About Badi Al'Mukhabat Nabih Ka'imHeight: 5'10"
Situational Bonuses: +2 vs enchantment spells and effects. Combat:
Dagger: +0/ +2 Melee/ Ranged (1d4; 19-20/x2; P; 10 ft)
Skill Focus (Sense Motive): +3 to all Sense motive rolls.
Scribe Scroll: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise scribing a scroll takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing half of this base price. Spell Focus (Conjuration): +1 to DC for all Conjuration spells xxx: xxx: Traits:
Finding Haleen: +1 skill points and Hit point at level up instead of only choosing one
Agent of Dusk: Start with double starting gold, sell items in Nightstalls for 10% more, buy for 10% less and starting gear is 10% off. Other Special Abilities and Special Qualities:
Favored Class (Wizard) Low Light Vision:Can see twice as far as humans in dim-light conditions. Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks. Arcane Training: Half-elves occasionally seek tutoring to help them master the magic in their blood. Half-elves with this racial trait have only one Favored Class and it must be an arcane spellcasting class. They can use spell trigger and spell completion items for their Favored Class as if 1 level higher (or as a 1st-level character if they have no levels in that class). This racial trait replaces the multitalented racial trait. Arcane Bond(Ring):If a wizard attempts to cast a spell without his bonded object worn or in hand, he must make a concentration check or lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 20 + the spell's level. A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school below). Can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required Item Creation Feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded ring must be at least 7th level to add magic abilities to the ring. The magic properties of a bonded object, including any magic abilities added to the object, only function for the wizard who owns it. If a bonded object's owner dies, or the item is replaced, the object reverts to being an ordinary masterwork item of the appropriate type. Summoner's Charm (Su):Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). At 20th level, you can change the duration of all summon monster spells to permanent. You can have no more than one summon monster spell made permanent in this way at one time. If you designate another summon monster spell as permanent, the previous spell immediately ends. Acid Dart (Sp):As a standard action you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acid dart deals 1d6 points of acid damage + 1 for every two wizard levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. This attack ignores spell resistance. Skills: Skillpoints gained/level (7) 2+4(int)+1(trait)
Acrobatics: +2 (0 ranks; ; +2 Dex; -0 armor)
*Appraise: +4 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +4 Int) Bluff: +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Cha) Climb: +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Str; -0 armor) *Craft (any): +4 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +4 Int) Diplomacy: +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Cha) Disguise: +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Cha) Escape Artist: +2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +2 Dex; -0 armor) *Fly: N/A (0 ranks; +0 trained; +2 Dex; -0 armor) Heal: +1 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Wis) Intimidate: +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Cha) *Know (arcana): +8 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int) *Know (local): +8 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int) *Know (history): +8 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int) *Know (religion): N/A (0 ranks; +0 trained; +4 Int) *Know (planes): +8 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int) *Linguistics: +6 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int) Perform (): +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Cha) Perception: +3 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Wis; +2 racial) *Profession (): +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Wis) Ride: +2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +2 Dex; -0 armor) Sense Motive: +5 (1 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Wis; +3 Feat) Stealth: +2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +2 Dex; -0 armor) *Spellcraft: +8 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int) Survival: +1 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Wis) Swim: +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Str; -0 armor) Spells:
Concentration:1d20 +1 level +4 stat
Spellbook: cantrips:Ray of Frost, Light, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Acid Splash, D. Magic, D. Poison, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Mage hand, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Mending
Memorized:Cantrips: Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights
Carrying Capacity:
Carried Possessions (19 lbs): Spoiler:
Backpack: 2 lbs; 1gp 8sp(4 lbs):
"Aa-need" Camel (same stats as a light horse)
[b]Sheathed or Worn (14 lbs):
Pouch with Coins (1 lbs):
Character Description Spoiler:
