Bardamu's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


What about combat reflexes, improved natural attack and rending claws?
The first one expecially could be handy with the reach of a huge creature.

Shadows_Of_Fall wrote:
At level 6 or 7 a failed will save ended the universe.

Wonder what will happen at 20th.

Give a read to "The quintessential druid" by Mongoose publishing. It gives you hints and suggestions to work on different druid backgrounds.

Bear bump.

Ah, i forgot to mention we use Core and APG. Thanks for the answer !

Hey guys, first post here so hi everyone !

Me and some of my friends recently put together a Pathfinder group; that's a new rpg format for me and for the first campaign i decided, after some changes, to choose a human, bear shaman druid.

We are at 4th level now, and since my role in the party changed a bit with some variations of other PCs, what i need now is to be on the frontline and do a lot of damage. Being a bear shaman, i will be able in two levels to morph into a huge bear, so my attacks and reach will get a nice buff. I also choose the FEROCITY subdomain for casting, as it grants some nice buffing spells. In exchange, I don't have an animal companion.

So i'm asking you guys advice about which feats would you choose from 7th level and up (at 5th i will get natural spell) keeping in mind that i will be focusing in damage output. I already have TOUGHNESS, ESCHEW MATERIALS, and DODGE.

str 16
dex 15
con 12
int 10
wis 15
car 10

Even if you have some tips on playing bear druid or druid in general, they will be of great help since it's my first time playing one. Thanks in advance !