Full Name |
Oloch |
Race |
Male half-orc warpriest 4 |
About Baerlie's Pre Gen
Male half-orc warpriest of Gorum 4
CN Medium humanoid (half-orc, human, orc)
Init +3; Senses darkvision; Perception +3
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 36 (4d8+13)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19–20) +1 to hit against foes he has
damaged in the last 24 hours
Ranged mwk composite longbow +5 (1d8+4)
Special Attacks fervor 1d6 4/day, channel positive energy (DC 14)
Blessing Supernatural Abilities (5/day) glorious presence (DC 14),
war mind
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +6)
2nd—bull’s strength, weapon of aweAPG
1st—bless, divine favor, remove fear, shield of faith
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, stabilize
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Furious FocusAPG, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Skills Climb +3, Heal +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (religion) +4,
Perception +3, Perform (percussion) +1, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft
+4, Survival +6, Swim +3; Armor Check Penalty –5
Traits reactionary, finish the fightBoG
Languages Common, Orc
SQ aura (moderate chaos), bestialAPG, blessings (minor), orc blood,
sacred weapon +1 (4 rounds), spontaneous casting (positive)
Combat Gear acid, alchemist’s fire, wand of cure light wounds (6
charges); Other Gear spiked +1 full plate, +1 greatsword, mwk
composite longbow with 20 arrows, backpack, drum, iron holy
symbol of Gorum, spell component pouch, waterskin, 17 gp
Aura Oloch’s chaotic aura is moderate when using detect chaos.
Blessings Oloch can use any combination of his two blessing abilities
(glorious presence and war mind) 5 times per day.
Channel Positive Energy Oloch can spend two uses of fervor to
channel positive energy, either healing living creatures or harming
undead creatures (his choice) in a 30-foot-radius burst for 1d6
damage. Undead can make a DC 14 Will save for half.
Fervor Oloch can heal himself for 1d6 damage as a swift action. As a
standard action, he can heal a touched ally for 1d6 damage or harm
an undead for 1d6 damage as a touch attack. He can also spend
fervor to cast any warpriest spell as a swift action, without somatic
components or provoking an attack of opportunity. If he casts a
spell in this way, it can only affect him, even if it normally affects
multiple targets.
Furious Focus Oloch does not take the usual Power Attack penalty to
hit on his first attack each round.
Glorious Presence Oloch can touch an ally. For one minute, that ally
is protected by a special sanctuary effect that doesn’t break for a
particular enemy unless the ally attacks that enemy.
Orc Blood Oloch counts as both an orc and a human for any effect
related to race.
Power Attack Oloch can take a –1 penalty to hit with his greatsword to
deal +3 damage.
Sacred Weapon If he wants, Oloch can do 1d6 damage with his
greatsword. He can also spend a swift action to increase his
greatsword to +2 or to add defending, flaming, frost, keen, shock,
or vicious to it. He can add these extra abilities for up to 4 rounds
a day, but they don’t have to be consecutive. Once he uses this
ability in a day, he has to pick the same enhancement for the rest
of that day.
Spontaneous Casting (Positive) Oloch can swap any of his 1st-level
spells for cure light wounds or 2nd-level spells for cure moderate
wounds on the fly.
War Mind Oloch can touch an ally as a standard action. For one
minute, that ally can choose at the start of its turn to gain +10
feet to base land speed, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 insight bonus
to attack rolls, or +1 luck bonus to saving throws. The choice lasts
for 1 round.
Bless Oloch can give all allies in a 50-foot-radius burst a +1 morale
bonus to attack rolls and saves against fear for 4 minutes.
Bull’s Strength Oloch grants a touched target +4 Strength for 4
minutes. In Oloch’s case, this would increase his Climb and Swim to
+5 and his greatsword attack to +12 (2d6+10).
Create Water Oloch creates 8 gallons of water within 35 feet. It lasts a
day if no one drinks it.
Cure Light Wounds Oloch’s wand heals a touched target for 1d8+1
Detect Magic Oloch can notice magic in a 60-foot cone. If he
concentrates, he can find how many magic auras there are on
the next round and then attempt to f ind out more on the round
after that.
Divine Favor Oloch grants himself a +1 luck bonus to attack and
damage rolls for 1 minute.
Guidance Oloch can give a touched target a +1 competence bonus that
the target can use on any attack roll, saving throw, or skill check in
the next minute.
Remove Fear Oloch selects two creatures within 35 ft. of Oloch
and within 30 ft. of each other. Oloch suppresses all current fear
effects on those creatures for 10 minutes. During that time, the
creatures gain a +4 morale bonus against further fear effects.
Shield of Faith Oloch can give a touched target a +2 deflection bonus
to AC for 4 minutes, which increases touch, flat-footed, and CMD
as well.
Stabilize Oloch can stabilize any target within 35 ft. The target stops
dying but is still unconscious.
Weapon of Awe Oloch can choose any weapon and grant it a +2 sacred
bonus to damage for 4 minutes. During this time, if the weapon
deals a critical hit, the target of the critical hit becomes shaken for
1 round.