Kaigon the Miscreant

"Badger" Bloom's page

446 posts. Alias of James Keegan.


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Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

I've had a lot of fun in the game, thanks for having me!

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

You'll get no hard feelings from me. I've enjoyed the game and certainly appreciate the work you've put into it, but if you're not up for it anymore, then that's how it is.

Would it be okay with you if I used your hard work on the rules to run a game someday? I'm not sure I love Savage Worlds that much but I have ideas on what I could do in the Fallout world.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

"... oh, and the robot, well, he's kind of our economics advisor. Not a fan of national socialism, if you get me, but as a capitalist that's nothing for you to worry about. Very good at hands-on analysis."

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Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

"Well, you might want us, Mr. Razor, because we are unknown and unaffiliated in your city and thereby, you know, who can say who we really work for, right? But in addition to a certain degree of unseemly deniableness, we present a, uh, portfolio of different skills in relation to problem solving that perhaps offer opportunities outside of your present manpower."

Badger clears his throat. Guess this is me now, no way this can go wrong.

"For instance- I, Badger Bloom, possess skills in infiltration and lockpicking, my attorney Mr. Roland is quite adept at negotiations of a nonviolent sort. Big Papa and Fitz- the gentlemen in the power armor and with the deathclaw arm, offer a certain 'shock and awe' in armed battles in addition to brutal, um, efficientness. And if you need a problem solved from far away with precision, my friend Spencer here is a crack shot with a rifle. We've personally seen a variety of hell brought by Aeryicka here and her buzzard which is outside (she's small but man, that freaking bird..) and ol' Mickey has the instincts of a lawman without all the red tape- and if that won't do, the shotgun should clear things up."

"You need someone found, we can handle it. You want something swiped, some new understandings drawn up with another party, we offer that. And especially if you need someone that isn't technically on your roster or sporting your colors to spread some violence- we've got a lot of that. We're a team of specialists in one neat package, available for nearly any task you got in mind."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger cringes inwardly, nudging Tom to step in and smooth over this first impression.

Clearly his throat he says,"My friends here mean to say that we're new arrivals in Tampa here and we came to pay our respects to the head of the city's finest gang- especially since we're all quite capable in terms of wielding guns and other weaponry in exchange for caps. And as the head of the Seasalts, you should have first refusal on our particular services."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds
Fitz Fitzpatrick wrote:

Fitz climbs into the elevator without complaint, thankful they didn't do something unreasonable like request he remove his arm.

"You know, I don't quite like the sound of 'mercenaries', but I can't think of a better term. 'Fixers', perhaps?"

Badger shrugs.

"We're asking for work from a ganglord, man. I think the specific language for it is the last thing we have to worry about."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger doesn't even bother hiding the damn switchblade this time, getting into the elevator with his arms crossed.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

"Our ship's come in, then: I just so happen to know my way around a boat. Let's have a meeting with your boss, see if we can get somethin' mutually benefissimo happenin' here."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Our first goal is infiltration- some or all of us join the Seasalts since they've got their hands in everything. From there, we determine if they have the Mesmetron. If they don't, then we start investigating the other factions as subtly as we can (not very, but we try). Then we can get the mind control ray and do our good deed for the day. If we can turn the other factions against the slavers enough that they eliminate them for us, that's preferable.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Even though I want a new Edge, I'll buy Boating at d4 so that we have some more options and we can get in with the gang that's already stolen your hearts.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger raises an eyebrow.
"You really think we buy that, Hammer? I find myself insulted. C'mon folks, we'll see if the next shift actually *wants* a toll instead of just Tom's ghoul clap or whatever he got from his last lay."

Badger turns and walks away from the gate.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

How high are the walls? I'm thinking we want to climb in after dark, unless someone is better at haggling than me since Tom is busy.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Back from wedding weekend.

For my 35, I'm looking between these edges- Quick, Quick Draw, Dodge and Assassin. Not sure what will be best for Badger's skill set or for general utility.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Notice: 1d6 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 + 1 = 31d6 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 + 1 = 1

While Tom works his magic, Badger pulls off his helmet and scratches at his flopped over mohawk, the sides of his head steadily regrowing.

"Where d'you guys get your hair stuff? Mine needs a little touchin' up."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds
Spencer Collin wrote:

Spencer spends the night trying to remain calm until the storm passes, not really offering any help, advice, or answers to the others. Visions of hulking creatures and huge claws and bullets that don't quite do their job fill his mind's eye, and he only grips his knees and breathes deeply until he eventually passes out on his bedroll.

In the morning, he nods to the others, a little tight-lipped and sheepish. For gear on the trip out, Spencer takes his backpack and most of his regular gear, but leaves behind the sniper rifle and baseball bat. "Figure this carbine's good enough to hit what I need to, and I've got Fitz and Marcus up there if things get too close." With that he heads out with the others from the cave.

