Baldy's page

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Why is this prestige class only relegated to the swashbuckler style weapon masters? It has all the qualities or abilities one would associate a weapon master to have, but you may only do it with a single, one-handed or light weapon.

This class should not be so narrowly focused. Samurai were great at dueling with katana or even polearms. If you don't believe a glaive can be used to strike very accuratly or deflect blows you should meet my roomate who can plant the tip of his glaive on any specific point of the body, (usually face), that he wants, and that's with only a few years of SCA training.

Ultimately I would like to see the one prestige class I've found that even remotely reflects what a true weapon master can do in terms of mobility, defense, and intellect, be more than a musketeer or zorro. The changes required would be minimal to keep it balanced. I realize that precise strike plus a two hander and power attack would get out of control, but those are easy fixes.

Any thoughts?