Imperial Dragon Sorcerer

Bahram al-Urgug "Jack"'s page

1,000 posts. Organized Play character for mahuffma.

Phaendar; nestled along the southern bank of the Marideth River, a stone’s
throw from the Southern Fangwood Forest has sat fairly peaceful for generations. Trade comes through the town over Phaendar Bridge, the only suitable place to traverse the swift, rapid-coursed river for 50 miles in either direction. The Fangwood Forest is known for the Darkblight that permeates it's inner depths. Although it is found only in small pockets, it is of deep concern to it's inhabitants. Fey, arboreals, and werebears are said to have a strong presence within the forest. Of men, both Nirmathas guerrilla fighters as well as the Chersando rangers utilize it's shadowy canopy. War with Molthune to the south keeps lightfooted Nirmathan troops on the go throughout the forest.

The town of 400 residents rarely sees any excitement, making the Market Festival a major source of news, entertainment, and revenue. The 2-day affair, held once every 3 months, gathers farmers and herders from across the Nesmian Plains, as well as woodcutters from the nearby Fangwood and
prospectors from the Hollow Hills, to trade for supplies. We are but days away!

If you could make sure that your characters are finished up, complete with an alias, we'll probably get started on Sunday. Feel free to Dot in. I'll do an interlude for each of you individually to get us started.

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I am recruiting 3-5 characters for the Ironfang Invasion AP for Pathfinder 1E. This will be my first attempt at gming a pbp campaign, so there may be some technical hiccups. Please see below to learn more about me as well as character creation requirements.

About the GM:
I've gm'd and played D&D and Pathfinder for 30+ years. I currently lead a student 5E gaming club at the high school I teach at. My homegroup plays Pathfinder and PF2E for the most part. As I've stated, this will be my first pbp AP, but I think that I have a handle on maps and initiative and such, but you may need to alert me of things that I forgot to give you access to. I've attempted to gm for PFS, but reporting the games and signing off on character chronicles became too much for me.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive. Please make sure you can access to Google Maps whatever device you’re posting on.

Character Creation:

20pt buy
Races: Core and featured
Classes: Core, base, hybrid
No 3pp
2 traits, or 3 traits and a drawback
background skills
Max hp at 1st lvl and roll or half every lvl after
Max gold at 1st lvl

Please read through the player's guide, pick out a campaign trait if yo you like, and figure out how your character fits in. Pepper me with whatever questions you have. I plan on leaving recruitment open for a couple of weeks.

Planning ahead:

I'm aware of life continuing to happen in RL and player drop off will occur. To combat this, I am open to re-recruiting, granting characters mythic powers, using NPC's to fill rolls. I am open to what the players want. I do plan on having an NPC join you from the beginning. I've played in other pbp games that have utilized an NPC or two and have seen that this can help keep the game moving. It is also an easy way to direct events in a more natural way. It is also a crutch for me. ;)
You should expect to meet a cute vine leshy druid in town.

This is only my second attempt at creating a pbp game, and my first time running it. I'm fine with the game rules, but may struggle with technology. The first time I created a game, I remember needing to scrap it and start over because I did something wrong, and couldn't get something to load.

We'll get started once everyone jumps in. You can add more than a ninja dot whenever you're ready.

Private pbp game. Please ninja dot if you've been invited in.

Closed Group.

This tab is for person to person conversations. No game play.

This is where the game takes place! Once everyone is in, I'll start us up.


This thread is for all completely out of character [ooc] conversations.