Headless Horseman's Horse

Bad_Horse's page

23 posts. Alias of Ravening.


Goblin Squad Member

Thanks it's cool to hear about divine spell caster's. What I really want to know is will there be the equivalent of prestige classes that will allow a character to go up in two different spell casting classes such as the Mystic Theurge? Obviously I would expect this to be available on EE or OE but it would be nice to know if further down the track it's an option, so players don't design dual spell casters in vain.

Goblin Squad Member

True, but I can hope that the Mark of Pharisma and Twice Marked will have an IG reason for the PC's not dying. That's the feeling I get, anyway.

Goblin Squad Member

Awesome idea. Especially if it can be used to learn more about the Marks of Pharisma that PC have. Perhaps opening up more options

  • Reduced Thread Cost
  • Copy random soul binding spot of targets
  • Steal 1 soul binding point from target
  • Travel to soul binding point, without dying
  • etc

Obviously I'm interested in my character learning why he and others can't die, and how to use it to his advantage.

Goblin Squad Member

39 years young. Afters reading everyones else age I don't feel so old now.

Goblin Squad Member

Perhaps for a Master to train an apprentice the Apprentice must have a reputation within one step of the Master. So if you want to train with a max reputation Master (7,500 - 10,000) you need to be at least be in the tier below them (5,000 - 7,500). That would stop high rep characters from training low rep characters.

Also the level of skill a Master can train another in could be limited to the Masters rep score. So in order to train a skill from level 15 to 16 (and above) you need to be trained by a Master with maximum reputation.

Reputation Skill Level
0 – 2500 1-5
2500 – 5000 5-10
5000 – 7500 10-15
7500 – 10000 15-20

Goblin Squad Member

I mostly lurk now as I don't have the time to post much anymore.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll probably play my RL alignment which is NE. Though I'm seriously tempted to play CE for the challenge, and prove that you don't have to be a random player killer. Since it's likely to suck I'll most likely get frustrated and game the system and play NE in the end anyway.

I've been re-reading all of the Forgotten Realms books that relate to the Drow in the Underdark, so can totally see 'how' a CE community could work.

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:
Lahn wrote:
The werewolf, on the other hand, is a creature of action. But a large amount of the literature dealing with lycanthropy stresses the inability of the werewolf to control its changes, especially at the beginning when it is first infected. There is often a sense of amnesia and a period in which the werewolf is unaware that the problem, the lycanthrope, is actually him. For me, this is a fundamental part of the "lore" surrounding lycanthropy.

Apparently lycans don't have to be raving monsters in Golarion. I ran across a god of good aligned werewolves.

For me what would really make a lycanthrope an enjoyable character to play is something that really promotes the idea of "you should go crazy and kill everyone" but doesn't force me to do so. I really appreciated in Skyrim that my werewolf form was powered by feasting upon flesh, especially human flesh, and everyone who saw me would try to kill me, but ultimately I still controlled my character.

A really, really, awesome lycanthropy system for me would work something like this:

- Freshly turned Lycans would be forced into hybrid form every full moon.
- Lycans could train the ability to control their changes, eventually being able to assume hybrid or animal form when desired, and having the option to suppress automatic turning.
- Most NPCs including guards attack lycan on sight when in hybrid form. Players can also kill then without reputation loss.
-Lycans have a bloodlust meter while in hybrid form. It constantly decharges but charges whenever you consume the flesh of an enemy (player or NPC). Raising it gives bonuses to movement speed, attack speed, strength, total health, and health regeneration. Lycans with a high bloodlust are very powerful, but are extremely weak (even compared to their non-lycan form) at a low bloodlust.
-Lycans get a specific bonus based off their animal. There Werewolf bonus is "You gain X% of the bloodlust gains of other werewolves in your pack"

This idea reminded me of the 3.5 supplement book which had rules for playing undead. One of the rules which I liked treated an undead's special abilities (such as energy drain, strength drain) as both an addiction and as a replacement for food. For instance a vampire needed blood to survive and was addicted to draining the life out of living creatures. Something similar would be awesome for suitable monster templates. Also templates would work best if they didn't give fantastical mechanical benefits, unless there is some sort of trade off. Another option would be for characters to earn/acquire a template and then have to learn how to use their abilities. Thus its a trade-off of XP and time, plus still having to decide what passive and use activate abilities to slot.

Goblin Squad Member

Lhan" wrote:
.... Koda is your best bet - he's always on !

