
Barbarossa's page

Organized Play Member. 113 posts (119 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

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Our Price: $13.00


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These dice have a great look and feel. The detail is crisp and I love the rune for the highest possible roll; it adds a little touch of the arcane to the experience.

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Not what I needed


I was running Curse of the Crimson Throne and thought I would use this adventure as an interlude as they traveled toward Kaer Maga. Upon purchase and review, I decided not to use it and swallow the $13 I paid for it rather than run my players through it.

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I absolutely love the Item Cards and have almost every set now, but whoever did this set also did the set for Second Darkness. Neither of those sets reach the high standards of the other cards.

List Price: $9.99

Sale Price: $4.99

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