** spoiler omitted **...


Inwardly jealous of Spencer's Deathclaw story, Badger misses the point and starts on comparing his own adventures after a hurricane, which Spencer has likely heard before.

Interlude- A 20,000 cap rescue:
[b]"We musta hit the same hurricane- we was fendin' off a ton of geckos after the water at the school ran out when the weather turned to s%$*. So we booked it for this library, right? Two big bastards in power armor, our mutual friends, were there and Kris almost got himself killed earlier than he did by mouthin' off to 'em. But Mac and James told us they were looking for a missing patrol once the hurricane died down and either Tom or me thought it was a good idea to help out, since these guys had all the tech.

So we're trudging through the 'glades, musta been hours, before we run into these mutants carrying two women and an older guy back to their lair. They see us comin', so they stopped and said they'd kill the hostages if we get any closer. I imagine you guys, no offense, woulda taken the Kris route and just say "not if we kill ya faster", right? But I says to the gang,"Let's bide our time- let 'em think we're backing off and we follow 'em home." And sure enough, we track them to a gas station in the middle of f!#+ing nowhere. But no mutants inside!

So I think it's Tom that figures out the photo booth thing is actually an elevator and I think it was James that said we could hook our Pipboy up to get down- but the BoS boys are too f**@ing fat in all that armor to fit in the elevator! So we say, sure, we'll try an' get 'em out. Turns out they had this freaking whole base carved out down there, mutants and guys in, like, football armor and a guy in a crappy power armor suit. So Tom and me, we're sneaking up the side while Aeryicka and Kris wait outside 'cause my attorney and I work good as a team and I'm the prick with the bobby pins. Sure enough, we find the soldiers threatening to rape these women and neither of us like that so we throw down. I may have talked too loud or Tom's plasma rifle might have spooked 'em, but we had to rush out. We took out the soldiers, grabbed the three of 'em and started bookin' it back for the elevator.

F!+#in' Kris, he's back there getting loaded on chems and he's bored 'cause my plan didn't involve smashing everybody- so he runs in to kill the mutants while we're trying to run out! I ain't proud of it, but we ran for that f&+*in' elevator like our cocks are on fire, man. We see Kris go down, bullet in his freakin' head, but the bastard gave us a kick ass distraction and we all six of us get up to the surface. The old guy, he rigs the plasma rifle to blow and sends that down and we get the hell outta there.

And that's how we earned all this s$#$ and the BoS credit.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Heads up- I will be out of town at a wedding from tomorrow evening until Monday. If Badger dies in that time, my next character will be the motorcycle and they will talk in the voice of Owen Wilson.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger shakes his head, whistles.
"Why do I even carry a gun with y'all around?"

Survival: 1d6 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 5

When Mickey takes off to get himself together, Badger lights a fire with whatever fuel he can find and helps to drag the bears to the "cave" mouth.
He starts cutting one up for meat and pelt.

Survival: 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 2

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

I'll keep my previous action, then, and shotgun the bear in V18.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

If I used a benny on my ranged attack and I need to drop the shotgun to pull out my hatchet, do I get the spent benny back?

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

So a shotgun in close quarters is functionally exactly the same as a long-range rifle?

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Agility: 1d10 ⇒ 91d6 ⇒ 1

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger keeps his shotgun at the ready for when that giant yao guai comes charging at him- when it gets within close range, he unloads with some buckshot.

Holding until the yao guai gets really close.
Guns w/+2 for shooting close: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 31d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Spending a benny
Guns re-roll: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 111d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Ace: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Second ace: 1d10 ⇒ 8
That's 29 on the attack roll...

damage: 3d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) + (6) = 15
damage ace: 1d6 ⇒ 1
16, no AP

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

How high is the highway divider? And is it better or worse to climb a tree for mutated fictional bears? I know it depends on the bear in the real world.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 5

"Welp. That's that. We should probably plan to lay low for a while after that, those guys are calling it in- to who, I don't know. Maybe we oughtta hide the van for a while and finish the trip to Tampa on foot..."

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Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

So from an outside perspective, we basically rolled up, shouted "WE'RE TECHNO COPS", shot ONE guy in particular repeatedly ("F!$~ YOU IN PARTICULAR!") and now we're going to try and peel off as fast as possible.

I love murder hoboing.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

"We all have to shoot him at least once before we leave! No one gets to be a bystander!"

Guns v. Hogan: 1d10 ⇒ 101d6 ⇒ 4
Ace: 1d10 ⇒ 2
12! Two raises?

Damage, AP1: 2d8 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (7, 5) + 1 + (6) = 19
Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

If Badger can line up a clean shot, he fires his Desert Eagle at Hogan- holding it sideways to get into the spirit of the thing.

