wriggles away from your bite, and collapses, dead. Your other claw slices through what organs it has inside. There are no more creatures to attack you. (400 xp)

Pan wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I probably would have just TPK'd. It always serves as wonderful story/precautionary tale, and at that point, I don't think the players are terribly attached to their characters.

The first claw tears through the writhing creature, splitting from end to end. As the centipede writhes and wails, Gavin's other claw and bite serve only to determine the centipede's death. The other centipede, obviously stunned from some recent encounter, misses again. I'm not seeing how your AC is 19

It had your AC at 15. In any case, the first centipede still hit. No, I did not apply DR. I guess I just have to open your page. You feel the poison as it enters your body, but it does nothing to slow you down. It is your turn.

You notice the faint tracks of someone who has passed through recently. Undoubtedly the tracks of the late Professor Lorrimor, you are able to follow them to the deepest part of the crypt. The tracks stop right in front of a large Sarcophagus. (Take 3 damage and roll a Fortitude save, and Initiative) A pair of Giant Centipedes attack you from behind. One manages to bite into your leg, attempting to inject you with its poison, while the other one lashes wildly, missing you.

A flight of stone steps leads down into the
cold earth to a large crypt lined with empty niches—no
dead are interred here. (roll Perception and Survival)

You notice the lock has already been disabled, melted by acid, and refitted

(roll Perception)

The crypt itself is a freestanding granite
mausoleum, the roof of which is decorated with a pair of
leering gargoyle statues. A single stone door with a rustylooking
lock sits in the mausoleum’s south facade.

(gain 50 xp)

You do not find any particularly useful or interesting information. Among your research, you find a text that states The Whispering Way is a sinister
organization of necromancers that has been active in the
Inner Sea region for thousands of years.

(Knowledge:Arcana or Knowledge:Religion)

(Select a research option)

You should watch how you speak around here. You're an outsider, and no one will ask questions. You are digging around in business that does not concern you. I'm not going to arrest you yet, but I will if you make me.

No. You should be on your way.

We're busy enough as it is. If you want to watch the monument all night, waiting, you go right ahead.

List of people in the fire? Hmmmm... there was The Splatterman, the Lopper, Father Charlatan, The Mosswater Marauder, and The Piper of Illmarsh. Those were the only notable inmates at least. Then of course, there were all of the brave men who died trying to help. Warden Hawkran, and I believe his wife, Vesorriana were victims in the fire as well.

...I'm telling you. We've tried everything. The mark will not come off. There is nothing we can do.

[The sheriff is visiting the temple, hoping to find someone who can remove the blood from the monument. Seems nothing short of magic will do so.]

(The alignment of Gibs Hephanus is Lawful Evil) You have returned to the town.

You detect his evil aura, but you are certain he is telling the truth, that he has no idea what has happened, or where the blood came from.

Are you mad! I have done NOTHING. I have no idea what you're talking about, and you have no proof that i've done anything. Now get out of my shack before I have YOU arrested!

What?! My razor! I've been looking for that thing since last week! Now i'm not goin' ANYWHERE with you, so back off and be on your way. I've done nothing wrong.

You do not detect anything, but upon further inspection, you find a bloody razor, and a waterskin filled with blood under a pile of logs.

Just get off of my property, or i'll give you a reason to. (make another perception check at a +5 bonus)

Drunk? Of course not. I was just sleeping when some buggered maniac broke my door! What do you "messing with the monument"? Why would anyone frame me?

What are you talkin' abou' blood?

To the sound of his door coming off the hinges, Gibs wakes up, startled. What the hell did you just do to my door?! Gibs takes a drunken swing, missing horribly, and trips. He stares up at you, a dazed look on his face.

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