Sadly this isn't true in my TZ. SO far I haven't met any other goblins. Then again the only way I know to contact peeps is via the clan channel, so people may be on but not using that. I guess I'll have to get the PFOFan TS up and running.

Gedichtewicht wrote:
Bad_Horse wrote:

I’ve managed to complete some feats (undead hunting, mining, logging etc.) and attained the heady heights of 206 prowess. Should I use that on my boost, or on a role specialty skill?

Any advice at this formative stage would be appreciated. My current plan is to progress in either Elementalist or Primalist skills (probably Elementalist due to my TZ), and learn how to craft good quality light armour and weapons. I’ll then be able to quickly recover after dying and gear up. I’m probably not going to renew my sub, so I’d like to get ready for PVP ASAP, as that is what I really need to learn.

First of, Welcome to the squad;)

As for your questions, (if i make a mistake someone please tell me):

I linked a general guide some were at the beginning of the thread
that included a lot of good points.

I play a primalist, but i think a few things will go for Elementalist as well.
-don´t put points in the staff skill, it´s not worth it. No damage increase.
-increase your primary attribut with as much points as possible as soon as possible(that includes boosters) <-This will increase the damage you do with your spells.

-if you can´t stand the harvestgrind, how about PvE?
Veeeery good Prowess in there, and the loot can be good as well;)

Thanks for your help, I'll make sure I read the guide. Also thanks for your advice on spending prowess, I was going to put it into the staff bolt as thats what I'm mainly using. So at this stage I'll buy a boost, probably Intelligence as Elementalist looks better for solo than primalist and split my time between PvE farming and harvesting.

Goblin Squad Member

Bringslite wrote:


Under Role Management, there is a section called "Purchase Boosters"

They are cheaper bumps in your stat scores that allow you to get above 100 naturally to as high as 140. Only one can be active at a time and each is purchased in sections that increase in cost as you go.

They are recommended as among the first things to work on buying if you want to PVP or even rock the Mobs in PVE.

Thanks again!

I played a bit more last night and got to my first starter town. I was finding the tutorial useful right up to I accidentally deleted the leathers I was supposed to sell to the merchant. Is it possible to remove that feat and move onto the next one?

I’m coming to terms with the UI which can be a struggle, especially those darned left and right radial menus, but I’m making progress. I’ve managed to complete some feats (undead hunting, mining, logging etc.) and attained the heady heights of 206 prowess. Should I use that on my boost, or on a role specialty skill?

At what point should I leave the starter town and travel to Goblinton?
Are there any Goblins that play during my time zone (8PM to 11PM, GMT+12 NZ)?

Any advice at this formative stage would be appreciated. My current plan is to progress in either Elementalist or Primalist skills (probably Elementalist due to my TZ), and learn how to craft good quality light armour and weapons. I’ll then be able to quickly recover after dying and gear up. I’m probably not going to renew my sub, so I’d like to get ready for PVP ASAP, as that is what I really need to learn.

My pet peeve at the moment is harvesting. I’ve never liked grinding in any game, which is why I avoid mainstream MMO’s. PfO harvesting will be so much more fun. I’d rather stand there protecting my harvesting operation from monsters and PC’s than spend long minutes looking at my avatar swing a pickaxe at a metal vein. The only advantage to this system is you can set and forget. However, if I spend money on a game I want to play it and not set it to run and watch TV. Lucky for me this is only a tester game and not the real thing.

Goblin Squad Member

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GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:

There are very few truly smart bandits, because most truly smart people (who are not driven by emotion or religion) understand that cooperation is way better on returns then competition, those who are greedy know that they need to be deceptive, to build the image of being cooperative while secretly manipulating things in their favor.

That is this first reason bandits are usually not smart. The second reason is that most bandits are bandits out of desperation or are mentally sick and like being bullies (generally resulting from being abused or incompetant)

It would be nice if pfo maintained that dynamic, made it so cooperation has a high enough benefit that any smart person will play bandits only for rp and not because they actually expect to make a decent living.

When I first read this post I wondered if you were trying to be intentionally insulting and inflammatory, even your comment in brackets is irksome. However I’ll put that aside and not respond in kind, as there is no need to throw more fuel on the fire.

One point that people seem to be struggling with (myself included) is that Bluddwolf and the UNC are going to play the type of game that appeals to them, irrespective of whether it is more efficient/beneficial or note. I’m sure many of us have created characters in DnD which were not min max godlings, rather they were fun to play.

