Sajan Gadadvara

Balan Dhebar's page

79 posts. Alias of Yttras.

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Psych! I actually have a basic post ready for discussion now.

Welcome to the discussion thread! Some friendly reminders:
-If you're not going to be able to post for a few days, you can let me know here or by PM.
-If you have questions about what I mean by a gameplay post, quote me and post it here if it's too long a question for the gameplay thread.
-Have fun! I'm certainly going to. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to the discussion thread! Some friendly reminders:
-If you're not going to be able to post for a few days, you can let me know here or by PM.
-If you have questions about what I mean by a gameplay post, quote me and post it here if it's too long a question for the gameplay thread.
-Have fun! I'm certainly going to. :)

Always wished to see distant shores? Interested in matching your wits with the wild, far from the comforts of civilization? Thirsting for fame and fortune beyond your neighbors' dreams? Then sign up with the Bountiful Venture Company, and claim your share of the treasures of Azlant! Currently seeking bold and competent individuals of all skill sets, willing to relocate permanently to the colony of Talmandor's Bounty, located on the sunny island of Ancorato in the isles of Azlant. Interested persons should apply at the offices of the Bountiful Venture Company, at 1335 Hossetter Way in Almas. Applicants will be measured for physical and mental fitness, and on their ability to work well with others. Individuals chosen will be required to live in Talmandor's Bounty, under the command of its governor, for a period of up to 5 years, and will be given a grant of land on Ancorato after that time. Further details can be obtained at the aforementioned offices of the Bountiful Venture Company.

Welcome! This is an open recruitment for a Ruins of Azlant campaign, looking for 4-5 players.

About the Campaign:

-This campaign is heavily wilderness/exploration themed. In addition, there is no town you can go to for magic items, though there will be NPCs in the colony that can make some magic items.
-This is a moderately aquatic campaign. Not all of it will be underwater, but significant portions will be. Archetypes that focus on underwater skills and abilities will become more useful as the campaign progresses.
-A third aspect of the campaign that differs from the "norm" is the other colonists. These NPCs will be with you at Talmandor's Bounty for the whole of the campaign. They will grow as you do (albeit more slowly), and who you interact with will have effects on those colonists, and on the colony as a whole.

Character Creation:

Class and Race: All Paizo content allowed, and no 3rd-party content. I'm not trying to be mean here, just keeping things simpler for me. And remember, the crazier your class and race, the better your backstory needs to be.
Stat Generation: 20 pt. buy or roll (4d6x7, drop lowest set and lowest from each set), your choice. If you choose roll, though, you must take the rolls you get, unless your roll is 10 pt. buy-equivalent or less. In that very sad case, you can switch over to 20 pt. buy. No rerolls.
Other Info: On the topic of alingnment, I'm just gonna say no evil. 2 traits, one of which must be a campaign trait. Taking 1 drawback allows a third trait. Starting at level 1, average wealth (though look at the well-provisioned adventurer trait). Full HP at level 1, half+1 for each level after.
What I need: I will consider your submission complete once you have shared a character sheet with me or created an alias for your character and posted in this thread. That includes a full stat block, and a backstory, appearance, and personality section (2-3 paragraphs of backstory is fine, I just need enough to know who your character is).
Timeframe: I will start off running the recruitment through the end of the year, with the caveat that I can end it at any time with at least 48 hours notice if there is a lot of interest. I'll probably take about a week to make my choices, then post the list of successful submissions, with the campaign starting a day or two after that point.

What I'm Looking For:

This Adventure Path has some unique opportunities for role-playing, since you spend a great deal of time with the same NPCs over the course of the campaign. I would ideally like characters who can lean into that aspect of the campaigh. Excessively selfish characters are not likely to make the cut, though that in no way means that your character has to be alturistic. They just have to be able to "play nice" with others. Though the backstory length requirement is short, how compelling it is will matter. An archetypal character ("The Barbarian" or "The Wizard", for instance) may lose out to a mechanically similar character with a more fleshed-out personality. If you need help with ideas for your character, there are many resources on-line to give you guidance. My personal suggestion would be to ask yourself questions like "what food does my character like?" or "what does my character find embarrasing about themselves?"

What I expect from you as a player is around 1 post per day on weekdays, and about 1 post on weekends. In turn, I will do my best to post regularly and keep things going. I reserve the right to bot your character in combat if you don't post in a timely fashion. All that being said, I do understand this campaign probably isn't the biggest thing in your life, so if you have something come up, PM me or post in the discussion thread.

Ever since I learned about the plane of Zendikar in Magic: the Gathering, I've loved it, and wanted to find a way to play a campaign there. After debating for years about doing a campaign in 5e with some friends, and never quite getting around to it, I've decided to try it online in Pathfinder.

This is just an interest check for the moment, since in addition to coming up with an actual campaign, I'd have to do some world building, statting out of monsters, etc. I want to know if there are people who would enjoy something like this before I put that much time into prepping a campaign.

There is more information below on what I have in mind, and what Zendikar is like for those who don't know. Other than letting me know if this interests you, any thoughts or questions are welcome.

For Everyone:

Due to the nature of the world of Zendikar (see the "What is Zendikar?" spoiler), this would be a campaign involving a lot of wilderness travel and dungeon-delving. I'm envisioning something very "Durvin Gest-y": where the fate of the world isn't on the line, you're just doing a very magical version of what Indiana Jones normally does.

I know Zendikar!:

For those of you already familiar with the plane, I just want to let you know that this will take place in "classical Zendikar", pre-Eldrazi. None of the story from the MTG sets will have taken place, other than trapping the Eldrazi. There will be no Eldrazi and probably no planeswalkers, though you can change my mind on the second one with a good story prompt.

What is Zendikar?:

Zendikar is a wild world, unspoiled by civilization and brimming with life energy. The reason for this is an elemental phenomenon known as the Roil. The Roil is a magical force that continually reshapes the land, sometimes very violently, and can sink ships, replace grassy hills with forested flatlands overnight, and bury entire settlements. Other than a few special locales across the world, the only features resistant to the landscape alterations of the Roil are the ancient constructs known as hedrons (HE-drahns) that most believe are the relics of a long-lost civilization.

Current civilization on Zendikar is small-scale, with the largest "cities" only numbering in the thousands. Despite this, the peoples of the world do more than just survive, and Zendikar is crisscrossed by the trails of adventurers who map and remap its mercurial landscape and scour the ruins of bygone eras for artifacts of power. Many adventurers are part of one of the five major adventuring houses, which maintain networks of agents and hostels across Zendikar. The only limits to the fame and glory such explorers can attain is their luck and their resourcefulness.