Appearance: Badi, weighing in at 165 pounds and standing at 5'11", is rather average for a half-elf. However, his thin frame has a bearing that speaks of confidence. His blue eyes hold a sharp intellect that serves him well during disputes in the ill-famed Nightstalls and his slightly tanned but healthy skin, demonstrates the life he has lived within the bustling city of trade. His clothing, the light, blue colored robes and the red scarves common to those who live in Katapesh, are of a fine quality and embroidered with images of the genies and elementals that fill Kelishite mythology. Holding his layer of thin robes closed is a fine belt which has a scroll case hanging from it. Adorning his head is a turban the same color as his robes which covers his light brown hair and is held together with a broach of simple bronze. Walking in black, wing-tipped boots and bearing a dark, polished cane of Chelaxian origin, Badi's demeanor gives of a sense of pride. On his index finger rests a finely crafted ring of polished oak inset with an emerald which bears the seal of the Duskwalkers on its face. Story/Background: Badi al'Mukhabbat Nabih Ka'im, born to the union of an elven slave and her human master, had grown up not knowing his parents and surviving in the world of Katapesh's Nightstalls. Living for a short time as a street rat in the dangerous markets, Badi's elven gifted eyes and natural intellect had saved him from many instances where it could have meant trouble. Fortunately for the young half-elf, his keen intelligence was noticed by a Jalim al'Fahir Akil, a minor magician and representative for the Duskwalkers. Taking up a job as an errand boy and near indentured servant to the infamous Duskwalkers, Badi was able to eke out a living. One day, while Badi was on an errand for Jalim, he met a young girl named Haleen, who would later help him to shape his life and become more than just a lost soul of the Nightstalls. The two became close as they survived the terrors and wonders of the Nightstall together, Haleen often protecting them when Badi's scheming failed. Though Badi was older than Haleen, Haleen matured much faster and soon Badi learned to look up to the blossoming woman. As she took up the blade and decided to become an adventurer, she encouraged Badi to follow his heart and not follow in her footsteps. Because of this advice, Badi put his intellect and wit to use as he worked his way up to a minor position in the Duskwalkers and devoted himself to learning magic to aid him in his profession. As the years passed, Haleen would occasionally return to Katapesh and the two would sit and swap stories of their lives; Haleen would recount the dangers which she had faced while traveling and Badi, of the mysteries and wonders one could find in the Nightstalls. However, when Badi returned home from the Nightstalls one day, Haleen's things were gone and all that was left was a note. While this in itself was not out of the ordinary, as Haleen had often left without saying goodbye, what was strange was that the note told him to forget about her. Reading over the note, Badi noticed that something seemed forced about the writing. Had Haleen been kidnapped? Or possibly enchanted to leave? With that conclusion drawn, Badi decided to focus his growing magical ability on finding out what happened to Haleen. Giving up his minor position with the Duskwalkers, Badi devoted the money he saved and his skills to finding Haleen and ensuring she was alright. One day, after a long day of casting divinations and speaking with his contacts in the Nightstalls, Badi discovered that someone matching Haleen's description had been seen headed towards the city of Solku. Buying passage on a caravan, Badi arrived to the city to find out that Haleen wasn't their, but had been spotted near the gnoll-infested city of Kelmarane. Badi becoming disheartened in his search, fortunately learned that Garaval, a domo, was heading up an expedition to Kelmarane. Tracking down the domo, Badi convinced Garavel that his magical expertise would be useful to the caravan. Garavel, unsure why Badi wanted to join, was still not one to refuse magical aid in this endeavor, so allowed Badi to join the expedition. Personality: Rational and calculating, Badi has a mind for business that has developed after years of working for the Duskwalkers. A firm believer in trade being the most important aspect of life in Katapesh, Badi often analyzes situations based on a value system that is focused around money, though his time with Haleen has also instilled in him the idea of personal freedom that at times clashes with what his masters had taught him. That and the fact the he started his life as almost an indentured servant ensured his grudged acceptance of Katapesh’s views on slavery. Hit Points Summary and Favored Class Bonus: Spoiler:
Character Level 1: 1d6+Con, 6+1+1 = 8, 8 HP total +1 Skill point Character Level xxx: 1dxxx+xxx, xxx+xxx = xxx, xxx HP total Character Level xxx: 1dxxx+xxx, xxx+xxx = xxx, xxx HP total Character Level xxx: 1dxxx+xxx, xxx+xxx = xxx, xxx HP total Character Level xxx: 1dxxx+xxx, xxx+xxx = xxx, xxx HP total Character Level xxx: 1dxxx+xxx, xxx+xxx = xxx, xxx HP total Character Level xxx: 1dxxx+xxx, xxx+xxx = xxx, xxx HP total Character Level xxx: 1dxxx+xxx, xxx+xxx = xxx, xxx HP total Character Level xxx: 1dxxx+xxx, xxx+xxx = xxx, xxx HP total Progression: Progressing as a strait wizard with possible multiclassing in either daivrat or genie binder (it is an Arabian theme after all). |