You’re not going to win an argument/discussion with Bluudwolf and the UNC because that is how they want to play. I also suspect that what the post here (which often seems intended to get a reaction) may not be true representation of what they may actually do (only time will tell). I could be wrong but they seem to like getting a reaction, which some are more than happy to oblige with.

Whether or not RL bandits are dumb, bullies, mentally sick or been subjected to abuse is irrelevant to why a person wants to play this character type. Bandits are a needed part of this game as they will provide conflict and become targets for others. All of this is good and will add depth to the game. Whether we agree with the UNC methods or philosophy is also irrelevant. It’s how they intend to play. As long as they’re not being griefers (which Goblinworks will eventually deal with) more power to them. Heck I might even join them for a spot of banditry, or another group as it will be fun to be the bad guy.

Goblin Squad Member

Morbis wrote:
Come on lads, we can smack better than that. Use your imaginations! We have to have built up some decent ammo by now. How about someone calls someone else a cliff-jumper? That always seems to work.

[mild rant]Personally the overly aggressive smack talk between the UNC vs TEO & Nihimonicon is the main reason I don’t post as much as I used too. Seeing the same arguments derail practically every new thread has gotten to be tiresome IMHO. Seriously as soon as Nihimon makes a post or starts a thread, you can almost guarantee that Bluudwolf or Xeen will jump on within 5 posts and start things up. To be fair it often happens the other way too. *Sigh* [/mild rant]

Back to lurking in the shadows.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the responses everyone, I look forward to playing and dying next to some fellow goblins.

Nihimonicon wrote:

… I would also point out that you can only have one booster active at a time, so focus on the one that you're really planning on using.

Thanks mighty oracle of quotes and near instant responses. What is a booster? Is it like a potion, or a long term buff?

Hardin Steel wrote:

There are ways for us to help you speed to some rather nice prowess gains....seriously, in the first week we can help you get 25,000 easily as a group..

Pick whatever class you think you'll like and play to have fun.

There are plenty of PVP opportunities, and we can do lots of PvP. But you'll want to do that in bites. Your capabilities will changes as you gain confidence and new abilities. We have all died several times, some of us many times...it's part of the deal. But if you have not PvP'd much in the past it can be a real heart-pumping exercise. It's great fun but it does take some getting used to!

Thanks Hardin I’ll definitely keen on getting any tips of getting the most prowess/XP in my first week. I’ll only every be a casual player (a few nights a week for 1 to 3 hours with no long stretches over the weekend) so I’ll likely lag behind this 25k gain. Being a casual player is one of the big draw cards for playing PfO, as I won’t fall behind in xp, only in gold and time spent earning achievements to qualify for various skills.

I’m looking forward to getting the rush from PvP, and getting used to dying. PfO planned system will take a lot of the sting out of it thanks to threading. It might even be a viable build to get your character to a certain level and stop progressing them. This could give a decent chance at fighting while having practically all of your items threaded and safe, thus not being too concerned if you die. Some much to look forward to in PfO.

Goblin Squad Member

Bringslite wrote:

Welcome Krangor!

I will help you as little or as much as you like.

I am Kodakhan Hammerhand. :)

Thanks Bringslite. I’ve been meaning try out Darkfall as I’m a PvP whimp. The only time I ever got close to it was on City of Arabel (a NWN server) and I ran away, so I really need to learn a few things so I stand a chance on PfO. I managed to play a whole ten minutes last night, so I’m still in the starting area, and the tutorial has stopped at the Shadow Caves. I can see this game is going to take a while to master as it’s twitch-based which is a new concept for me.

While my Tovaar is currently a Slayer/Baresark I don’t intend on putting any points in it, I’ll be saving up reknown for Elementalist or Primalist. Perhaps you could answer some questions and give some advice for a total noob.

I gather that we can switch roles once every half hour and we can spend reknown to improve role based and general skills. Does this mean we can gain max levels in any role, or can we only purchase one ultimate and a limited amount of skills in other roles.

I’m thinking of making my main role a Primalist specialising in healing. Is this a viable build or will I need to buy a lot of other skills to survive? If going a healer isn’t a goer then I’d probably look at the elementalist.

I assume that role based skills can only be used when that role is activated and the other skills (like weapon skills, crafting and armour use) can be used irrespective of the role, is this correct?

