
Barkamedes's page

Goblin Squad Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I have had this spell used 3 times in the RotRL game I am doing
One player was a half Orc got half Orc so was pretty happy
2nd player was elf (heading to arcane archer) got dwarf so rolled up a new character ( we ruled the original character flipped out and took off as the change wad to much to bear )
3rd was a NPC the pcs were friendly with who died fighting with them and went from elf to human
A unreliable spell IMO but better than dead
( I have made a house rule a 100% result ends up with azlant for the new race)

Have been using the 4d6 thing and am running RotRL
Even with 3 pcs the are very effective and tend to end up in situations where there is not a lot of challenge but where a good crit will one shot kill them
Am seriously considering doing a 15 point buy for next campaign
(Note also do traits and hero points so that is also contributing to the uber hero effect that is going on)

Am running ROTRL and am halfway through book 3 have had 2 deaths one was mitigated by a resurrection an the other starter a new char.
Am using 4d6 build an traits an hero points
The hero points have saved a few more deaths in the group

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PC I quickly search the room's then move on (because there is a time frame)
GM that' takes time
PC yeah but I do it quickly
GM so it's more like a spot then search ?
PC nah still search the room but quickly
GM that takes time
PC no because we do it quickly

Epic sea AP get my vote possibly with a ship wreck survival portion early on.

My group is going through RotRL an have just started the hillbilly madness in book 3 .. The party comprises Druid,fighter with a dip of bard , wizard with a dip of fighter ... There has been 1 PC death and one near PC death that the use of hero point from another PC saved ( so yeah use hero points if your finding it hard going they help a lot) my players are experienced and they have just torn through this adventure with out to many dramas (they do have the 4d6 build and are above a 20 point buy ) I do not think RotRL is a meat grinder. Thou we have all been enjoying it greatly it's a very well written adventure

What I don't get is how the spell is "better" than either having a natural climb speed and the magic slippers ... I.e you don't need to make an checks against the climb skill for vertical or upside down

Half Orc
Druid 4th
Skinsaw murders
At the farm stead infested by ghouls Rawcus was paralyzed whilst valiantly being the bulwark against the on comeing ghoul horde every one else was to concered about them selves to stop the ghouls tearing his throat out coup de grace style

Was playing a Evil cleric in a 2nd ed game and group found some loot every one was oh no we don't know what it is ... So I go pick up the mace bam it's cursed oh bugger. No one else wanted to try on the remaining cloak so me being greedy goes well you hardly even get a cursed item what's the chances of there being two cursed items .....Yeap cloak of poisonous game over ...Was actually one of the more memorable game endings. A crazy or spectacular death/TPK is better than the game fizzling out I reckon.