Cayden Cailean

Bardrick's page

75 posts. Alias of Chris Etheridge.


Like it says in the subject line, I never received the shipment and there is no tracking to find out what happened.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would like to cancel my Starfinder Rulebook Subscription. Thank you.


Maybe I'm just missing something, but what is the damage for the strike? While it says "a special unarmed strike that deals lethal damage, lacks the archaic trait, and has an item level equal to your nanocyte level" there is no actual damage amount listed and in the CRB there is only one unarmed strike listed, not different ones by level. If it doesn't change the 1d3 damage listed in the CRB this isn't exactly a competitive option. It would basically force you to take IUS and even then it's still not really competitive. I feel like it could be a decent last resort backup weapon, but that's it.


submitted a subscription order and it has it starting on the wrong item. I picked the new second edition AP and it has it listed as getting ready to send the old one. Need to fix.