I tried to sign-up to the PfO Fan site to gain access to team speak (though generally I’ll listen so as to not disturb the rest of my house). The first step worked and I got the email, but the second step where I fill in my profile details failed. Are the any known issues? Otherwise I’ll try again tonight and see if I can get it going

Goblin Squad Member

I thought I'd finally try this.

Krangor Fireshield Tovarr (Slayer/Baresark)

Goblin Squad Member

Hmm I’m very join in on the Darkfall game. It will make an interesting change to Marvel Heroes & City of Arabel (NWN server) How long does it take to download this game once it’s been purchased? I guess I better start reading up on the Character creation guidelines.

Goblin Squad Member

Dak Thunderkeg wrote:

Check Dark Horse, he is Ravening. Just for example. It is like kindergarden for super secret agents.

Actually I'm Blaeringr

Goblin Squad Member

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Most of what you’re hoping for will be created by players interacting with other players. For instance a group of players will decide to band together and create a settlement/organisation. From those in character (IC) and out of character (OOC) interactions players/characters will be assigned various roles. PFO will include tools that will allow characters to be assigned to different positions within the settlement/organisation. These roles will affect the DI of a settlement and/or give certain characters control over finances, resources, and how the organisation is run.

In relation to Priesthoods. I wouldn’t be surprised if a character has to perform quests in game that allowed them to become official parts of a religious originations. Much like assassins will have to join an NPC guild to gain access to various abilities. We’ve also been told that our characters will be able to advance their reputations with an NPC organisation at the detriment of decreasing our reputations with opposed organisations. I suspect that being part of a religious group will allow characters to learn special restricted skills and abilities, which very well may act in a similar fashion to your prayer ideas.

While we haven’t been given the nitty gritty on all of the above, it certainly sounds like PFO will be able to cater to the gameplay style you’re hoping for.

Goblin Squad Member

This Council idea really needs to be a meta organisation similar to the Treaty of Rovagug. Whereby all organisations are represented. It could be as simple as a website to list potential griefers and Goonswarm type organisations. Once targets have been accurately selected, its then up to the various groups to take action against them. The various groups can make up their own in-game reasons as to why they’re acting against individuals or larger communities. If this isn’t having much impact on the larger organisations then plan a weekend where all participating groups target the Goonswarm. The real issue will be stopping the Goonswarm joining the council and finding out ahead of time that they’re going to be attacked.

Frankly though all of the above efforts could prove fruitless if the Goonswarm come to PFO in numbers. In such a case shouldn’t PFO take some action to protect the rest of the player base. Couldn’t they lock Goonswarm and its members into a difference instance from everyone else? I’m not savvy enough to know how these things work in a computer game, but there must be ways that PFO can use to limit the harm they cause the community.

Goblin Squad Member

I proposed a new flag in the other flag thread called Duellist. Not only could this be used for those who want to go around challenging others to honourable duels, it could also be used as part of PiP. For roleplayers this would allow characters to simulate both testing and training in martial skills. For instance if you wanted to join the Empyrean Order, you may be required to duel one of the trainer characters to see what level of skill your character possesses. It could also be connected to a training ground (special ‘building’ that a settlement would need to buy) which allows the training of massed combat, so characters can practice using cohesion and other combat skills.

The Duellist flag is for players who want to challenge other players in honourable combat. It can be used by any character type and allows a player to issue a challenge to request a fight. While the duellist flag is in operation any other player may issue the duellist a challenge. Declining the invitation removes the duellist flag which can’t be reactivated for a period time.

• When a duel is accepted the challenged player acquires the duellist flag
• A wager can be placed on the outcome of the duel (reputation, coin or item). If a wager is desired by both players, then both parties must accept the other parties offer.
• No reputation is lost for defeating a challenged player
• The winner of the duel doesn’t gain negative flags for defeating the challenged player
• The loser of the duel doesn’t die or drop a corpse bag. They defeated player recovers fully, moments after the duel
• If duels are allowed within a settlement, then no NPC guard is summoned upon the defeat of one of the players.
• If a player outside of the duel assist one of the duellist, then he gains the involved flag and loses reputation for interfering. The interfering player can’t offer or accept a duel for up to one hour.
• A record of all duels are linked to each character and can be viewed by other players.
• A duellist can’t challenge the same player within a specified period of time.

Design Notes:
Rules would need to be established around how often two characters can duel, particularly in the case of wagering reputation points, to remove reputation farming from one character to another. It would also be cool if a characters duellist scoreboard somehow ranked the overall combat ability between the two parties. For instance if a fighter(8) character always challengers characters with crafting skills and little to no combat ability, it would be obvious that he might be farming reputation from his buddies, and not a serious duellist.

