Gau leeoch

Baratuk's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hello, I'm looking to start work on a new campaign and the start of it will be inside an insane asylum. Anyone have any ideas of who some of the occupants that my PC's would encounter could be? The level range would be from 1 to 3.

Hello, I was just wonder if paizo ever thought or planned to have different campaign settings or if the one they have will be the only one using the pathfinder rule sets. I know its a vague question but I remember playing dnd in 2nd edition and there were multiple campaign settings for it such as planescape, ravenloft etc etc.

I know they wouldn't work on the ones mentioned above, but it'd be cool if they came out with a new campaign setting and released it like the old 2nd edition boxed sets. Ok I'll stop rambling now...

I hope this is the correct place to post this, if not I do apologize.

I know that paizo has an upcoming MMO, but what I was thinking is I wish they could put together other video games in the likes of Baldurs gate, icewind dale etc etc, using the already created adventure paths.

For example, using the baldurs gate style gameplay but using the story of say....kingmaker. Where you actually get to play out the adventure path in a video game. What do you all think?

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Hello, not sure if this is the right place for this goes.

My group is about to start the new adventure path Serpents skull. I was watching the movie Troy the other day and thought to myself, "self what if you made an Achilles like character". question is...does anyone have any advice for making such a character. I have my stats we rolled 4d6, reroll 1's and drop the lowest.. my stats are as follows....


Great stats I know I was blessed by the pathfinder god's perhaps my guy is the "son of a god?"

Baratuk wrote:
Please cancel my subscriptions (Adventure Path, Campain Setting).

Please delete this post as I do Not want to cancel at this time. Sorry for the confusion.

I have one question. WIth the swordlords sending adventureres into the wild for exploration is it safe to assume that perhaps Pitax may be doing the same?

Hello, first time poster on these boards. As the subject says my players all wiped during the blue nixie. Long story short, they all split up and tried taking the ship two at a time, needless to say it didnt take long for them to die. Anyway, I'm just looking for suggestions on how to start the STAP again but I dont want to run the same part but cant really think of a way to bring them into the fold once again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.