Guns: 1d10 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 61d6 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0
damage, AP1: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (2, 7) + 1 = 10

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

"Immortal? You didn't say he was a vampire, Mickey! This changes everything. And one that can walk out in daylight- a reverse vampire! Well, he's got to be covered up by nightfall so we probably should book it."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

If Spencer has bennies to spend, we can go for it. I'd be wary of pissing off the traders, though.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Have you ever tried out Wasteland 2? It's not a perfect game, but I find that it scratches the old school Fallout itch pretty well and the Director's Cut version has made parts of it far less frustrating.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

I'm in favor of the Boilerplate Badger Plan- let Hogan think he's safe while we follow from a distance and then pick him off when he's on his own.

No speeches, no trial- don't talk when you should be killing someone, unless it's while you're pulling the trigger or you want to impress your friends with your dry, cool action hero wit.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

"Back the f**$ up, robot. That's my lawyer you're talking about."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Once Tom relays the information or Badger overhears them, the stocky troublemaker starts thinking aloud.

"Well, our guy is a smart one so it makes sense he's gonna fall in with some more mean hombres. And we're on our way to Tampa as-is, so we might just wanna catch up with him in the city and play it cool for now. Lay low and let him think he's gotten away and try to catch up before he can plan any more "accidents"?"

"And I mean, Old Dale/Steve... you think he's going to find where the mutants were getting reinforcements, Tom? Like maybe he's hooking up with them? Another Vault out there, brimming with mutants and rapists and s$@+- figures that fascist would be down for it. But we can settle up with him later, I would say. Could be he doesn't even make it north..."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds
The Green Tea Overseer wrote:

Spencer notices, while keeping an eye out for trouble, Hogan and the ranger formerly known as Dale being escorted to the monorail out of town by a guard and several securitrons. It seems like Hogan and now-Steve are commiserating over something while they go.

** spoiler omitted **

Chip meanwhile shakes his head at Badger. "You don't understand. Giving up the pass gives you the opportunity to pay on credit. They're very serious about making money here. I know, it seems rough, but you have to understand, keeping a vault-level society underground with pre-war safety and health and technology...that doesn't pay for itself, you know? Look, I...I can foot about half the bill myself. I feel bad about what happened to you, man. And now I gotta find a new Dale. It's gonna take a long time to find a proper apprentice - we haven't had a citizen young enough to train up right in a while. None...none of your crew is under 16, are they? I know a loophole that can get kids a citizenship if they pass a few tests. It'll apprentice them right into the system. I mean, they'll be in debt up to their eyeballs, because technically they have a loan for the citizenship, and working until they die for the kingdom because interest rates don't play around, but seriously, it doesn't get much more safe than this. I need someone I can trust, and you guys seem like good folks."

Badger appears frustrated, but it's mostly because he can't be as mad at Chip as he wants to be.

"Marcus said he'd take care of it, so don't worry about it. I guess with the stimpak we're pretty much square, man."

He looks to Thomas.
"Timmy would probably have an interest in being New Dale someday, right? Though... giving a kid that idolized Kristophe some pull like that might not be great..."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds
Marcus "Big Papa" Edwards wrote:

Marcus steps up and tells Badger "Don't worry, I'll pay for it. You followed him cuz I tell ya." as he hears Chip explain the kids-for-rent plan that Kingdom has.

Today is Election's Day here and I gotta work at it. Will post something more expensive tonight.

"I made my own damn choice, man. I wanted to see where they were takin' that prick. But if you spot me the fine, I'll pay you back soon as we make some caps."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds
Aeryicka Hill wrote:

Overseer, did you delete a post about the character witnesses? Could have sworn you had something up about them.

As the trial wound down, Aeryicka just looked around at everybody. Completely out of her depth, she slowly made her way to Tom and listened in in the various conversations. Getting Badger's attention, she held out the caps she just got and said, "Here, help pay off debt."

"You sure? Thanks, kid... well, thanks Aeryicka. How's ol' Cray holding up?"

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger rubs the tender lump on the back of his head.
"What'd I say? Best lawyer in the Wasteland! We gotta get you some business cards, man."

"No hard feelings, Chip- I know you just did your job. Dale can eat a.... well, I'll settle with Old Dale another time."

He sighs. "All right, gotta pay the Mouse. How much does the month pass get redeemed for toward that 500 cap fine?"

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Earlier interlude...

Poor Ma:
Badger groggily rises and takes a seat in the holding area, just nodding to Chip as he leaves.
"Dale, you f&!!er, you just made my list...", he thinks- but this time he's smart enough not to say.
"'Troublemaker.' Yup, Ma was right about that much. Right about a lot of things..."

