Hiya Paizo Forum, So, my sorcerer has permanent Arcane Sight and very high Spellcraft (enough to auto-succeed an identify check). So, basically whenever she sees a baddie, I tell her all the magic items they have. I just re-read Spellcraft, and under Determine properties of Magic Item, it says "Attempting to ascertain the properties of a magic item takes 3 rounds per item to be identified and you must be able to thoroughly examine the object." Now, I know Arcane Sight accelerates it, so the 3 rounds aren't relevant. But, I'm more interested in "thoroughly examine" as a word choice. Does this mean it only works for items you loot and can look over? Since everyone's a seasoned adventurer, can she thoroughly examine an item that the enemy is wearing during combat? It would be nice to put some mystery back into the encounters. Thanks in advance!
This might be a very specific question. If you're missing a pre-requisite in the normal magic item creation, it increases the DC of the crafting by 4. What happens if you're missing a pre-requisite for an item during Dynamic Magic Item Creation? Is every single DC increased by 4? Do you spread the DC increase over the number of challenges?
Ok, rereading the next chapter. It looks like the Scribbler's Lair would be underneath the Catacombs of Wrath, so even if he keeps digging, he would hit that dungeon first. Also, The Scribbler wakes up when the Runeforge pulses upon Mokmurian's death. Is there actually anything sentient down there? I think the Yeth Hounds are down there, because back in the CoW chapter, it recommended foreshadowing distant howling.
My party set an ambush outside of Sandpoint after divining the direction the giants would come from. They destroyed the giants (except for one who jumped in the ocean and got away), and since they ambushed the giants right before they got to the Roosts, this was dragon-less.
First-time GM, and I'm learning I'm not great at improvisation, so any advice is welcomed!
Mammy Graul question. As a Necromancer, does her Channel Negative Energy actually do damage? Or is it only there to power her Command Undead feat (as per Power Over Undead)? What did you do with Shalelulu logistically? Did you run her yourself or give her to an interested PC? I'm thinking of giving her to the party ninja who seems like he's getting bored.
My group kept him locked up in his own cells in the asylum and returned to Sandpoint to tell the Sheriff. Since our ninja was a former Scarzni, he knew they were looking for him. He stole the cell key and informed Jubrayl and got a nice finder's fee. The sheriff reported the next day that Caizarlu was missing from where the PC's claimed he'd been stashed. He was never seen again.
I just used your haunts 3 days ago, Misroi, and I loved them (the PCs were less thrilled about how damaging they were). I wish I'd seen your Dance of Ruin version earlier, damn. Anyone who's run Foxglove Manor, did you have the issue that the PC's start opening the doors to the rooms and refusing to enter any of them?
Barry, the unofficial errata is that Nualia doesn't actually qualify for Power Attack. The suggestion is to replace that feat with Step Up (which was very surprising to my druid). Here's the attack stats I had: +1 bastard sword +12 (1d10 + 8/19-20) (1d10+9) if 2h.
claw +6 (1d6 +6)
I had my first TPK with Nualia. They found Lyrie upstairs and attacked. She fled, ran downstairs to the trapped hall, and called to Nualia to turn off the trap. Once she got beyond the trap and it was reactivated she taunted the barbarian, who leaped over the trap, getting right into her face. Having misread the spell, I had her shatter the barbarian's only melee weapon. At the same time, Nualia finally walked out, pissed at the interruption. The Sorcerer accidentally triggered the trap, causing the portcullises to fall, trapping the now unarmed barbarian with Nualia, Lyrie, and 2 Yeth Hounds. Then, I ended the session. The next session, the barbarian managed to survive, mostly because I felt bad for him, and I had Nualia go back into her room and start casting her buffs. The 2 Yeth Hounds came out and kept him company until the portcullises receded. The party ran in to help and half of them were feared by Yeth Hound howls. The divide and conquer are what actually killed the party, as 3 partymembers couldn't fend off Lyrie, Nualia, and 2 Yeth Hounds.
Nitpick. Isn't Permanent Image a figment illusion? Which means, "A figment spell creates a false sensation. Those who perceive the figment perceive the same thing, not their own slightly different versions of the figment. It is not a personalized mental impression. Figments cannot make something seem to be something else." So, Permanent Image wouldn't make the column seem like gold. But, it could make a Golden Coin illusion around the column (say the column has a 5 ft diameter, then there could be a gold illusion around it with a 5 ft 1 inch diameter). Functionally, I don't think this makes ANY DIFERENCE. It's just interesting that they painstakingly made the column look like a stack of coins, then just put up an image around it. I imagine a pissed off mason who spent half a year of his life on a beautiful column only to have this illusion hiding his work. Or maybe we can just wave our hand and say "Permanent Image, Thassilonian-style"
Speaking of wands, can PCs spellcraft a wand usage? I'm thinking of the Goblin Warchanter with the silent image wand in the throne room. A little more effective if the PC's don't know he cast an illusion. I ask because I believe spellcraft requires you to either see the somatic components or hear the verbal components, and a wand would presumably cut out both.
Just trying to build up their confidence as the Heroes of Sandpoint. (you save the town! The sheriff relies on you!) Are there any NPC's qualified to mine in the city? I didn't see any named NPC's with the Profession(Mining) skill or any Mining companies in town. The PC's wanted to find someone qualified.
At this point, Sheriff Hemlock has left for Magnimar to get reinforcements. He appointed the Heroes of Sandpoint as the de facto Sheriffs while he was gone. The mayor did ask incredulously why they were digging deeper into the tunnels, but they b$&+@~ted and rolled well in response. Whenever the Sheriff returns, he's definitely taking control back. On a side note, only 1 of them read Tsuto's journal. I was half amused when I told one of them later that the Quasit was mentioned in the journal, and then that player blamed the one who had actually read the journal for not being thorough enough. Awwwkward.
