
Barbazu Bearded Devil's page

4 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


...as do a gang of four bearded devils--man-sized, green-skinned fiends with filthy, spiny black beards, armed with wicked glaives!

One of these turns to the towering horned devil and asks something in Infernal...

Lord Ludocorvus, are these the Murderous Vagabonds who defeated the Antichrist!?

Antichrist Nero wrote:

Spellcaster check 1d20+17 vs bearded devils SR wins...

Nero utters an incantation and points at the other bearded devil...

Casts dimensional anchor to prevent the barbazu from teleporting away...

The doomed barbazu glowers murderously at Nero, and roaring in betrayed rage, charges toward him with wicked glaive outstretched!

The bearded devils begin to realize their Lord's cruel betrayal...

Infernal: Wait, what!? And: The f*+* did he say!? Expressions of terror and dismay contort their devilish faces!

Grünerraver the Green Wyrm wrote:
Antichrist Nero wrote:

Nero Antichrist has not lain idle while the Champions were rescuing the Ogon Fox in Kyoto...

He has ventured to the dark depths of the Black Forest, to the cavern in a forested hillside wherein lairs the ancient green dragon Grünerraver...

Bypassing the Green Wyrm's defenses with his own diabolical magic, the Antichrist awakens the slumbering dragon...


** spoiler omitted **

Awakening from over a decade of torpor, Grünerraver is angry and ravenous...

Draconic: Who has come to be Grünerraver's breakfast!?

Draconic: I bring thee not only breakfast, mighty Grünerraver, but also tribute! Turning to his two bearded devil minions, each bearing a treasure chest, he commands in Infernal: Present Grünerraver with the tribute, my bearded devils!

The two barbazus do as their Lord commands and set the treasure chests down before the ancient green Wyrm... Opening the chests, they reveal to the dragon's greedy eyes coins, gems, jewels, and jewelry...