Kaigon the Miscreant

"Badger" Bloom's page

446 posts. Alias of James Keegan.


Bennies 3/Wounds 0/Rads 0/Fatigue 0/Parry 7/Toughness 9/Charisma 0/Pace 6 (5)/


Hatchet- Fighting 1d8/1d8+1d6, Hunting Shotgun- Guns 1d10 (1d6-3d6) (12/24/48) 6/6 rounds

About "Badger" Bloom

Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8

Charisma 0
Pace 6 (5)
Parry 7
Toughness 7
Bennies 3
XP 0
Total XP 36

Boating d4
Climbing d6
Fighting d8
Guns d10
Stealth d10
Lockpicking d8
Survival d6
Notice d6

Hatchet- 1d8+1d6, 5/10/20 thrown, 2 pounds
Switchblade- 1d8+1d4; +2 to conceal (hidden in boot), 1 pounds

Hunting Shotgun- 1d6-3d6, 12/24/48, 12 gauge, ROF 1, 6/6, 7.5 pounds, 2800 caps, +2 guns at close range, pump action
- 12 gauge buckshot standard (12), 2 caps/each (0.96 pounds)
- 12 gauge slug (12), 2 caps/each (0.96 pounds), Always mid-range damage; range +5/10/15
- 12 gauge 4/0 buck (12), 2 caps/each (0.96 pounds), -1 damage; AP+2

Desert Eagle- 2d8+1 AP1, 15/30/60, .40-.70 govt, ROF 1, 5/7, 4 pounds, 800 caps, Semi-auto
- .40-.70 govt standard (19), 4 caps/each (1.47 pounds)

HN Needler- 2d4, 05/10/20, HN Needler Cartridge, ROF 1, 10/10, 4 pounds, 2000 caps, Semi-auto; Silent; Can be poisoned
- Needler cartridges standard (10), 8 caps/each (0.3 pounds)
- HNNC Armor Piercing (5), +1 AP, 30 caps/each (0.5 pounds)

Recon Armor- 2 points of armor (torso, arms, legs), 20 pounds, 2000 caps; Pace -1, +1 stealth
Recon helmet- 2 points of armor (head), 2 pounds, 400 caps; 50% headshot block, +1 Notice

Brawny (+1 to Toughness, Carry weight is 8 x Strength)

Curious (major), stubborn (minor), vengeful (minor)

Inventory 80 pounds max Backpack (2 pounds), 26 bobby pins, electronic lock picks (open mechanical doors; 2 pounds), stimpak (remove 1 wound), radaway (remove 1 level of rads, addictive +1), matchbook with 4 matches, $3 pre-war money, 3 pre-war mac and cheese (3 pounds), 4 nuka colas (4 pounds, caffeine- ignore 1 fatigue penalty; 30 minutes, addictive +2), 1 purified waters (1 pounds), 2 salisbury steaks (2 pounds), 4 porno mags (20 caps each), communion wafers (1 meal for 3), 2 doses Silver Sting (1 pound, 30 minute duration;Vigor roll or Strength die reduced by 2 types), 1 dose Tremble (0.5 pounds, 30 minute duration;Vigor roll or -2 to all ranged attack rolls)
Total Weight 65.5/80

Bio: The rest of the Vault called John "Badger" after he just wouldn't stop bothering the old timers (and then the middle aged folks, and anyone he thought might have escorted the exiles onto the surface...) for information passed down about the surface. And while he didn't immediately take a shine to the nickname, eventually he had to admit that he grew to like the sound of it. Pity that he spent so much time trying to get revenge (nonlethal revenge, of course) on his great uncle Blake for calling him that in the first place.

So, yeah, maybe Badger's a little bit stubborn- but if folks just started listening to him once in a while, maybe realizing that he knows exactly what he's doing, things might have gone a little smoother for everyone. But that's just fine, he learned how to make himself seem scarce when tempers got too hot and there was always those decaying Call of Nature magazines to study up with.

It was always a surprise that more folks weren't as curious as Badger about what goes on "upstairs" as he used to say. But it just goes to show that someone needs to go up there and civilize it all for them; someone to show them the way in the new world that waits up in the sunlight. And Badger Bloom, he's sure that he's the man for the job! And when the Overseer wouldn't accept his bid to volunteer, well... he took the time to "volunteer" himself with a sudden rise in nuisance infractions against all the folks that belittled him through the years.

They're steamed now, but Badger's got a feeling they'll thank him in the end.

Appearance: Badger's a tall and thick young man of 26 years. Given the many, many hand-me-downs that Badger and the rest of the Vault 2 residents have had to live with, he's styled himself a rugged mohawk and beard to complete the appearance of being a potential rough and tumble wild man. The white dye down the center of his hair and beard is just the cherry on top.