PCs finished up the Catacombs of Wrath and fully explored the Smuggler tunnels. Afterwards, they assigned 2 guards to the blocked staircase going down. They also assigned 6 guards to undig the tunnel branch that goes east, and put the rocks/debris to block the smuggler cave in the northeast. Since the guards are dumb npcs, I had them cause a tunnel collapse, injuring 2. The pc's berated them and told them to use wood supports and keep digging. Any ideas what could happen there? I don't believe it's written where that tunnel used to go. Also debating having an NPC accidentally drink the water at the Shrine of Lamashtu.
I was re-reading Shalelu's description of the Goblin Tribes. it says this about Koruvus:
Does this mean the +1 longsword that he dies with is sized for medium characters? That would please my half-orc barbarian player greatly.
They used a hero point to hit her with 2 tanglefoot bags, causing her to fizzle roughly 3/4 of her spells. They used ranseurs which they'd cast Align Good on. I ruled that with an Acrobatics check, they could jump straight up and stab her, while she was at the ceiling. They bled into the pool, and the bleeding party member got murdered by the sinspawn and the fiendish Eagle she managed to successfully summon. She crit failed and nosedived into the pool (not the Runewell) while trying to Touch of Fatigue the half-orc barbarian. Mostly, I had her making fly checks every time she moved, and I purposefully bombed half of them, so she'd fall and get AoO'ed.
A year late, but thanks Doomed Hero. I've been using your guidelines. Tomorrow, we lost a player, so we'll only have 3 players. Do you think reversing your rules would work? We're losing the Half Orc Barbarian, so I plan on cutting the bad guys hp by a third (increasing by 50% is multiplying by 3/2, so the opposite is multiplying by 2/3).
Athos710 wrote:
YES! Thanks so much!
Since his post was in the middle of this monster thread, I'm not sure how to thank them, but those speeches for the beginning of the Swallowtail Festival by Callum were great. Thank you! In other news, I feel somewhat regretful that I'm running my game IRL, as these digital maps are awesome. That glassworks one makes me cry, because I know mine is going to be crude lines drawn on my battlemap.
Wow, thanks for the replies, folks. His character is 20 when the game starts, and he said they were 12 when they escaped from the hags and came to Sandpoint. Going by CaroRose's estimate, they'd be 5 years apart, so entirely plausible they wouldn't be friends. I'm going to say she heard whispers along the lines of "...a freak like that Nualia girl..." I'm currently using this timeline: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l1og?Rise-of-the-Runelords-Timeline Any other NPCs from the Orphanage/Academy? Thanks for the heads-up about Tsuto. Do Sandpoint locals know that Aldern's manor is named The Misgivings? It looked like that was supposed to be a reveal in the 2nd chapter.
The backstory: Name: Melina Veskina
Appearance: Melina is a short young woman with strange bright eyes and unusually pale skin. Shadows drift and stretch as she leaves them and her own seems to move of its own accord in the corner of the eye. Her nature gives her a compelling, but otherwordly quality. She wears a light purple coat with an amber butterfly embroidered on the hem, a long slit skirt, leather leggings, and a white blouse. When outdoors during the day she prefers to wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun off her pale skin. Background:
After days of ritual, Melina was able to escape and was led out of the camp by a strange butterfly who delivered her to Shalelu Andosana. The elven ranger brought her to safety in Sandpoint where she was fostered and schooled at the academy there. The rituals unlocked a sorcerous talent and Melina has developed a talent for manipulating shadows and illusions. She's been making ends meet since graduation working as an illusionist. She's become friends with Ameiko at the Rusty Dragon after providing decorations there a few times, as Ameiko's one of the few people in town who doesn't give her odd looks for her strange appearance. Melina devotes her time and money to learning more about what her mother did to her and what this strange power is. Knowing her birth and what they might have been trying to do, she's terrified of becoming a monster. She resents physical contact and becomes enraged if anyone tries to restrain her or control her, flashing back to her captivity. She considers the butterfly that saved her a sign from Desna and has become a devoted follower of the goddess of luck and travelers. She's venerates Desna for her aspects of freedom and self-discovery, but ignores most of the teachings about generosity and altruism; she's too caught up in her own problems to worry much about anyone who's not a personal friend.
Hi all, So, I'm taking my first foray into GM'ing. I figured since the anniversary edition existed for RotR was out, that it would be a good, thorough path to run. After the roughly 4 days it took to read through the book (wow), and skimming the forums, I think I have a sort of handle on things. The first player sent in his backstory, and looking at it, they wrote something up that sounds scarily like Nualia's backstory. A Sandpoint orphan and an unusual appearance. Part of Nualia's past is that she felt so alone, that she desperately sought love. This being the case, would it make any sense for the PC to have been friends with Nualia? Not to mention the meta-concern of giving the PC a strangely thorough description of a childhood friend who died 5 years ago. Oh wait, I just realized this player owns the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. He probably already knows the name of the villain of the first act. Hmm.
First of all, this timeline is great, and I hope this will be helpful since I'm about to start running this game for the first time. I'm a little confused about "Xalisa awakens". I'm looking at the Anniversary edition page 238, and I think Xalisa is resurrected when Mokmurian dies. Mokmurian is the last sacrifice to begin Karzoug's final stage of his wakening. This sends another pulse of power through the runewells, which sinkholes the minor runewell in the Catacomb of Wrath, which catches Lamashtu's attention, which causes her to resurrect Xalisa. |