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:

@Bad Horse, your avatar matches another player who posts here very often, and it took me until your 2nd post to realize you were someone different.

Had I paid more attention to your name on that first post, I would have immediately greeted you with a hearty "Hail, Thoroughbred of Sin!" :)

At last a connoisseur of quality entertainment. I was going to have “He rides across the nation the thoroughbred of sin” as my signature but I failed my Intelligence check. It’s true I did get the idea from seeing Xeen’s avatar. Once I saw the headless horsemen picture I just had to create this alias, apparently 14 people use that picture also. My shameful geek confession is that I use the bad horse song as my ring tone on my cell phone.

Goblin Squad Member

It seems to me that crafters in PFO will have more in common with Artificers from Eberron than spellcasters who've picked up a few feats. If this is the case then your character could dedicate himself to making items, some of which he won’t be able to use due to not having access to the required abilities. Conversely spellcasters will be reliant of crafters to make powerful items for them. This seems like a good trade-off as both roles are reliant on the other. One to provide money and resources and the other to provide the finished goods. Characters can dabble in both sets of skills at the cost of not being as powerful/versatile as a single role specialist.

Goblin Squad Member

My thoughts on some possible flags

The Duellist flag is for players who want to challenge other players in honourable combat. It can be used by any character type and allows a player to issue a challenge to request a fight. While the duellist flag is in operation any other player may issue the duellist a challenge. Declining the invitation removes the duellist flag which can’t be reactivated for an hour.

• When a duel is accepted the challenged player acquires the duellist flag
• A wager can be placed on the outcome of the duel (reputation, coin or item). If a wager is desired by both players then both parties must accept the other parties offer.
• No reputation is lost for defeating a challenged player
• The winner of the duel doesn’t gain negative flags for defeating the challenged player
• The loser of the duel doesn’t die or drop a corpse bag. They defeated player recovers fully, moments after the duel
• If duels are allowed within a settlement, then no NPC guard is summoned upon the defeat of one of the players.
• If a player outside of the duel assist one of the duellist, then he gains the involved flag and loses reputation for interfering. The interfering player can’t offer or accept a duel for up to one hour.
• A record of all duels are linked to a player and can be viewed by other players.
• A duellist can’t challenge the same player within a specified period of time.

Design Notes:
Rules would need to be established around how often two characters can duel, particularly in the case of wagering reputation points, to remove reputation farming from one character to another. It would also be cool if a characters duellist scoreboard somehow ranked the overall combat ability between the two parties. For instance if a fighter(8) character always challengers characters with crafting skills and little to no combat ability, it would be obvious that he might be farming reputation from his buddies, and not a serious duellist.

The slaver flag is for players who want to use slaves to harvest and transport resources.

• This flag can be activated by any non-good aligned player, when he sets up a camp to harvest resources or when he wants to transports goods.
• While the slaver flag is active;
• The player gains a bonus to resource harvesting speed. This increases each hour the flag is active up to ten hours.
• The player gains a bonus to encumbrance so he (and his slaves) can carry more items. This increases each hour the flag is active up to ten hours.
• If a player uses slaves to harvest good, then they must use slaves to transport the goods
• Each time the character uses the Slaver flag they lose good vs evil
• Anyone may kill a Slaver without fearing reputation or alignment loss
• The slaver flag lasts an equal amount of time (minimum of one hour) beyond the resource harvesting and transportation of the goods

Design Notes:
It would be cool if slaves are used for harvesting resources that a resource gathering camp is somehow marked as using slaves and who created the camp. This would also be good if this marker persisted for a while after the resource camp was disbanded. This would allow other players to know who has been using slaves, even if the slaver doesn’t currently have the slave flag active.

In regards to transporting goods from a resource node it would be fun if an npc slave appears shackled to the player. If the slave is freed or the player abandons the slave (to run away from crusaders) then a percentage of the gathered resource is lost and accessible via the slaves inventory. I could imagine both good and evil players trying to pray on the slaver. If a player frees a slave then the resources could be lost (to enable the slaves make a fresh start), otherwise an evil player could only get the slaves inventory by stealing the slaves and becoming a slaver himself. Killing the slaves (accidentally or not) would gain the player evil points. So a good player would need to be careful to not fireball a slaver, which result in killing the slaves.