Ma always said the Bloom Boys are born with a middle finger raised, ready to raise Hell from minute one (except Mitch, of course, everyone *loves* Mitchell). Jim and Rusty instigating fights on Movie Night when they think someone's moving in on their moonshine sales, Johnny (she never did take to calling him Badger) getting into all sorts of places he wasn't supposed to, then acting like it's a game when he's caught. And don't even talk about the crap Blake got up to, f@@#ing 65 year old child that he was. At her most exasperated, she would look up at the ceiling past the vault walls, past the insulating earth, past the radiation and straight up to God. And she would say, "You couldn't give me ONE girl? Just one?"

Even Mitch's goldfish, she'd jab a finger at it and say,"I bet you're a f@&@ing man too, aren't you?"

And Pop, Clancy, he would always say,"I'm right here, baby, we can try for a girl any time!" and his brother would chuckle like an idiot. But she was just so tired, tired of being pregnant, tired of Clancy and his b*+!&@&& and the whole family's stubborn insistence on being a menace. Sick of feeling like she has to apologize for the lot of them, of not being able to get away. She'd almost welcome being called for the Lottery, even if she slapped Johnny silly for his fool plan to get kicked out.

Time came Ma wouldn't get outta bed and when she did, she never even got worked up anymore. At first it seemed like a blessing, but after a day or two, Badger was dying to get chewed out.
"Look, I nicked one of Mr. Rone's girly magazines! I got six tickets this month! I'm gonna put an old syringe on the Overseer's chair next time they bring me in!"
"... Honey I'm tired, don't take other peoples' stuff. Women ain't like that in real life anyways."
"Thinking I might trash some of the life support systems, see if they send us all outside. Sure would be awful..."
"Run along, all right, you're giving me a headache."

And that would be it. She'd just lay down or sit in her chair, facing the wall, away from everybody. In his mind, Badger can still see here there back in 22. Maybe she figures he's already dead, damn fool got his wish. Was she even more miserable when he was gone in the morning? Or did she shrug and roll over?

Badger really didn't know which was worse.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Thanks guys!

I have a busy day at work and class tonight until late, so if you need to get rolling by all means don't wait on me.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Listen, the Wasteland isn't sending their best here. They're sending loose cannon BoS knights, they're sending thieves with silly nicknames, they're sending deviants with ghoul fetishes. Some of them, I imagine, might be decent people.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

"What?! You already punished them and took his power armor away! Fine, fine. Whatever you have to do to pad your numbers for the month, don't want f@~&in' Jimmy Cricket or whoever thinking you're slackin'. You ever feel silly in those mouse ears? How much do they weigh, like, you ever hurt your neck wearing those every day?"

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Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger give him a look that says Backup? Really? and holds out his wrists to be cuffed.

"C'mon, man. Your partner has a minigun. I'm pretty sure I can't do s+~*, here."

As he's lead away he says: "My attorney's name is Thomas Roland- that's R-O-L-A-N-D. He wears a suit, so you know- he's pretty official."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger tries to look as innocent as possible.
"I know how this looks, guys, but honestly-", he holds his handful of caps open.
"- I thought this guy just dropped his caps. But, you know, I can't blame y'all for feeling like this is threatening behavior."
Persuasion untrained: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 01d6 ⇒ 2

Clearly not fooling anyone and having plenty of experience with security, Badger shrugs.
"Sure, man. Pat me down. Probably the only action I'm getting in this little theme park of yours, anyhow."

Stealth, concealed switchblade: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 51d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Eh, they find it, they find it. I'll keep my bennies.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Unless he's caught with the rest of the group and forced to disarm by security, Badger will attempt to tail Hogan and his escorts- he keeps a palm full of caps in hand, in case he's caught.

Stealth w/Thief edge: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 91d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Topic!: 1d4 ⇒ 1
I'll sleep on it and think of something Badger found tragic.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds
"Badger" Bloom wrote:

Badger slips out the door with his coke and finds an unobtrusive place to observe the building.

Going with the 8, then. Watch out, Marcus, they're going to take you to the tunnel where they hide the crying children!

Just remembered the Thief edge might apply here- +2 on stealth if I'm allowed to try sneaking out.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger slips out the door with his coke and finds an unobtrusive place to observe the building.
Stealth: 1d10 ⇒ 81d6 ⇒ 6
Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Going with the 8, then. Watch out, Marcus, they're going to take you to the tunnel where they hide the crying children!

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

"I appreciate it, man, but it wasn't more than a couple of days ago we were eating radroach meat in a gym full of dead people. Seemed then like living cheap was the way to go... but I guess you guys hit the jackpot out here."

He tips up the soda.

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger sputters at the cost of a Nuka Cola in this town.
"TWENTY CAPS?! I ain't spending that much on anything that won't get me buzzed, layed or armed! I admire the protection scam, y'all, but this is just gouging."

Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/ Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

Badger just wanders through the stalls and tents, disconcerted by all the enforced cheer. He exchanges his 3 dollar bills for 30 caps and buys a cold nuka cola for the hell of it.

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